🎰 Linear Programming

Learn about Linear Programming

  • Linear programming was developed by George B Dantzing (1947) during second world war.
  • It has been widely used to find the optimum resource allocation and enterprise combination.
  • The word linear is used to describe the relationship among two or more variables which are directly proportional. For example, doubling (or tripling) the production of a product will exactly double (or triple) the profit and the required resources, then it is linear relationship.
  • Programming implies planning of activities in a manner that achieves some optimal result with restricted resources.

Definition of L.P.

  • Linear programming is defined as the optimization (Minimization or maximization) of a linear function subject to specific linear inequalities or equalities.
  • LP is used in optimization problems like,
    • Minimization of Cost
    • Minimization of use of resources
    • Maximization of Profit

Assumptions of Linear Programming

  • Linearity: It describes the relationship among two or more variables which are directly proportional.
  • Additivity: Total input required is the sum of the resources used by each activity. Total product is sum of the production from each activity.
  • Divisibility: Resources can be used in fractional amounts. Similarly, the output can be produced in fractions.
  • Non negativity: Resources and activities cannot take negative values. That means the level of activities or resources cannot be less than zero.
  • Finiteness of activities and resource restrictions: There is limit to the number of activities and resource constraints.
  • Single value expectations: Resource supplies, input-output coefficients and prices are known with certainty.

Advantages of L.P.

  • Allocation problems are solved.
  • Provides possible and practical solution.
  • Improves the quality of decisions.
  • Highlights the constraints in the production.
  • Helps in optimum use of resources.
  • Provides information on marginal value products (shadow prices).


  • Linearity
  • Considers only one objective for optimization.
  • Does not consider the effect of time and uncertainty
  • No guarantee of integer solutions
  • Single valued expectations.
  • Linear programming was developed by George B Dantzing (1947) during second world war.
  • It has been widely used to find the optimum resource allocation and enterprise combination.
  • The word linear is used to describe the relationship among two or more variables which are directly proportional. For example, doubling (or tripling) the production of a product will exactly double (or triple) the profit and the required resources, then it is linear relationship.
  • Programming implies planning of activities in a manner that achieves some optimal result with restricted resources.

Definition of L.P.

  • Linear programming is defined as the optimization (Minimization or maximization) of a linear function subject to specific linear inequalities or equalities.
  • LP is used in optimization problems like, …

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