🧈 Sesame/Til

Important points related to Sesame/Til.


  • Botanical Name: Sesamum indicum
  • Family: Pedaliaceae
  • Origin: India
  • Sesame crop contains 18-20 per cent protein and 50 per cent oil.


  • It is generally cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical.
  • Ideal temperature for sesame cultivation is between 25°C – 27°C.


  • Soil is well drained and light loamy soil for better growth performance.
  • Adding well rotten Farmyard Manure to the soil is beneficial in getting higher yields.
  • Sandy soils and saline are not suitable for sesame cultivation.
  • Seed rate: Line sowing - 3-4 kg/ha Broadcasting - 5-7 kg/ha
  • Sowing of seed with sand mixture for uniform sowing followed by hoed in to cover the seeds. The depth of sowing should not be more than 3 cm.
  • Seed treatment: 1.5 gm Thirum + 1.5 gm Bavistin per kg of seed
  • Spacing: 30 x 10 cm
  • Water requirement: 500 mm (5-6 irrigation in summer)
  • Critical stages:
    1. 4-5 leaf stage (25-30 DAS)
    2. Flowering stage
    3. Capsule/Pod formation stage
  • Varieties: Jawahar Til - 21, 7, Gwalior 5, 35, GT-17
  • Nutrient management: 30 : 60 : 30 kg NPK/ha
  • Weed management: Basalin @ 1 kg ai/ha or Alachlor @ 0.75 kg ai/ha.
  • Sesame is matured at 85-90 days after sowing.
  • Yield: 8-10 q/ha.




  • Botanical Name: Sesamum indicum
  • Family: Pedaliaceae
  • Origin: India
  • Sesame crop contains 18-20 per cent protein and 50 per cent oil.


  • It is generally cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical.
  • Ideal temperature for sesame cultivation is between 25°C – 27°C.


  • Soil is well drained and light loamy soil for better growth performance.
  • Adding well rotten Farmyard Manure to the soil is beneficial in getting higher yields.
  • Sandy soils and saline are not suitable for sesame cultivation.
  • Seed rate: Line sowing - 3-4 kg/ha Broadcasting - 5-7 kg/ha
  • Sowing of seed with sand mixture for uniform sowing followed by hoed in to cover the seeds. The depth of sowing should not be more than 3 cm.
  • Seed treatment: 1.5 gm Thirum + 1.5 gm Bavistin per kg of seed
  • Spacing: 30 x 10 cm …

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