πŸ”… Pearl Millet

Important points related to cultivation of Pearl Millet.

Pearl Millet/ Bajra

  • Botanical Name: Pennisetum glaucum IBPS AFO 2012
  • Family: Poaceae
  • Chromosome: 2n = 14
  • Origin: Africa
  • Also called as Poor Man’s Food.
  • Cross pollinated crop due to Protogynous condition.


  • Bajra is a warm β˜€οΈ weather crop.
  • Best suited temperature for crop growth is between 27-30Β°C.
  • Requirement of rainfall throughout growth period is 250-350 mm.
  • It can tolerate hot temperature.
  • Pearl millet is the most drought tolerant crop among cereals and millets.
  • The rainfall at flowering time is harmful as it washes off the pollen and consequently there is poor seed setting.
  • Bajra is a short-day plant.
  • Seed rate: 4-5 kg/ha
  • Fodder Purpose: 10-12 kg/ha
  • Sowing: It is chiefly a rainfed crop during monsoon season. In most of the states is June-July.
  • Spacing: 45 x 12-15 cm.
  • Plant population: Approx 1,66,000 plants/ha.
  • Seeds should be sown about 2-3 cm deep.
  • Germination: Hypogeal


  • It does best on well drained sandy loams.
  • It is sensitive to water-logging.
  • Pearl millet is sensitive to acidic soils.
  • 80 per cent phosphorus in grain stored in the form of phytate.

Manure & Fertilizers

  • 1st Hybrid: HB-1 (Tift 23A x BIL 3B) in 1965. (Hybrid Bajra -1)
  • HB-4: 1st hybrid developed by using local male parent, duration 80-85 days.
  • Productivity high in UP > Gujarat > Haryana
  • Weed control: Atrazine/propazine @ 0.5 kg/ ha as pre-emergence.


It is done 20-25 days after transplanting or 30-40 days after direct sowing. The early formed ear heads of the first tillers are pulled out or removed which will result in uniform flowering of all the tillers.



  • Harvest the crop when grains are hard enough having about 20 % moisture.
  • Rain fed crop yields about 12 to 16 quintals/ha.
  • Irrigated crop yields about 25 to 35 quintals/ha.
  • Fodder: 300-400q/ha.

Other Millets

  • Minor millets are mostly grown in dryland areas.

Cheena/Proso millet

  • Panicum miliacearum

Little millet

  • Panicum sumatrense

Foxtail/Italian/Jerman millet/Kakun

  • Seteria italica


  • It is Coarsest millet
  • Paspulum scrobiculatum

Madua/Ragi/Finger millet

  • Eleusine coracana

Sawan/Barnyard millet

  • Echinochloa frumentance

Japanese millet

  • Echinocloa escilenta

Pearl Millet/ Bajra

  • Botanical Name: Pennisetum glaucum IBPS AFO 2012
  • Family: Poaceae
  • Chromosome: 2n = 14
  • Origin: Africa
  • Also called as Poor Man’s Food.
  • Cross pollinated crop due to Protogynous condition.


  • Bajra is a warm β˜€οΈ weather crop.
  • Best suited temperature for crop growth is between 27-30Β°C.
  • Requirement of rainfall throughout growth period is 250-350 mm.
  • It can tolerate hot temperature.
  • Pearl millet is the most drought tolerant crop among cereals and millets.
  • The rainfall at flowering time is harmful as it washes off the pollen and consequently there is poor seed setting.
  • Bajra is a short-day plant.
  • Seed rate: 4-5 kg/ha
  • Fodder Purpose: 10-12 kg/ha
  • Sowing: It is chiefly a rainfed crop during monsoon season. In most of the states is June-July.
  • Spacing: 45 x 12-15 cm.
  • Plant …

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