🚬 Tobaco
Important points related to Tobaco.

- Cultivation of tobacco in India is introduced by -
- Family: Solanaceae
- Chromosome No: 2n =
- Origin: Central America
- Area:
> India - Production:
China (40%)
> India (12%) - Productivity: Pakistan

- Indian tobacco

- Flue cured virginia (FCV):
Cigarae tobacco
, cover 30 per cent area &20 per cent
production of total. - Non-Virginia: Cover 70 per cent area &
80 per cent
production of total tobacco.

- Tobacco is a
tropical crop
. - Sensitive Waterlogging.
- Average temp of 26°C.
- Tobacco seeds require about 21°C temperature for germination.
- Rainfall / irrigation during active vegetative growth is essential.
- Tobacco is adapted to moderately acidic soils with a pH ranging from
5.5 to 6.5
. - Sodic soils are unfit for tobacco production because the plants absorb a lot of chloride ions which results a poor burning quality of leaves.
- Among 12 alkaloids present in tobacco,
is the most important one contributing about97%
. - Seed rate:
2.5 to 3.0 kg/ha
. - The seeds of tobacco are - positively photoblastic (germination is influenced by light) and proteolytic.
- The optimum time for sowing is the second fortnight of August.
- Types of tobacco required heavy nutrition supply including N: Chewing, Bidi, Hookah.
- Types of tobacco required low N:
- Mutant variety: Jayashri, Bhavya
- Hybrid –
- Most critical stages for irrigation is
Important Operation
- The sequence of different operations in tobacco crop is:
UPPSC 2021
- Removal of flower heads either alone or with few upper/top leaves from the plant to improve the size and quality of leaves.
- After topping auxiliary bud grow, removal of such lateral branches or suckers/ auxiliary buds is called de-suckering.
- The main aim of topping and de-suckering is
to divert energy and nutrient from flower head to leaves
. AFO-2021 - Done by:
- NAA in triethenolemin (2 per cent)
- MH (2 per cent)
- IBA (2 per cent)

Removal of mature lower leaves
.- Entire harvest needs 5-6 priming.
- Method of harvesting is popular in Cigarette, Wrapper & Chewing type

- Rabbing the seed bed before sowing with slow burn farm waste materials like paddy husk, tobacco stubbles, waste grass and palmyrah leaves etc.
- This prevents the
damping off disease
(Pythium aphanidermatum, P. debaryanum)
Stalk cutting method
- Cutting the entire plant close to the ground. Stalk is then hung upon a stick or lath. It is popular in Hookah, Bidi, Cheroot, Cigar & Chewing.

- A drying process, whereby most of the moisture of leaf is removed to impart required colour, texture and aroma to the final product.
- E.g. Flue curing used for cigarette process.
- The tobacco burning quality is positively related to
content of leaf. - Nicotine content is produced in
and accumulate inleaves
of tobacco.
Floopping in Tobacco