šŸš‹ Tillage Implements

Primary and Secondary Tillage Implements

Primary Tillage Implements

  • The initial major soil working operations designed to plough the soil deeply to reduce soil strength, cover plant materials and rearrange aggregates is called primary tillage.
  • Tractor draws implements include mould-board ploughs, disc ploughs, heavy duty disk harrows, subsoiler, chisel ploughs etc.


  • Plough was invented during 2900 BC.
  • The main implement which is used for primary tillage is Plough used for ploughing operations.
  • Ploughing is the primary tillage operation which is performed to cut, break and invert the soil partially or completely.
  • Iron plough was invented by James Small.
  • Normal ploughing under primary tillage operation is usually done up to 15 cm depth.
  • Vertical suction/clearance: Adjustment for depth control in M.B. plough.
  • Horizontal suction/Side clearance: This suction helps M.B. plough to cut the proper width of furrow slice.
  • Through clearance: It is perpendicular distance between point of share and lower position of the beam of the plough.
  • Pull: total force required to pull an implements.
  • Draft: Horizontal component of the pull, parallel to line of motion.
  • Side draft: Horizontal component of the pull, perpendicular to line of motion.
  • Unit draft: Draft per unit area.
  • Effective field capacity: It is the actual area covered by implements, based on its total time consumed and its width (ha/hr).
  • Theoretical field capacity: It is the theoretical area covered by implements, based on its total time consumed and its width (ha/hr).
  • Field Efficiency = (Effective field capacity/Theoretical field capacity) x 100
  • Soil pulverization is quality of work in terms of soil aggregates and clod size. This is measured by Penetrometer.
  • Cohesion: Force of attraction between similar particles.(e.g. soil and soil)
  • Adhesion: Force of attraction between dissimilar particles (e.g. soil and metal)
  • Gathering: Whenever a plough works round a strip of ploughed land, it is said to be gathering.
  • Casting: Whenever a plough works round a strip of un-ploughed land, it is said to be casting.
  • Certain important terms related with ploughing of land:
    • Furrow: A trench formed by an implement in the soil during the field operation.
    • Furrow slice: The mass of soil cut, lifted and thrown to one side.
    • Furrow wall: An undisturbed soil surface by the side of a furrow.
  • Crown: The top portion of the turned furrow slice.
  • Back furrow: A raised ridge left at the centre of the strip of land when ploughing is started from centre to side.
  • Dead furrow: An open trench left in between two adjacent strips of land after finishing the ploughing.

Types of plough

šŸ‘‰šŸ» The different type of ploughs are as follows:

  • Indigenous plough
  • Mould board plough
  • Disc plough
  • Chisel plough
  • Sub soiler
  • Rotary plough

List of Primary Tillage Implements

Country Plough (Indigenous Plough)

  • Main parts of a plough:
    • Body
    • Share
    • Shoe
    • Beam
    • Handle
  • Body: It is the main frame to which the shoe, beam and handle are attached.
  • Share: It is a narrow steel bar attached to the upper surface of the shoe longitudinally along the centre line and the handle are generally attached to the body of the plough.
  • Types:
    • Slip share
    • Slip nose
    • Shin
    • Bar point
  • Material of Share: The shares are made of chilled cast iron or steel. The steel mainly contains about 0.70 to 0.80% carbon and about 0.50 to 0.80% manganese besides other minor elements.
  • Shoe: The share is attached to the shoe which penetrates into the soil and breaks it open. The shoe also helps in stabilizing and balancing the plough while in operation.
  • The plough is provided with a wooden beam and a handle.
  • Important points:
    • It is an animal drawn plough.
    • It penetrates into the soil and breaks it open. It forms V shaped furrows with 15-20 cm top width and 12-15 cm depth.
    • It can be used for ploughing in dry land, garden land and wetlands.
    • The size of the plough is represented by the width of the body and the field capacity is around 0.4 ha per day of 8 hours.
    • Working efficiency of desi plough is 0.32 hp/day.

Sub Soiler

  • All plough and Sub-soiler (open up hard span below 40 cm depth) are the primary tillage implements.
  • Infiltration of soil is with hard pan can be increased by subsoiling.
  • Sub soiler works up to the depth of 45 - 75 cm.

Mould Board Plough

  • Mould board is an implement which is used for ploughing. AFO-2021
  • Mould Board ploughs are available for animals, power tiller and tractor operation.
  • While working, a mould board plough does four jobs namely:
    • Cutting the furrow slice
    • Lifting the furrow slice
    • Inverting the furrow slice and
    • Pulverizing the furrow slices
  • Capacity 1.5-2.0 ha/day.

Disc Plough

  • It is a plough which cuts, turns and in some cases breaks furrow slices by means of separately mounted large steel discs.
  • A disc plough is designed with a view to reduce friction by making a rolling plough bottom instead of sliding plough bottom.
  • Disc plough is used for primary tillage and it is specially used where M.B. Plough is not useful such as hard and dry soil.
  • In some model disc plough is designed to operate as 2, 3 or 4 bottoms, by adding or removing sub beams the sub beam assemblies according to requirement.
  • Disc: It is a circular, Vertical Disc plough revolving steel plate used for cutting and inverting the soil.
  • Disc angle:
    • It is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disc is inclined to the direction of travel.
    • Usually the disc angle of good plough varies between 42 to 45Ā°.
  • Width of cut of plough is increases by increasing disc angle.
  • Tilt angle:
    • It is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disc is inclined to a vertical line.
    • The tilt angle varies from 15Ā° to 25Ā° for a good plough.
  • Scraper: It is device to remove the soil that tend to stick to the working surface of disc.

Secondary Tillage Implements

  • Tillage operations performed after primary tillage to create proper soil tilth for seeding and planting are called secondary tillage.
  • These operations are lighter and finer operations performed on the soil after primary tillage operations.
  • Harrows, cultivators, sweeps, cloud crushers, levelers, bund formers, puddlers, roller and hoes are come under secondary tillage implements.


  • A harrow is an implement that cuts the soil to a shallow depth for smoothening and pulverizing the soil as well as to cut the weeds and to mix materials with soil.
  • It is an implement used to break the clods after ploughing, to collect trash from the ploughed land and to level the seed bed.
  • Harrow is used for harrowing, which is a secondary tillage operation, which pulverizes, smoothens and packs the soil in seed bed preparation and to control weeds.
  • Types of harrows used in India
    • Disc harrow
    • Spring tooth harrow
    • Spike tooth harrow
    • Blade harrow (Bakhar)
    • Triangular harrow
    • Zig-zag harrow
    • Bodela
    • Guntaka
    • Bindha
    • Rotary tiller
    • Other harrows

Disc Harrow

  • It is a harrow, which performs the harrowing operation by means of a set of rotating discs, each set being mounted on a common shaft.
  • Disc harrow is found very suitable for hard ground with full of stalks and grasses.
  • It cuts the lumps of soil, clods and roots.
  • Types of disc harrows:
    • Depending upon the source of power, disc harrows are of two types:
    • Tractor drawn (depending upon the disc arrangements, disc harrows are divided into two classes ā€” Single action and Double disc.
    • Animal drawn
  • Single action disc harrow: Harrow with two gangs placed end to end which throws the soil in opposite directions.
  • Double action disc harrow:
    • A disc harrow containing two or more gangs, in which a set of one or two gangs follow behind the set of the other one or two, arranged in such a way that the front and back gangs throw the soil in opposite directions.
    • Thus the entire field is worked twice in each strip.
    • It maybe of two types: Tandem and off-set.
  • Tandem Disc Harrow
  • Off-set Disc harrow
  • Parts of Disc Harrow:
    • Disc: Concave disc 35-70 cm diameter
    • Gang: It is an assembly of concave discs mounted on a common shaft with spools in between.
    • Spool or Spacer: The flanged tube, mounted on the gang axle between every two discs to retain them at fixed position laterally on the shaft is called Spool or Spacer.
    • The other parts are Gang bolt, Gang angle, Gang control lever, Spools or Spacer, Bearings, Transport wheels, Scraper and Weight Box.
  • Tractor drawn harrow has a capacity of 2.5 ha/day.

Power harrow ā€“ tractor drawn

  • A power harrow tills the soil maintaining the same profile of the field.
  • It pulverizes the upper and lower layer of soil without turning them upside down and thus it forms a good seed bed as well as good soil mulch.
  • It consists of two horizontal cross bars fitted with rigid pegs which reciprocate taking power from the PTO of a tractor.
  • The pegs are spaced 200 mm wide and are staggered with respect to each cross bar.
  • The two bars move in opposite directions and hence the implement is dynamically balanced.
  • The oscillating pegs break the clods and pulverizes the soil to a fine tilth.
  • The width of the operation is 2000 mm and the field capacity is around 1.5 ha/day.

Rotary Tiller (Rotavator)

  • The rotary tiller or rotary cultivator is widely considered as the most important implement as it provides fine degree of soil pulverization.
  • It is directly mounted to the tractor and operated.
  • The rotor is operated at 180 ā€“ 200 rpm.
  • Capacity is 0.5 ha/hr.
  • Types of blades used in rotary tillers
    • ā€˜Lā€™ type blade: Works well in trashy conditions. More effective in cutting weeds and but do not pulverize the soil much.
    • Twisted blade: Suitable for deep tillage in relatively clean grounds, but clogging and wrapping of trashes on the tynes and shafts needs frequent cleaning.
    • Straight blade: Employed on mulchers designed mainly for secondary tillage.
  • The benefits of the rotary tiller are:
    • effective pulverization of soil ensures good plant growth
    • cutting and mixing of stubbles and roots and mixing with soil and
    • leveling of the field

Other Important Implements

  • Basin lister: Prevent runoff and form basins.
  • Sweep cultivator: Harvesting groundnut and used in stubble mulching.
  • Potato digger: Used to harvest potatoes
  • Groundnut digger: Used to harvest groundnut.
  • Maize Sheller: Used to separate maize grains from cobs.
  • Seed dressing drum: Used to treat the seed with chemicals.
  • Hand gin: Used to separate lint from seed cotton.
  • No-till planter: Used for sowing. AFO 2017

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