👯 Bee Species
5 Most important species found in India
Which of the following character is correctly matched with honeybee species?
- Order: Hymenoptera
- Honey producing families are Apidae, Meliponidae and Bombidae.
- There are five important species of honey bees as follows:
1. Rock Bee

- Apis dorsata
- Hymenoptera: Apidae
- It is a wild bee species.
- They construct single comb in open (About 6 ft long and 3ft deep).
- They shift the place of the colony often.
- Rock bees are ferocious and difficult to rear.
- They produce about 36 Kg of honey/year/hive.
- The bees are the largest among the bee described.
2. Little Bee

- Apis florea
- Hymenoptera: Apidae
- They also construct comb in open of the size of palm in branches of bushes, hedges, buildings, caves, empty cases etc.
- They produce about
half Kg
of honey/year/hive. - They are not rearable as they frequently change their place.
- The size of the bees is
among 4 Apis Sp. described. (smaller than Indian bee). - They distributed only in plains and not in hills above 450 m.
3. Indian Bee

- Apis cerana indica
- Hymenoptera: Apidae
- Aka
Asian Bee
- They make multiple parallel combs on trees and cavities in darkness.
- The bees are larger than Apis florae but smaller than Apis mellifera.
- They produce average
6 to 8 Kg
of honey/year/hive. - They are more prone to swarming and absconding.
- They are native of India/Asia.
4. Italian Bee

- Apis mellifera
- Hymenoptera: Apidae
- Aka
European Bee
. - They also make multiple parallel combs in cavities in darkness.
- They are larger than Indian bees but smaller than Rock bees.
- They have been imported in India in 1962-1964 from European countrie (Italy).
- They yield on an average
35 Kg
of honey/year/hive. - They are less prone to swarming and absconding.
- These are reared on commercial scale and produce
highest honey
. Therefore consideredbest bee
under Indian environmental conditions. - After 2005, production of honey in India grown exponentially after the large scale rearing of A. mellifera.
5. Stingless Bee

- Melipona irridipennis
- Hymenoptera: Meliponidae
- Aka
Dammer Bee
- Rearing of stingless bee is called Meliporiculture.
- Melipona (Trigona) iridipennis makes compact combs made of cerumen.
- Meliponidae constructs horizontal combs except Trigona staudingeri which has vertical combs.
- https://nbb.gov.in/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bee
- The Insects - Structure and Function (4th Edition, 1998) – R.F. Chapman. Cambridge University Press
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apiary
- https://agritech.tnau.ac.in/farm_enterprises/fe_api_typesofhoneybee.html