🐃 Buffalo Breeds
Indigenous, Exotic, Cross Breeds
Which of the following statment is wrong?
Swamp Buffaloes | River Buffaloes |
Bubalus carabanesis | Bubalus bubalis |
AKA Wild water buffalo | AKA Indian buffalo, Milk buffalo or water buffalo |
It is exotic buffalo, body colour copper and dark brown, mainly used for drought animals E.g., Karabaow, Sinhala etc. | It is indeginous bufflo. The body colour is mostly black except Bhadawari and Surati which is copper colored. Mainly used as miltch animals. E.g. Murrah, Surti etc. |
Swamp buffaloes are found in the south-west & south-east regions of Asia and are powerful for carrying loads. | Found in the plains and low hill areas of India. |
Chromosome number, 2n = 48 | Chromosome number 2n = 50 |
Buffalo Breed Groups
- Native:
Haryana & Punjab
region. - The breed characteristics are massive body, neck and head comparatively long,
horns short and tightly curled
, Udder well developed, hip broad and fore and hind quarters drooping. The tail is long reaching the fetlock. White twitch. - The colour is usually jet black, with white markings on tail, and face and extremities sometimes found.
- The bullocks are good draught animals though slow and powerful.
- The average milk production per lactation is 1,500 to 2,500 kgs (Highest) with 7% fat percentage.
- The age at first calving is
42 – 45 months
and inter-calving period is 450– 500 days.
- Native:
Baroda (Gujrat)
- The barrel is wedge shaped. The head is long with prominent eyes.
- The
horns are sickle shaped
moderately long and flat. The back is straight and tail is fairly long. - The colour is black or brown.
- The milk yield ranges from 900 – 1300 Kgs.
- The age at first calving is
40 to 50 months
with an inter-calving period of400 – 500 days
. - The peculiarity of breed is very high fat percentage in milk (
8 to 12%
). - The bullocks are good for light work.
- Native:
. - Cross of Murrah x Surti.
- The milk yield ranges from 1200 – 1500 Kgs per lactation.
- Native of Gir forests, Kutch and Jamnagar districts of Gujarat.
- The horns are heavy, inclined to droop at each side of the neck and then turning up at point (
drooping horns
). Heaviest
Indian breed of buffalo.- The udder is well developed with funnel shaped teats.
- The average milk yield is 1000 to 1200 kgs per lactation.
Nilli Ravi
- Nili Ravi is also known as Panch Kalyani.
- This breed is found in Sutlej valley in Ferozpur district of Punjab and in the Sahiwal district of Pakistan. This breed found around Ravi river.
- The most desired character of the female is the possession of white markings with pecular wall eyes.
- The milk yield is 1500-1850 kg per lactation and the inter calving period is 500-550 days.
- Age at first calving is 45-50 months.
- Native of Agra and Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh and Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh.
- The body is usually light or copper coloured is a peculiarity of this breed.
- The average milk yield is 800 to 1000 kg.
- The fat content varies from 6 to 13 per cent (Highest).
- Toda breed of buffaloes is named after an ancient tribe, Toda of Nilgiris of South India.
- These buffaloes are quite distinct from other breeds and are indigenous to Nilgiri hills.
- Thick hair coat is found all over the body.
- They are gregarious in nature.
- AKA Elitchpuri or Barari.
- The breeding tract of this breed is Nagpur, Akola and Amrawati districts of Maharashtra.
- These are black coloured animal with white patches on face, legs and tail.
- The horns are long, flat and curved, bending backward on each side of the back (
Sword shaped horns
). - The milk yield ranges from 700 to 1200 kgs per lactation.
- Native of Kolhapur, Solapur districts (South Maharashtra).
- Typical characteristic of this breed is its horns which are very long, curved backward, upward and usually twisted outwards.
- The horns are very long extending beyond shoulder blade, sometimes up to pin bone.
- It is a lesser known breed of buffalo, having their breeding tract in east and west Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh.
- A new buffalo breed is evolved by grading up of local buffalo of coastal Andra Pradesh with Murrah breed.
- It is common behaviour of Buffaloes, roll about or lie in mud or water, especially to keep cool or avoid biting insects.
- G.C. Banerjee: A Textbook of Animal Husbandry
- https://www.dairyknowledge.in
- https://buffalopedianew.cirb.res.in/godavari/
- https://nbagr.icar.gov.in/
- https://www.nddb.coop/
- Wikipedia