π° Soybean
Important points related to Soybean.

- Botanical name:
Glycine max
- Also called
boneless meat
/Yellow Jewel of America
/Wonder crop
/ Miracle Crop in India. - Family: Leguminosae (Papilionaceae)
- Origin: Eastern Asia or
- Soybean is introduced in India from
. - Inflorescence: Raceme
- Fruit: Pod
- Soybean grows well in warm βοΈ and moist climate.
- Optimum temperature for growth of most of the varieties is 26-32 Β°C.
- Water requirement for proper growth is
600-750 mm
. - Soybean is a C3 and
plant. - Germination type:
- Well drained and fertile loam soils with a pH between 6.0-7.5 are most suitable for the Soybean.
- Sodic and saline soils inhabit germination of seeds.
Seed Rate
- Common:
70-80 kg/ha
- Late planting: 100-120 kg/ha
- Spacing: 30 cm x 10 cm
- Plant population: 3-4 lakh plants/ha
- Depth of sowing:
3-4 cm
- Sowing time: Sowing time is 3rd week of June to 1st fortnight of July.
- Irrigation: Kharif β No need, summer β 5 to 6 irrigations
- Critical stages:
- Sprouting stage
- Flowering stage
- Pod filling stage
- Grain development stage
- Beany taste in soybean is due to
compound. - The economic product of soybean crop is Oil, so called as oilseed crop.
- It contains
40 per cent protein
and20 per cent oil
. - Soybean contains the poly-unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) β
Linolic acid
&Oleic acid
- Nutrient management: 40 : 60 : 40 : 5 kg NPKZn/ha.
- Nitrogen fixation: 40 kg N/ha
- Nodule formation starts 2-3 weeks after sowing and nitrogen ο¬xation starts 2 weeks after nodule formation up to 6-8 weeks.
- Nodule formation: by
Rhizobium japonicum
(gramβve bacteria) - Due to presence of enzyme
, soybean is not used as dal which produces off flavour.

- Varieties: JS-2, 335, Indira Soya-9, PK-472, 1024, Gaurav, Ankur, Brag, Clark, NRC-2
- Intercropping: with Cotton, Arhar, Maize etc.
- Weed control:
@ 1.5 kg ai/ha (PRE) orFluchloralin
@ 1.0 kg ai/ha (PPI).
- Harvesting: Done at
20 per cent
seed moisture, when leaves start dropping, pods dried. - Pod formation stage is ideal to harvest for fodder purpose
- Yield: 20-25 qt/ha
