❓ Test 1

Practice Test

1. Which of the following associations is incorrect?

  1. Bee: Chewing Mouthparts
  2. Butterfly: Siphoning Mouthparts
  3. House Fly: Sponging Mouthparts
  4. Bug: Piercing and Sucking Mouthparts
  5. Ant: Chewing Mouthparts
Answer 1. **Bee: Chewing Mouthparts**
Explanation: The ant actually has chewing mouthparts, not the bee, which has mandibles adapted for chewing and lapping.πŸœπŸ”

2. What is the color code for highly toxic pesticides?

  1. Bright Blue
  2. Bright Yellow
  3. Bright Red
  4. Bright Green
  5. Bright Orange
Answer 3. **Bright Red**
Explanation: Extremely toxic pesticides are marked with a bright red color, indicating high toxicity. This color code helps in the quick identification and handling of hazardous materials. πŸš¨πŸ”΄

3. The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) in India operates under which ministry?

  1. Agriculture Ministry
  2. Environment and Forest Ministry
  3. Rural Development Ministry
  4. Health Ministry
  5. Science and Technology Ministry
Answer 2. **Environment and Forest Ministry**
Explanation: The GEAC, responsible for monitoring genetically modified crops, functions under the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change, not under the Agriculture Ministry. πŸŒ³πŸ”¬

4. What term describes an allelochemical that benefits only the releasing organism?

  1. Kairomone
  2. Synomone
  3. Allomone
  4. Antimone
  5. Pheromone
Answer 3. **Allomone**
Explanation: **Allomone** is a chemical substance that benefits the organism that releases it, unlike kairomones and synomones, which benefit other organisms. πŸŒΏπŸ”¬

5. Which trade name is associated with Metarrhizium anisopliae used for controlling sugarcane pyrilla?

  1. Vertilec
  2. Biomax
  3. Boverin
  4. Mycar
  5. Biofide
Answer 2. **Biomax**
Explanation: Metarrhizium anisopliae, used against sugarcane pyrilla, is commercially known as Biomax. This fungus is used as a biological control agent in agriculture. πŸƒπŸ¦ 

6. Who first proposed the sterile insect technique in 1937?

  1. Frisch
  2. Lefroy
  3. H.S. Pruthi
  4. Knipling
  5. Glover
Answer 4. **Knipling**
Explanation: The sterile insect technique was first proposed by Knipling in 1937. This method involves releasing sterilized insects to control pest populations. πŸ¦‹πŸ“…

7. Chelonus blackburni, an egg-larval parasitoid, is used to control which pest?

  1. Phthorimaea operculella
  2. Agrotis ipsilon
  3. Myzus persicae
  4. Aphis craccivora
  5. Liriomyza sativae
Answer 1. **Phthorimaea operculella**
Explanation: Chelonus blackburni targets the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella. This parasitoid helps manage pest populations in agriculture. πŸ›πŸŒ½

8. What is the purpose of bagging pomegranate fruits with polythene covers?

  1. Prevent damage from Fruit Fly
  2. Avoid Fruit Borer Infestation
  3. Prevent Fruit Splitting
  4. Reduce Damage from Butterfly Sucking Moth
  5. Protect from Shoot Hole Borer
Answer 4. **Reduce Damage from Butterfly Sucking Moth**
Explanation: Bagging pomegranate fruits with polythene covers is primarily done to protect them from the butterfly sucking moth, which can cause significant damage. πŸ΅οΈπŸ¦‹

9. What pest causes bunchy top symptoms in mature sugarcane?

  1. Top Shoot Borer
  2. Wooly Aphid
  3. Early Shoot Borer
  4. Pyrilla
  5. Sugarcane Whitefly
Answer 1. **Top Shoot Borer**
Explanation: Bunchy top symptoms in sugarcane are caused by the top shoot borer, which affects the plant’s growth and development. πŸŒΎπŸ¦—

10. Which family does the larvae of the castor semi-looper (Achoea janata) belong to?

  1. Noctuidae
  2. Arctiidae
  3. Pyraustidae
  4. Lymantriidae
  5. Saturniidae
Answer 1. **Noctuidae**
Explanation: The castor semi-looper (Achoea janata) belongs to the family Noctuidae. This pest is known for its gregarious feeding habits and defoliation. πŸ›πŸŒΏ

11. Which pest is responsible for wilting of groundnut plants with root damage?

  1. Spilosoma obliqua
  2. Holotrichia consanguinea
  3. Odontotermes obesus
  4. Spodoptera litura
  5. Anomala orientalis
Answer 2. **Holotrichia consanguinea**
Explanation: Holotrichia consanguinea, a type of root grub, causes wilting of groundnut plants by damaging their roots. 🌱🐞

12. The term “Flared Squares” refers to damage caused by which pest?

  1. Helicoverpa armigera
  2. Pectinophora gossypiella
  3. Earias vitella
  4. Spodoptera exigua
  5. Cotton Bollworm
Answer 3. **Earias vitella**
Explanation: Flared squares, a type of damage observed in cotton, are caused by the pest Earias vitella. This pest affects cotton bolls, causing them to flare. πŸŒΎπŸ›

13. Which pest affects both field and stored pulses?

  1. Pulses Beetle
  2. Gram Pod Borer
  3. Red Gram Pod Fly
  4. Pod Borer
  5. Pulse Moth
Answer 1. **Pulses Beetle**
Explanation: The pulses beetle is a significant pest that damages pulses both in the field and during storage. 🌱🐞

14. “Dead heart” in wheat is caused by which pest?

  1. Green Plant Bug
  2. Stem Borer
  3. Termites
  4. Cutworm
  5. Armyworm
Answer 2. **Stem Borer**
Explanation: The "dead heart" symptom in wheat, where the central shoot dies, is caused by the stem borer pest. πŸŒΎπŸ¦‹

15. The larvae of the jowar stem borer cause dead heart and other damage; which family do they belong to?

  1. Delphacidae
  2. Muscidae
  3. Noctuidae
  4. Crambidae
  5. Cicadellidae
Answer 4. **Crambidae**
Explanation: The jowar stem borer belongs to the Crambidae family, causing significant damage to sorghum crops. πŸŒ½πŸ¦—

16. In rice, which insect is responsible for “hopper burn” symptoms?

  1. Brown Plant Hopper
  2. White-Backed Plant Hopper
  3. Gundhi Bug
  4. Both a and b
  5. Leafhopper
Answer 4. **Both a and b**
Explanation: Both the Brown Plant Hopper and the White-Backed Plant Hopper can cause yellowing and drying of rice plants, leading to the "hopper burn" condition. πŸŒΎπŸ‚

17. The integument of an insect includes which layers?

  1. Cuticle and Epidermis
  2. Cuticle, Epidermis, and Basement Membrane
  3. Epidermis and Basement Membrane
  4. Cuticle and Basement Membrane
  5. Basement Membrane and Epidermis
Answer 2. **Cuticle, Epidermis, and Basement Membrane**
Explanation: The integument of an insect comprises the cuticle, epidermis, and basement membrane. This complex structure provides protection and support. πŸžπŸ›‘οΈ

18. The holes at the base of the sorghum peduncle are attributed to which pest?

  1. Atheerigona soccata
  2. Calocoris angustata
  3. Contarinia sorghicola
  4. Chilo partellus
  5. Sorghum Midge
Answer 4. **Chilo partellus**
Explanation: The pest causing holes at the base of the sorghum peduncle is Chilo partellus, a major pest affecting sorghum crops. πŸŒΎπŸ”

19. Cosmopolites sordidus, known as the banana rhizome weevil, belongs to which family?

  1. Cucurbitaceae
  2. Pyralidae
  3. Cucurlionidae
  4. Chironomidae
  5. Thripidae
Answer 3. **Cucurlionidae**
Explanation: Cosmopolites sordidus, the banana rhizome weevil, belongs to the family Cucurlionidae, known for damaging banana crops. 🍌🐞

20. Which insect vector spreads rice tungro disease?

  1. Bemisia tabaci
  2. Toxoptera aurantii
  3. Nephotettix virescens
  4. Aphis craccivora
  5. Pseudococcidae
Answer 3. **Nephotettix virescens**
Explanation: **Nephotettix virescens** is the primary vector for rice tungro disease, spreading the virus to rice plants. 🌾🦟

21. The sorghum shoot fly lays its eggs on which part of the plant?

  1. Roots
  2. Flowers
  3. Upper Surface of Leaves
  4. Lower Surface of Leaf Blades
  5. Stem
Answer 4. **Lower Surface of Leaf Blades**
Explanation: The sorghum shoot fly deposits eggs on the lower surface of leaf blades, where the larvae then feed. πŸŒΏπŸ›

22. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) depends significantly on which factor?

  1. Economic Threshold Level
  2. Total Crop Loss
  3. Resistant Pest
  4. Susceptible Pest
  5. Pest Diversity
Answer 1. **Economic Threshold Level**
Explanation: IPM relies on the concept of economic threshold levels to determine the need for pest control measures, rather than waiting for total crop loss. πŸŒΎπŸ“ˆ

23. Which of the following is an example of a high-volume sprayer?

  1. Hand Sprayer
  2. ULV Applicator
  3. Battery Operated Sprayer
  4. Foot Sprayer
  5. Backpack Sprayer
Answer 4. **Foot Sprayer**
Explanation: A foot sprayer is an example of a high-volume sprayer used for large-scale spraying. Unlike ULV applicators and battery-operated sprayers, which are low-volume, foot sprayers cover more area. πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’§

24. Aphids and whiteflies are effectively managed using which type of pesticide?

  1. Systemic Insecticides
  2. Fumigants
  3. Stomach Poisons
  4. Contact Insecticides
  5. Repellents
Answer 1. **Systemic Insecticides**
Explanation: Systemic insecticides are effective against aphids and whiteflies as they are absorbed by the plant and target these pests when they feed. 🌿🦠

25. Which fungus is known for its effectiveness against root grubs?

  1. Beauveria sp.
  2. Fusarium sp.
  3. Metarrhizium anisopliae
  4. Nomuraea rileyi
  5. Trichoderma sp.
Answer 3. **Metarrhizium anisopliae**
Explanation: **Metarrhizium anisopliae** is a fungus used effectively against root grubs. It is known for its biocontrol properties in soil-dwelling pests. πŸ„πŸŒ±

26. Using resistant varieties in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an example of which control method?

  1. Legal Control
  2. Biological Control
  3. Cultural Control
  4. Chemical Control
  5. Mechanical Control
Answer 3. **Cultural Control**
Explanation: Employing resistant varieties falls under cultural control methods in IPM, as it involves modifying farming practices to manage pests. 🌾🌿

27. Employing light traps to manage pests is an example of which control method?

  1. Cultural Control
  2. Mechanical Control
  3. Biological Control
  4. Legal Control
  5. Chemical Control
Answer 2. **Mechanical Control**
Explanation: Light traps are used in mechanical control methods to attract and capture pests, reducing their population. πŸ’‘πŸ¦Ÿ

28. Which of the following is classified as a carbamate pesticide?

  1. Malathion
  2. Endosulfan
  3. Aldicarb
  4. Heptachlor
  5. Carbaryl
Answer 3. **Aldicarb**
Explanation: **Aldicarb** is a carbamate pesticide, used for its effectiveness in pest control. Other options are not classified under carbamates. πŸ§ͺπŸ”¬

29. Which substance is not considered a biopesticide?

  1. Carbaryl
  2. Bioneem
  3. Dipel
  4. Biolep
  5. Bacillus thuringiensis
Answer 1. **Carbaryl**
Explanation: **Carbaryl** is a chemical pesticide, not a biopesticide. Biopesticides include Bioneem, Dipel, and Biolep, which are derived from natural sources. 🧴🌿

30. Pheromone traps are designed to attract which type of pest?

  1. Male Moths
  2. Female Moths
  3. Caterpillars
  4. Female Bugs
  5. Beetles
Answer 1. **Male Moths**
Explanation: Pheromone traps are specifically designed to attract male moths, helping to monitor and manage their populations. πŸ¦‹πŸ”
  1. Dimethoate
  2. Chlorpyrifos
  3. Nimbicidine
  4. Methyl-O-Demetone
  5. Imidacloprid
Answer 2. **Chlorpyrifos**
Explanation: **Chlorpyrifos** is an effective insecticide used for termite control, known for its broad-spectrum effectiveness. 🏑🐜

32. Virachola isocrates is a pest of

which fruit?

  1. Mango
  2. Citrus
  3. Apple
  4. Pomegranate
  5. Grapes
Answer 4. **Pomegranate**
Explanation: **Virachola isocrates** is known as a pest of pomegranate, causing damage to the fruit and reducing yield. πŸπŸ‚

33. Which virus spreads yellow mosaic disease in moong?

  1. Aphis craccivora
  2. Bemisia tabaci
  3. Amrasca biguttula
  4. Nephotettix virescens
  5. Toxoptera aurantii
Answer 1. **Aphis craccivora**
Explanation: **Aphis craccivora** is the vector responsible for spreading yellow mosaic virus disease in moong crops. 🌱🦠

34. White grub beetles lay their eggs in which location?

  1. On the Plant Stem
  2. On the Underside of the Leaf
  3. Within Floral Parts
  4. Singly in Loose Soil
  5. On the Upper Surface of Leaves
Answer 4. **Singly in Loose Soil**
Explanation: White grub beetles lay eggs singly in loose soil, where the larvae later hatch and develop. 🌾πŸͺ²

35. Spermathica is associated with which part of an insect’s anatomy?

  1. Male Reproductive Organ
  2. Female Reproductive Organ
  3. Larval Reproductive Organ
  4. Digestive System
  5. Nervous System
Answer 2. **Female Reproductive Organ**
Explanation: **Spermathica** is part of the female reproductive system in insects, where sperm is stored. πŸ¦‹πŸ§¬

36. Reflex bleeding is characteristic of which pest?

  1. Grasshopper
  2. Thrips
  3. Mayfly
  4. Aphids
  5. Whitefly
Answer 4. **Aphids**
Explanation: **Reflex bleeding** is a defensive behavior observed in aphids, where they exude a fluid from their bodies when disturbed. 🌿🩸

37. The “brain” of an insect is referred to as which ganglia?

  1. Supraesophageal Ganglia
  2. Subesophageal Ganglia
  3. Esophageal Ganglia
  4. Thoracic Ganglia
  5. Abdominal Ganglia
Answer 1. **Supraesophageal Ganglia**
Explanation: The **supraesophageal ganglia** functions as the insect's brain, processing sensory information and controlling behavior. 🧠🐜

38. Which of the following is a neurotransmitter?

  1. Acetylcholine
  2. CS2
  3. Ecdysone
  4. BHC
  5. Endosulfan
Answer 1. **Acetylcholine**
Explanation: **Acetylcholine** is a neurotransmitter involved in transmitting nerve impulses across synapses. 🌐🧠

39. Which inorganic ion is typically found in predatory insects?

  1. Sodium (Na)
  2. Potassium (K)
  3. Magnesium (Mg)
  4. Calcium (Ca)
  5. Iron (Fe)
Answer 1. **Sodium (Na)**
Explanation: **Sodium** is an essential inorganic ion found in many predatory insects, crucial for maintaining cellular functions. πŸ¦ŸπŸ”¬

40. In rice cultivation, clipping the tips of seedlings before transplanting is primarily done to remove the egg masses of which pest?

  1. Brown Plant Hopper
  2. Rice Grasshopper
  3. Cutworm
  4. Yellow Stem Borer
  5. Leaf Folder
Answer 4. Yellow Stem Borer
Explanation: Clipping the tips of rice seedlings before transplanting is a practice aimed at removing the egg masses of the **Yellow Stem Borer**, a common pest in rice fields. This pest lays its eggs on the leaves, and clipping helps in reducing its population before the seedlings are transplanted. The other options, while they do affect rice, are not the target of this specific practice. πŸŒΎπŸ›

1. Which of the following associations is incorrect?

  1. Bee: Chewing Mouthparts
  2. Butterfly: Siphoning Mouthparts
  3. House Fly: Sponging Mouthparts
  4. Bug: Piercing and Sucking Mouthparts
  5. Ant: Chewing Mouthparts
Answer 1. **Bee: Chewing Mouthparts**
Explanation: The ant actually has chewing mouthparts, not the bee, which has mandibles adapted for chewing and lapping.πŸœπŸ”

2. What is the color code for highly toxic pesticides?

  1. Bright Blue
  2. Bright Yellow
  3. Bright Red
  4. Bright Green
  5. Bright Orange
Answer 3. **Bright Red**
Explanation: Extremely toxic pesticides are marked with a bright red color, indicating high toxicity. This color code helps in the quick identification and handling of hazardous materials. πŸš¨πŸ”΄

3. The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) in India operates under which ministry? …

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