🟡 Rapeseed and Mustard
Important points related to Rapeseed and Mustard.
- Botanical name: Brassica spp.
- Family: Cruciferae AFO-2021
- Origin:
- AICRP on oilseed was started on 1967.
- Pods of mustard known as

- Inflorescence of mustard in known as
. - Evolution of Brassica species: [NOC] – [NO – Car] – [Or Cat - pus] – []
B. carinata
= B. nigra x B. oleraciaB. napus
= B. oleracia x B. compestris- B. juncia = B. nigra x B. compestris
Mustard species
- Brassica compestris – Sarson
- Brassica napus – Rapseed
- Brassica juncea – Brown mustard (Indian mustard)
- Brassica nigra – Black mustard (used for condiment purpose)
- Brassica carinata – Ethiopian mustard
- Brassica rapa – Toria (most widely spread in world)
- Eruca sativa – Taramira
Rapeseed vs Mustard

- Cool temperature, 🥶 clear dry weather with bright sunshine ☀️ accompanied with adequate soil moisture increases the oil percentage of crop.
- The crop cannot tolerate drought as well as water logging condition.
- This crop does not tolerate frost.
- Mustard crop requires the temperatures between 10°C to 25°C.
- Mostly grown in
- Mustard can be grown in wide varieties of soils that ranges from light to heavy loamy soils.
- Soil ideal pH range for Mustard is 6.0 to 7.5

- Sowing time: October 3rd week to November 1st week
- Seed rate:
- Pure crop:
4 to 6 kg/ha
- Mixed crop: 2 to 3 kg/ha
- Pure crop:
- Spacing:
- Mustard/Rai: 45cm x 15cm
- Toria/Rapeseed: 30cm x 10cm
- Irrigation: 2 irrigations, 350-450 mm water requirement
- Critical stages:
- Rosette stage (20-30 DAS)
- Siliqua formation stage
- Toria: Type-9, 36, Sangam, M-27
- Brown sarson: BS-70, Pusa kalyani, Sufla, BSH-1
- Yellow sarson: Benoy, Type-42
- Mustard (Rai/Laha): Kranti, Varuna, Krishna,
Pusa Bold
, Vardan, Rohni - Taramira: T-27
- Mustard hybrid:
Pusa Jai Kisan
(Bio 902): first variety Brassica juncea developed in the world - NRC-HB-506: It is the first hybrid of mustard in India developed from Directorate of Rapeseed and Mustard Research, Bharatpur, Rajsthan
- 00 or canola type variety of Gobhi sarson – PGSH-51
- A new raya mustard variety
(Triveni) with higher oil content (37-40%), for late sown conditions of Zone II of (Sriganganager, Ludhiana, Hisar, Delhi etc.)
- Nutrient management: 60 : 30 : 30 : 20 : 10 kg NPK S Zn/ha.


- Rapeseed: 14-20 q/ha
- Mustard:
20-25 q/ha
- Optimum moisture content for safe storage: 8 per cent