🚬 Tobaco

Important points related to Tobaco.


  • Cultivation of tobacco in India is introduced by - Portuguese
  • Family: Solanaceae
  • Chromosome No: 2n = 48
  • Origin: Central America
  • Area: China > India
  • Production: China (40%) > India (12%)
  • Productivity: Pakistan
  • Indian tobacco
  1. Flue cured virginia (FCV): Cigarae tobacco, cover 30 per cent area & 20 per cent production of total.
  2. Non-Virginia: Cover 70 per cent area & 80 per cent production of total tobacco.


  • Tobacco is a tropical crop.
  • Sensitive Waterlogging.
  • Average temp of 26°C.
  • Tobacco seeds require about 21°C temperature for germination.
  • Rainfall / irrigation during active vegetative growth is essential.


  • Tobacco is adapted to moderately acidic soils with a pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.5.
  • Sodic soils are unfit for tobacco production because the plants absorb a lot of chloride ions which results a poor burning quality of leaves.
  • Among 12 alkaloids present in tobacco, nicotine is the most important one contributing about 97%.
  • Seed rate: 2.5 to 3.0 kg/ha.
  • The seeds of tobacco are - positively photoblastic (germination is influenced by light) and proteolytic.
  • The optimum time for sowing is the second fortnight of August.
  • Types of tobacco required heavy nutrition supply including N: Chewing, Bidi, Hookah.
  • Types of tobacco required low N: Flue-cured, Cigarette, Cigar
  • Mutant variety: Jayashri, Bhavya
  • HybridGTH-1
  • Most critical stages for irrigation is Topping

Important Operation

  • The sequence of different operations in tobacco crop is:
    • Topping 👉🏻 Desuckering 👉🏻 Priming 👉🏻 Curing UPPSC 2021


  • Removal of flower heads either alone or with few upper/top leaves from the plant to improve the size and quality of leaves.


  • After topping auxiliary bud grow, removal of such lateral branches or suckers/ auxiliary buds is called de-suckering.
  • The main aim of topping and de-suckering is to divert energy and nutrient from flower head to leaves. AFO-2021
  • Done by:
    • NAA in triethenolemin (2 per cent)
    • MH (2 per cent)
    • IBA (2 per cent)


  • Removal of mature lower leaves.
  • Entire harvest needs 5-6 priming.
  • Method of harvesting is popular in Cigarette, Wrapper & Chewing type


  • Rabbing the seed bed before sowing with slow burn farm waste materials like paddy husk, tobacco stubbles, waste grass and palmyrah leaves etc.
  • This prevents the damping off disease (Pythium aphanidermatum, P. debaryanum)

Stalk cutting method

  • Cutting the entire plant close to the ground. Stalk is then hung upon a stick or lath. It is popular in Hookah, Bidi, Cheroot, Cigar & Chewing.


  • A drying process, whereby most of the moisture of leaf is removed to impart required colour, texture and aroma to the final product.
  • E.g. Flue curing used for cigarette process.
  • The tobacco burning quality is positively related to K content of leaf.
  • Nicotine content is produced in roots and accumulate in leaves of tobacco.

Floopping in Tobacco

Soils that stay wet for an extended period are detrimental to tobacco and standing water can cause tobacco to flop or drown. Leaves on “flopped” tobacco droop toward the ground. Heavy rainfall can stress a tobacco crop at any stage of growth, creating a poor root system if it occurs early in the season.


  • Cultivation of tobacco in India is introduced by - Portuguese
  • Family: Solanaceae
  • Chromosome No: 2n = 48
  • Origin: Central America
  • Area: China > India
  • Production: China (40%) > India (12%)
  • Productivity: Pakistan
  • Indian tobacco
  1. Flue cured virginia (FCV): Cigarae tobacco, cover 30 per cent area & 20 per cent production of total.
  2. Non-Virginia: Cover 70 per cent area & 80 per cent production of total tobacco.


  • Tobacco is a tropical crop.
  • Sensitive Waterlogging.
  • Average temp of 26°C.
  • Tobacco seeds require about 21°C temperature for germination.
  • Rainfall / irrigation during active vegetative growth is essential.


  • Tobacco is adapted to moderately acidic soils with a pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.5.
  • Sodic soils are unfit for tobacco production because …

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