๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿผโ€๐Ÿ”ฌ Z Test

One Sample and Two Sample Tests

Standard Normal Deviate Tests or Large Sample Tests

  • If the sample size n > 30 then it is considered as large sample and if the sample size n < 30 then it is considered as small sample.

SND Test or One Sample (Z-test)

  • Given by R.A. Fisher.

Case-I: Population standard deviation (ฯƒ) is known Assumptions:


  • Population is normally distributed
  • The sample is drawn at random


  • Population standard deviation ฯƒ is known
  • Size of the sample is large (say n > 30)


  • Let x1, x2, โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ xn be a random sample size of n from a normal population with mean ฮผ and variance ฯƒ2.
  • Let x be the sample mean of sample of size โ€œnโ€
  • Null hypothesis (H0): population mean (ยต) is equal to a specified value ฮผ0
  • i.e. H0 : ยต = ยต0
  • Under H0, the test statistic is
  • i.e. the above statistic follows Normal Distribution with mean โ€œ0โ€ and varaince โ€Ÿ1โ€. If the calculated value of Z < table value of Z at 5% level of significance, H0 is accepted and hence we conclude that there is no significant difference between the population mean and the one specified in H0 as ยต0.

Case-II: If ฯƒ is not known


  • Population is normally distributed
  • Sample is drawn from the population should be random
  • We should know the population mean Conditions:
  • Population standard deviation ฯƒ is not known
  • Size of the sample is large (say n > 30)
  • Null hypothesis (H0): ยต = ยต0 under H0, the test statistic
  • If the calculated value of Z < table value of Z at 5% level of significance, H0 is accepted and hence we conclude that there is no significant difference between the population mean and the one specified in H0 otherwise we do not accept H0.
  • The table value of Z at 5% level of significance = 1.96 and table value of Z at 1% level of significance = 2.58.

Two sample Z-Test or Test of significant for difference of means

Case-I: When ฯƒ is known


  • Populations are distributed normally
  • Samples are drawn independently and at random Conditions:
  • Populations standard deviation ฯƒ is known
  • Size of samples are large


  • Let x1 be the mean of a random sample of size n1 from a population with mean ยต1 and variance ฯƒ22
  • Let x2 be the mean of a random sample of size n2 from another population with mean ยต2 and variance ฯƒ22
  • Null hypothesis H0: ฯƒ1 = ฯƒ2
  • Alternative Hypothesis H1: ฯƒ1 โ‰  ฯƒ2
  • i.e. The null hypothesis states that the population means of the two samples are identical. Under the null hypothesis the test statistic becomes
  • i.e. the above statistic follows Normal Distribution with mean โ€œ0โ€ and variance โ€œ1โ€. If ฯƒ12 = ฯƒ22 = ฯƒ2 (say) i.e. both samples have the same standard deviation then the test statistic becomes
  • If the calculated value of |Z| < table value of Z at 5% level of significance, H0 is accepted.
  • Otherwise rejected. If H0 is accepted means, there is no significant difference between two population means of the two samples are identical.

Example: The Average panicle length of 60 paddy plants in field No. 1 is 18.5 cms and that of 70 paddy plants in field No. 2 is 20.3 cms. With common S.D. 1.15 cms. Test whether there is significant difference between two paddy fields w.r.t panicle length.


  • Null hypothesis: H0: There is no significant difference between the means of two paddy fields w.r.t. panicle length.
  • H0: ฮผ1 = ฮผ2
  • Under H0, the test statistic becomes

  • Substitute the given values in equation (1), we get
  • Calculated value of Z = 8.89
  • Calculated Value of Z > table value of Z at 5% LOS (1.96), H0 is rejected. This means, there is highly significant difference between two paddy fields w.r.t. panicle length.

Case-II: When ฯƒ is not known


  • Populations are normally distributed
  • Samples are drawn independently and at random Conditions:
  • Population standard deviation ฯƒ is not known
  • Size of samples are large

Null hypothesis H0: ฮผ1 = ฮผ2

  • Under the null hypothesis the test statistic becomes

  • If the calculated value of |Z| < table value of Z at 5% level of significance, H0 is accepted otherwise rejected.


  • A breeder claims that the number of filled grains per panicle is more in a new variety of paddy ACM.5 compared to that of an old variety ADT.36. To verify his claim a random sample of 50 plants of ACM.5 and 60 plants of ADT.36 were selected from the experimental fields.
  • The following results were obtained:


  • Null hypothesis H0: ฮผ1 = ฮผ2 (i.e. the average number of filled grains per panicle is the same for both ACM.5 and ADT.36)
  • Under H0, the test statistic becomes

  • Substitute the given values in equation (1), we get
  • Calculated value of Z > Table value of Z at 5% LOS (1.96), H0 is rejected. We conclude that the number of filled grains per panicle is significantly greater in ACM.5 than in ADT.36

Standard Normal Deviate Tests or Large Sample Tests

  • If the sample size n > 30 then it is considered as large sample and if the sample size n < 30 then it is considered as small sample.

SND Test or One Sample (Z-test)

  • Given by R.A. Fisher.

Case-I: Population standard deviation (ฯƒ) is known Assumptions:


  • Population is normally distributed
  • The sample is drawn at random


  • Population standard deviation ฯƒ is known
  • Size of the sample is large (say n > 30)


  • Let x1, x2, โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ xn be a random sample size of n from a normal population with mean ฮผ and variance ฯƒ2.
  • Let x be the sample mean of sample of size โ€œnโ€
  • Null hypothesis (H0): population mean (ยต) is equal to a specified value ฮผ0
  • i.e. H0 : ยต = ยต0
  • Under H0, the test statistic is
  • i.e. the above โ€ฆ

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