๐Ÿฌ Storage Institutes


Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC)

  • This corporation was established as a statutory body in New Delhi in 1957.
  • It acquires and build godowns and warehouses at suitable places in India.
  • It also subscribes to the shared capital of SWCs.
  • CWC operates 422 warehouses across the country with 10.1 million tonnes capacity.

State Warehousing Corporations (SWCs)

  • The first state warehouse was set up in Bihar in 1956.
  • The total share capital of the State Warehousing Corporations is contributed equally by the concerned State Government and CWC. (50 : 50)

Food Corporation of India (FCI)

  • Established in 1965.
  • HQ: New Delhi
  • Nodal agency for procurement of Cereals (Wheat, Rice, Coarse millets).
  • Function:
    • To procure a sizeable portion of the marketable surplus of food grains at incentive prices from the farmers on behalf of the Central and State Governments.
    • To make timely release of the stocks through the public distribution system (fair price shops and controlled items shops) so that consumer price may not rise unduly and unnecessarily.
    • To minimize seasonal price fluctuations and inter-regional price variations in food commodities by establishing a purchasing and distribution network; and
    • To build up a sizable buffer stock of cereals to meet the situations that may arise as a result of shortfalls in internal procurement and imports.

Cotton Corporation of India (CCI)

  • The Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) as a public sector agency was setup by the Ministry of Commerce, GoI in 1970.
  • HQ: Mumbai
  • Major role: Undertake price support operations for cotton.
  • It was organized for handling of imports, purchasing of domestic cotton to safeguard the interests of growers and consumers, imparting the needed stability to cotton prices in the long run and maintain the supplies to government and private textile mills.

Jute Corporation of India (JCI)

  • As a public sector agency was setup by the Ministry of Commerce, GoI in 1971.
  • HQ: Kolkota
  • It ensures the jute growers a reasonable price for their produce and save them from exploitation by middlemen.

Specialized Commodity Boards (under Ministry of Commerce)

Marine Product Export Development Authority (MPEDA)

  • Setup in 1972 to undertake the promotional work relating to the export of marine products.


  • The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) was established by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act passed by the Parliament in December, 1985. Came into force in 13th February, 1986.
  • H.Q. New Delhi
  • APEDA is mandated with the responsibility of export promotion and development of the following scheduled products:
  1. Fruits, Vegetables and their Products
  2. Meat and Meat Products
  3. Poultry and Poultry Products
  4. Dairy Products
  5. Confectionery, Biscuits and Bakery Products
  6. Honey, Jaggery and Sugar Products
  7. Cocoa and its products, chocolates of all kinds
  8. Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
  9. Cereal and Cereal Products
  10. Groundnuts, Peanuts and Walnuts
  11. Pickles, Papads and Chutneys
  12. Guar Gum
  13. Floriculture and Floriculture Products
  14. Herbal and Medicinal Plants
  • In addition to this, APEDA has been entrusted with the responsibility to monitor import of sugar.

Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC)

  • This corporation was established as a statutory body in New Delhi in 1957.
  • It acquires and build godowns and warehouses at suitable places in India.
  • It also subscribes to the shared capital of SWCs.
  • CWC operates 422 warehouses across the country with 10.1 million tonnes capacity.

State Warehousing Corporations (SWCs)

  • The first state warehouse was set up in Bihar in 1956.
  • The total share capital of the State Warehousing Corporations is contributed equally by the concerned State Government and CWC. (50 : 50)

Food Corporation of India (FCI)

  • Established in 1965.
  • HQ: New Delhi
  • Nodal agency for procurement of Cereals (Wheat, Rice, Coarse millets).
  • Function:
    • To procure a sizeable portion of the marketable surplus of โ€ฆ

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