πŸ“Š Production Parameters

Milk, Egg, Meat, Wool Production

Select the odd statement from the following?


  • India Ranks First in Milk Production, accounting for 24 per cent of World Production. (FAO-STAT 2021-22)
  • India is also largest consumer of milk in the world.
  • Milk production: 230.58 million tonnes (2022-23)
  • Registered a growth rate of 22.81% over the past 5 years
  • Further, the production has increased by 3.83% during 2022-23 over the estimates of 2021-22.
  • Per capita availability of Milk: 444 gm/day (2021-22), which is more than ICMR recommendation of 250 gm.
  • Annual growth rate: 5.29 %
  • Sate-wise estimates of Milk Production:
  • Top five major milk producing States are Uttar Pradesh (15.72%), Rajasthan (14.44%), Madhya Pradesh (8.73%), Gujarat (7.49%) and Andhra Pradesh (6.70%).
  • Sate wise Per Capita Availability (gm/day):

Punjab > Haryana > Rajasthan

Delhi (Lowest)

  • Per Capita Availability of Milk in India has increased from 176 grams per day in 1990-91 to 444 grams per day by 2017-18.

Egg Production

  • World Egg production: 3rd after China and USA
  • Egg Production: 138.38 Billion (2022-23)
  • Further, the production has increased annually by 6.77% during 2022-23 over 2021-22.
  • Per Capita availability of Eggs: 95. (2021-22) However, the present availability is far below the ICMR recommendation of 180 eggs per capita per annum.
  • State wise estimates of egg production:

Andhra Pradesh (20.13%) > Tamil Nadu (15.58 %) > Telangana (12.77%)

Meat Production

  • India 6th in chicken meat production in the world.
  • Top leader: USA > China
  • Abattoir: A slaughterhouse. It’s a building where livestock such as pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys, and goats are brought to be slaughtered and processed for meat.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Percentage share of Meat production (2015 – 16)

  • Meat production: 9.77 million tonnes (2022 – 23)
  • Sate wise meat production: Uttar Pradesh (12.20%) > West Bengal (11.93%) > Maharashtra (11.50 %).
  • The per-capita availability of meat is 6.82 kg/annuam during 2021-22 increased by 0.30 kg/annuam over previous year.

Wool Production

  • The total wool production in the country during 2022-23 is 33.61 million kg which has registered a negative growth of 16.84% over the past 5 years. However, the production has increased by 2.12% in 2022-23 over 2021-22.
  • The top five major wool producing States are Rajasthan (47.98%), Jammu and Kashmir (22.55%), Gujarat (6.01%), Maharashtra (4.73%) and Himachal Pradesh (4.27%).
- G.C. Banerjee: A Textbook of Animal Husbandry
- https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1907224
- https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1897084#:~:text=India%20ranks%20first%20in%20milk,24%25%20of%20global%20milk%20production
- Wikipedia

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