🪱 Important Nematodes
Species, Biology, Symptoms, Integrated Management
Which of the following is not correct regarding reniform nematodes?
Root Lesion Nematode
- Pratylenchus sp.
- The generic name Pratylenchus was coined by adding first three letters from the specific name of the earlier described species Tylenchus pratensis as prefix to the generic name (Pra + Tylenchus).
- The common name –
Lesion nematode
is attributed to the characteristic symptoms produced on the roots. - This group of nematodes is also commonly called
Meadow nematodes
since the first described species (T. pratensis) was recorded in meadows (grasslands) in Netherlands. Root lesion means जड़ का घाव. - Root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus coffee is a serious pest of coffee in South India.
- Migratory endo parasite, feeding in root cortex of many plants. All stages are found in root or soil.
Rice Root Nematode
- Hirschmanniella sp.
- This generic name was coined in the honour of an eminent US nematologist, Dr. Mr. Hedwig Hirschmann.
- The common name, Rice root nematode is derived from its preference to rice and root parasitism.
- It cause
Mentek/Omomentek disease
of rice. - Affected roots show discoloration and partially hollow. Therefore feeding adversely affects absorption of water and nutrients.
- Plants show stunted growth in patches with reduced tillering.
False root knot nematode
- Naccobus sp.
- It develops hypertrophy in the host.
- Its symptoms resemble to as root knot nematode like enlargement of cells.
Spiral Nematode
- Helicotylenchus sp.
- These nematodes have spiral or helical shape. (Helix = coil + Tylenchus)
Lance Nematode
- Hoplolaimus sp.
- Lance means a sharp or pointed weapon.
- Generic name Hoplo means arming + laimos means throat. A robust stylet is present in them.
Stunt Nematode
- Stunt or stylet nematode: Tylenchorhynchus sp.
- The name stunt nematode become popular with the stunting of tobacco.
- Greek word: tylos means knob + enchos means spear + rhynchos means snout.
Ring Nematode
- Criconema sp.
- It has large ring like annuli.
Sheath Nematode
- Hemicycliophora sp.
- Hemi means half + cyclio means rounded + phora means bearing.
- It bears sickle-shaped spicules.
- These usually called sheath nematodes due to the presence of additional cuticular sheath in females and juvenile stages.
Pin Nematode
- Paratylenchus sp.
- The members of this genus are the smallest plant parasitic nematode with size of < 0.5 mm.
Dagger Nematode
- Xiphinema sp.
- Word: Xiphidion means sword + nema
- Presence of characteristic sword like stylet.
- Xiphinema index transmits
fan leaf virus of grape
Needle Nematode
- Longidorus sp.
- Word: Longus = long + dorys = spear
- They possess long hypodermal needle like stylet.
Stubby Nematode
- Name because of characteristic symptom produced in infect plant i.e., stubby roots.
- Stubby – root nematode includes Paratrichodorus sp. and Trichodorus sp.
Subby roots in maize
- Dropkin, V.H. 1980. Introduction to plant nematology. John Wiley and sons, INC. New York.
- Singh, R.S and Sitaramaiah, K. 1994. Plant pathogens. The plant parasitic nematodes. Oxford & IBH Pub. Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
- Parvata Reddy, P. 1983. Plant nematology. Agricole Pub. Co., New Delhi.
- Southey, J. F. Laboratory methods for work with plant and soil nematodes Tech.
- Bull. Min. Agric. Fish. Food. Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London.
- Walia, R. K and Bajaj, H. K (2014). Textbook of Introductory Plant Nematology. Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture, ICAR, New Delhi.
- Kumar, V., Khan, M.R. & Walia, R.K. Crop Loss Estimations due to Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Major Crops in India. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. 43, 409–412 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-020-00895-2
- Figure 1: Source: A: Maggenti, 1981, B-E: Franklin, 1973