โ“ Test 2

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1. Which type of circulatory system is found in insects?

  1. Closed
  2. Partially open
  3. Semi-open
  4. Open
  5. Hybrid
Answer 4. Open
Explanation: Insects possess an open circulatory system where blood flows freely within the body cavity and comes into direct contact with tissues. Unlike closed systems, there are no veins or arteries, and the heart pumps the blood through a single open chamber. ๐Ÿฆ‹โค๏ธ

2. What is the blood pigment in insects?

  1. Hemoglobin
  2. Hemocyanin
  3. Erythrocruorin
  4. Chlorocruorin
  5. None
Answer 5. None
Explanation: Insects do not possess a specific blood pigment like hemoglobin. Their blood (hemolymph) typically lacks respiratory pigments, as they rely on their tracheal system for gas exchange. ๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ๐ŸฆŸ

3. What is the valvular opening of an insect’s heart called?

  1. Spiracles
  2. Ostia
  3. Alary
  4. Stomata
  5. Septa
Answer 2. Ostia
Explanation: The ostia are small openings in the insect's heart that allow hemolymph to enter the heart chamber from the body cavity. These valves ensure unidirectional flow of hemolymph. ๐Ÿ”„๐Ÿ’“

4. Around which organ are alary muscles found in insects?

  1. Brain
  2. Legs
  3. Antenna
  4. Heart
  5. Wings
Answer 4. Heart
Explanation: Alary muscles are specialized muscles surrounding the insect's heart, aiding in the movement and circulation of hemolymph through the heart chamber. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฆ—

5. What is the larval stage of mosquitoes called?

  1. Maggot
  2. Caterpillar
  3. Naiad
  4. Wriggler
  5. Grub
Answer 4. Wriggler
Explanation: The larval stage of mosquitoes is known as wrigglers. They are aquatic and exhibit a wriggling motion in water. ๐Ÿž๏ธ๐ŸฆŸ

6. Which insect feeds on silk and developing maize cobs?

  1. Chilo zonellus
  2. Mythmina separata
  3. Helicoverpa armigera
  4. Calocoris angustatus
  5. Plutella xylostella
Answer 3. Helicoverpa armigera
Explanation: Helicoverpa armigera, also known as the cotton bollworm, feeds on various crops, including maize, where it damages silk and developing cobs. ๐ŸŒฝ๐Ÿฆ‹

7. How many pairs of spiracles are present on a grasshopper?

  1. 3 pairs on thorax, 8 pairs on abdomen
  2. 8 pairs on thorax, 2 pairs on abdomen
  3. 2 pairs on thorax, 8 pairs on abdomen
  4. 2 pairs on head, 8 pairs on abdomen
  5. 3 pairs on head, 8 pairs on abdomen
Answer 3. 2 pairs on thorax, 8 pairs on abdomen
Explanation: Grasshoppers have 2 pairs of spiracles on the thorax and 8 pairs on the abdomen, facilitating respiration. ๐Ÿฆ—๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ

8. What is the larval stage of a housefly known as?

  1. Wriggler
  2. Naiad
  3. Maggot
  4. Caterpillar
  5. Grub
Answer 3. Maggot
Explanation: The larval stage of a housefly is called a maggot, which is legless and feeds on decomposing organic matter. ๐Ÿชฐ๐Ÿ‚

9. Which sclerite is known as peritreme in insects?

  1. Head
  2. Heart
  3. Ostia
  4. Spiracles
  5. Antenna
Answer 4. Spiracles
Explanation: Peritreme is the sclerite associated with spiracles, providing structural support to the respiratory openings. ๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ๐ŸฆŸ

10. Nephrocytes are associated with which function in insects?

  1. Respiration
  2. Reproduction
  3. Circulation
  4. Excretion
  5. Digestion
Answer 4. Excretion
Explanation: Nephrocytes are cells involved in the excretion process, helping in the removal of metabolic waste in insects. ๐Ÿšฝ๐Ÿฆ—

11. What type of nitrogen waste do aquatic insects primarily excrete?

  1. Uricotelism
  2. Ureotelism
  3. Ammonotelism
  4. Nitrotelism
  5. Creatinotelism
Answer 3. Ammonotelism
Explanation: Aquatic insects excrete ammonia directly into the water, a process known as ammonotelism, due to its high solubility in water. ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸฆŸ

12. What is the term for the honeybee’s stomach?

  1. Pharynx
  2. Gizzard
  3. Crop
  4. Rectum
  5. Intestine
Answer 3. Crop
Explanation: The crop, or honey stomach, is where honeybees store nectar before processing it into honey. ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿ

13. What is the larval stage of a mayfly called?

  1. Maggot
  2. Caterpillar
  3. Naiad
  4. Wriggler
  5. Grub
Answer 3. Naiad
Explanation: The larval stage of a mayfly is called a naiad, which is aquatic and undergoes several molts before maturing. ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿชฐ

14. What type of nitrogen waste do most terrestrial insects excrete?

  1. Ureotelism
  2. Ammonotelism
  3. Uricotelism
  4. Nitrotelism
  5. Creatinotelism
Answer 3. Uricotelism
Explanation: Most terrestrial insects excrete uric acid, a process known as uricotelism, to conserve water. ๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿฆ—

15. In insects, which organ is responsible for food grinding?

  1. Pharynx
  2. Rectum
  3. Gizzard
  4. Crop
  5. Intestine
Answer 3. Gizzard
Explanation: The gizzard is the part of the digestive system in insects where food is ground into smaller particles. ๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿฝ๏ธ

16. Which structure is absent in sap-feeding insects?

  1. Pharynx
  2. Crop
  3. Rectum
  4. Gizzard
  5. Intestine
Answer 4. Gizzard
Explanation: Sap-feeding insects lack a gizzard since they do not need to grind solid food. Instead, they consume liquid sap directly. ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸฆŸ

17. Insects belong to which subphylum?

  1. Arthropoda
  2. Hexapoda
  3. Ecdysozoa
  4. Uniramia
  5. Crustacea
Answer 4. Uniramia
Explanation: Insects belong to the subphylum Uniramia, characterized by having uniramous (single-branched) appendages. ๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿ”ฑ

18. In which larval type are degenerated mouthparts commonly observed?

  1. Wrigglers
  2. Naiads
  3. Nymphs
  4. Maggots
  5. Caterpillars
Answer 4

. Maggots
Explanation: Maggots typically have degenerated mouthparts as they feed on decomposing matter and do not require complex structures for feeding. ๐Ÿชฐ๐Ÿ‚

19. When was the Locust Warning Organization in Jodhpur established?

  1. 1929
  2. 1939
  3. 1949
  4. 1959
  5. 1969
Answer 2. 1939
Explanation: The Locust Warning Organization in Jodhpur was established in 1939 to monitor and control locust outbreaks in India. ๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿšจ

20. Insects belong to which superphylum?

  1. Arthropoda
  2. Hexapoda
  3. Ecdysozoa
  4. Uniramia
  5. Crustacea
Answer 3. Ecdysozoa
Explanation: Insects belong to the superphylum Ecdysozoa, which includes all animals that molt their exoskeletons. ๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿ”„

21. The insect head is a fusion of how many segments?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6
  5. 7
Answer 4. 6
Explanation: The insect head is formed by the fusion of six segments, each contributing to different structures like the mouthparts and sensory organs. ๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿง 

22. Which organ functions as a sucking pump in sap-feeding insects?

  1. Pharynx
  2. Crop
  3. Gizzard
  4. Rectum
  5. Intestine
Answer 1. Pharynx
Explanation: The pharynx in sap-feeding insects acts as a sucking pump, drawing sap into the digestive system. ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸฆŸ

23. The filter chamber in insects is associated with which function?

  1. Respiration
  2. Reproduction
  3. Osmo regulation
  4. Locomotion
  5. Circulation
Answer 3. Osmo regulation
Explanation: The filter chamber in insects helps in osmo regulation by concentrating nutrients and eliminating excess water.

24. Which of these contains two pairs of antennae?

  1. Diplopoda
  2. Insecta
  3. Chilopoda
  4. Crustacea
  5. Arachnida
Answer 4. Crustacea
Explanation: Crustaceans, such as crabs and lobsters, have two pairs of antennae, unlike other classes like Diplopoda (millipedes) or Arachnida (spiders) which do not. ๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿ”ฌ

25. Which category does a filter chamber belong to?

  1. Respiration
  2. Osmo regulation
  3. Reproduction
  4. Excretion
  5. Locomotion
Answer 2. Osmo regulation
Explanation: A filter chamber is involved in osmoregulation, helping organisms manage the balance of water and salts in their bodies. ๐Ÿ’งโš–๏ธ

26. Where is the Honey and Pollinator Board of India located?

  1. New Delhi
  2. Chennai
  3. Mumbai
  4. Kolkata
  5. Trivandrum
Answer 3. Mumbai
Explanation: The Honey and Pollinator Board of India is situated in Mumbai, coordinating activities related to apiculture and pollination. ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ™๏ธ

27. Hamulate wing coupling is observed in which insects?

  1. Flies
  2. Bugs
  3. Bees
  4. Butterflies
  5. Moths
Answer 3. Bees
Explanation: Bees exhibit a hamulate type of wing coupling mechanism, which involves hooks (hamuli) on the wings. ๐Ÿโœˆ๏ธ

28. Which of these organisms is present in termites?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Trichonympha
  3. Protozoa
  4. Both Trichonympha and Protozoa
  5. Both Bacteria and Protozoa
Answer 4. Both Trichonympha and Protozoa
Explanation: Termites host both Trichonympha (a type of protozoa) and other protozoa in their guts to help digest cellulose. ๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿ”ฌ

29. What type of wing coupling mechanism do Hawk Moths exhibit?

  1. Strepsipterans
  2. Bees
  3. Jugate
  4. Hamulate
  5. Flies
Answer 3. Jugate
Explanation: Hawk moths show a jugate type of wing coupling, which involves the overlapping of wings. ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ”„

30. Which insects are bilaterally asymmetrical?

  1. Thrips and male embids
  2. Thrips and embids
  3. Thrips and female embids
  4. Male embids and termites
  5. Female embids and ants
Answer 1. Thrips and male embids
Explanation: Thrips and male embids are known for their bilateral asymmetry, differing from other insects which are typically bilaterally symmetrical. ๐ŸฆŸ๐Ÿ”

1. Which type of circulatory system is found in insects?

  1. Closed
  2. Partially open
  3. Semi-open
  4. Open
  5. Hybrid
Answer 4. Open
Explanation: Insects possess an open circulatory system where blood flows freely within the body cavity and comes into direct contact with tissues. Unlike closed systems, there are no veins or arteries, and the heart pumps the blood through a single open chamber. ๐Ÿฆ‹โค๏ธ

2. What is the blood pigment in insects?

  1. Hemoglobin
  2. Hemocyanin
  3. Erythrocruorin
  4. Chlorocruorin
  5. None
Answer 5. None
Explanation: Insects do not possess a specific blood pigment like hemoglobin. Their blood (hemolymph) typically lacks respiratory pigments, as they rely on their tracheal system for gas exchange. ๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ๐ŸฆŸ

3. What is the valvular opening of an insect’s heart called?

  1. Spiracles
  2. Ostia
  3. Alary โ€ฆ

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