🌻 Safflower

Important points related to Safflower.


  • Botanical name: Carthamus tinctorius
  • Family: Compositae
  • Safflower crop is known as Fencing crop/Border crop.
  • Origin: Southern United States & Mexico
  • Auxin activity is more in apical portion of flower.
  • Fruit of safflower - Achene


  • The crop requires a cool climate during germination and seedling growth.
  • Seedlings tolerate frosts moderately well until they reach the four to six leaf stage of development.
  • It requires warm weather from the seedling stage up to flowering stage and warm and sunny days during flowering to maturity.


  • Sunflower can be grown on a wide range of soils and tolerates a moderate pH range and some salinity.
  • It thrives best on deep loam soils with good drainage and irrigation facilities.
  • The optimum range of soil pH for this crop is 6.5 to 8.5.
  • Sowing time:
    • Kharif: July to 1st week of August
    • Rabi: November 1st to 2nd week
    • Summer: February 2nd week
  • Germination type: Epigeal
  • Seed rate
    • Normal: 8-10 kg per hectare.
    • The seed should be sown at 3-4 cm depth for better stand.
  • Spacing:
    • Kharif: 60 x 20 cm.
    • Rabi: 45 x 20 cm.
  • Irrigation: 2-3 irrigations
  • Critical stages:
    • Bud initiation (35-40 DAS)
    • Flower opening (55-65 DAS)
    • Seed filling (65-90 DAS)
  • Varieties: JSF-1,2,5, JSI-7, EB-7, JSH-129
  • Nutrient management: 40 : 40 : 30 : 20 kg NPKS/ha at sowing time.
  • Topping: 40 to 50 days after sowing to increase lateral branching.




  • Yield: The crop is ready for harvest when moisture in seed is 20 percent
  • 18-20 qt/ha


  • Botanical name: Carthamus tinctorius
  • Family: Compositae
  • Safflower crop is known as Fencing crop/Border crop.
  • Origin: Southern United States & Mexico
  • Auxin activity is more in apical portion of flower.
  • Fruit of safflower - Achene


  • The crop requires a cool climate during germination and seedling growth.
  • Seedlings tolerate frosts moderately well until they reach the four to six leaf stage of development.
  • It requires warm weather from the seedling stage up to flowering stage and warm and sunny days during flowering to maturity.


  • Sunflower can be grown on a wide range of soils and tolerates a moderate pH range and some salinity.
  • It thrives best on deep loam soils with good drainage and irrigation facilities.
  • The optimum range of soil pH for this crop is 6.5 …

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