Paper 2018

Memory Based IBPS SO (AFO) 2018 Examination

1. What term describes the mating process in sheep?

  1. Pairing
  2. Breeding
  3. Serving
  4. Tupping
  5. Covering
Answer 4. Tupping
Explanation: "Tupping" is the specific term for sheep mating. 🐑

2. In which state is the largest area of forest located?

  1. Maharashtra
  2. Chhattisgarh
  3. Arunachal Pradesh
  4. Madhya Pradesh
  5. Himachal Pradesh
Answer 4. Madhya Pradesh
Explanation: Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest area in India. 🌲

3. What is the minimum acceptable germination rate for wheat seeds?

  1. 80%
  2. 90%
  3. 85%
  4. 70%
  5. 65%
Answer 3. 85%
Explanation: Wheat seeds should have at least an 85% germination rate to be viable. 🌾

4. What is the name for a special feeding area for young animals like lambs and piglets?

  1. Dairy barn
  2. Creep
  3. Cow shed
  4. Cattle shed
  5. Loose housing
Answer 2. Creep
Explanation: "Creep" is the term used for a feeding area for young animals. 🐑

5. The term “Golden Revolution” is associated with which agricultural sector?

  1. Eggs
  2. Fruits
  3. Pulses
  4. Cotton
  5. Jute
Answer 2. Fruits
Explanation: The Golden Revolution refers to the significant growth in fruit production. 🍎

6. Which nutrient is categorized as a macronutrient?

  1. Boron
  2. Iron
  3. Zinc
  4. Potassium
  5. Manganese
Answer 4. Potassium
Explanation: Potassium is a macronutrient essential for plant growth. 🌿

7. Which hormone is responsible for milk ejection?

  1. Melatonin
  2. Prolactin
  3. Estrogen
  4. Oxytocin
  5. Endostrogen
Answer 4. Oxytocin
Explanation: Oxytocin is the hormone that causes milk to be released from the mammary glands. 🐄

8. What is the main method of propagating bananas?

  1. Grafting
  2. Cutting
  3. Sucker
  4. Seed
  5. Budding
Answer 3. Sucker
Explanation: Bananas are primarily propagated through suckers, which are shoots that grow from the base of the plant. 🍌

9. Which indigenous cattle breed is known for draught purposes but has poor milk yield?

  1. Sahiwal
  2. Red Sindh
  3. Gir
  4. Deoni
  5. Khillari
Answer 5. Khillari
Explanation: Khillari is a draught breed with low milk production, making it suitable for work but not for high milk yields. 🐂

10. Which crop requires crown cleaning?

  1. Pineapple
  2. Banana
  3. Mango
  4. Coffee
  5. Coconut
Answer 5. Coconut
Explanation: Crown cleaning is a practice specifically used for coconut trees to maintain health and productivity. 🥥

11. Which electronic platform helps farmers sell their produce and get fair prices?

  1. E-choupal
  2. E-trade
  3. APMC
  4. E-NAM
  5. None of these
Answer 4. E-NAM
Explanation: E-NAM (National Agricultural Market) is an electronic platform for farmers to sell their produce at fair prices. 🌾

12. Which disease causes greyish white powdery patches on rose leaves and buds, leading to malformation and wilting?

  1. Rust
  2. Black spot
  3. Powdery mildew
  4. Downy mildew
  5. Crown gall
Answer 3. Powdery mildew
Explanation: Powdery mildew causes characteristic greyish white patches on rose plants. 🌹

13. Which condition is not caused by bacteria in pigs?

  1. Coccidiosis
  2. Bacillus
  3. Anthrax
  4. Septicemia
  5. Pneumonia
Answer 1. Coccidiosis
Explanation: Coccidiosis is a protozoan infection, not bacterial. 🐖
  1. Fruit storage
  2. Flower processing
  3. Pulse storage
  4. Cereal storage
  5. Apple storage
Answer 2. Flower processing
Explanation: Pulsing is a technique used in flower processing to enhance their longevity. 🌸

15. Which of the following is a tropical fruit?

  1. Apple
  2. Strawberry
  3. Papaya
  4. Pear
  5. Plum
Answer 3. Papaya
Explanation: Papaya is classified as a tropical fruit, thriving in warm climates. 🥭

16. Which vaccine is used to prevent Ranikhet disease in poultry?

  1. Marek
  2. Lasota
  3. Canine
  4. Clostridial
  5. Circoflex
Answer 2. Lasota
Explanation: The Lasota vaccine is used to protect against Ranikhet disease in poultry. 🐥

17. What is the term for removing the male bud from a banana plant?

  1. Disbudding
  2. Dehorning
  3. Denavelling
  4. Desuckering
  5. None of these
Answer 3. Denavelling
Explanation: "Denavelling" refers to the removal of the male bud in banana cultivation. 🌴

18. Which grape training system involves connecting vines in a specific pattern?

  1. Bower
  2. Skipping
  3. Telephone
  4. Kniffin
  5. Pergola
Answer 3. Telephone
Explanation: The "Telephone" system connects grapevines in a specific arrangement to aid growth. 🍇

19. Which goat breed has the longest lactation period?

  1. Sirohi
  2. Barbari
  3. Jamunapari
  4. Beetle
  5. Malabari
Answer 3. Jamunapari
Explanation: Jamunapari goats are known for their extended lactation periods. 🐐

20. What is the required isolation distance for foundation seed production of okra?

  1. 1600m
  2. 400m
  3. 650m
  4. 800m
  5. 1000m
Answer 2. 400m
Explanation: For foundation seed production of okra, a 400m isolation distance is necessary. 🌱

21. What is the term for growing a new crop from stubble left after harvest?

  1. Ratooning
  2. Mulching
  3. Cutting
  4. Ley Cropping
  5. Chocking
Answer 1. Ratooning
Explanation: Ratooning involves growing new crops from the remaining stubble. 🌾

22. BT cotton is genetically modified to resist which


  1. White Fly
  2. Thrips
  3. Aphid
  4. Bollworm
  5. Bugs
Answer 4. Bollworm
Explanation: BT cotton is resistant to bollworms due to its genetic modification. 🌱

23. What land area is typically considered small for a farmer?

  1. 10ha
  2. 4ha
  3. 6ha
  4. 2ha
  5. 2.5ha
Answer 4. 2ha
Explanation: Small farmers usually own between 1ha to 2ha of land. 🌾

24. In which state are Vertisol soils most commonly found?

  1. Karnataka
  2. Andhra Pradesh
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Madhya Pradesh
  5. Gujarat
Answer 3. Maharashtra
Explanation: Maharashtra is known for its extensive Vertisol soils. 🌍

25. “White Muscadine” is a disease affecting which organism?

  1. Poultry
  2. Silkworm
  3. Cattle
  4. Sheep & Goat
  5. Cattle
Answer 2. Silkworm
Explanation: The White Muscadine disease affects silkworms. 🐛

26. What disease in tobacco is associated with aphid infestation?

  1. Tobacco leaf curl disease
  2. Tobacco mosaic virus
  3. Tobacco wilt
  4. Cucumber mosaic virus
  5. None of these
Answer 2. Tobacco leaf curl disease
Explanation: Aphids are known to spread Tobacco leaf curl disease. 🌿

27. Which planting system arranges plants in a square grid?

  1. Hexagonal
  2. Diagonal
  3. Rectangle
  4. Triangular
  5. Square
Answer 5. Square
Explanation: The square planting system involves planting at equal distances in a grid. 🌾

28. What erosion feature forms finger-like structures after sheet erosion?

  1. Rill
  2. Ravines
  3. Gully
  4. Sheet
  5. Gully
Answer 1. Rill
Explanation: Rills form as a result of sheet erosion if not managed properly. 🌧️

29. Which statement about bee colonies is incorrect?

  1. Swarming is a natural process
  2. Wax moths attack during the larvae stage
  3. Queen, Worker, Drone are different roles
  4. Unfertilized eggs become worker bees
  5. Propolis, Royal Jelly, and Bee Venom are by-products
Answer 4. Unfertilized eggs become worker bees
Explanation: Unfertilized eggs become drones, not worker bees. 🐝

30. Which pest deposits eggs on guava fruit, leading to rot and maggot infestation?

  1. Mealy bug
  2. Thrips
  3. Fruit fly
  4. White flies
  5. White aphid
Answer 3. Fruit fly
Explanation: Fruit flies cause severe damage to guava by infesting the fruit. 🍈

31. What symptom indicates an attack by sorghum shoot fly?

  1. Yellowing of leaves from tip
  2. Wilted leaves with a papery texture
  3. Larva cuts the growing point, causing wilting
  4. Leaves fold longitudinally
  5. Feeding on green leaf tissues
Answer 3. Larva cuts the growing point, causing wilting
Explanation: The sorghum shoot fly larva attacks the growing point, leading to wilting. 🌿

32. Which oil cake is used to deter predatory fish?

  1. Mahua cake
  2. Groundnut cake
  3. Cotton cake
  4. Neem oil cake
  5. Sesamum
Answer 1. Mahua cake
Explanation: Mahua cake is used to repel predatory fish in aquaculture. 🐟

33. Which trap is commonly used to catch male pests in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?

  1. Light trap
  2. Glue traps
  3. Pheromone trap
  4. Cage traps
  5. Snares
Answer 3. Pheromone trap
Explanation: Pheromone traps are used to attract and catch male pests. 🪲

34. What term refers to the soil layer where illuviation occurs?

  1. O
  2. A
  3. B
  4. R
  5. C
Answer 3. B
Explanation: The B horizon is where illuviation, or the accumulation of materials leached from upper layers, occurs. 🌍

35. What is the term for soil moisture content that is tightly held by soil particles?

  1. Wilting point
  2. Permanent wilting point
  3. Hygroscopic coefficient
  4. Saturation point
  5. None of these
Answer 3. Hygroscopic coefficient
Explanation: Hygroscopic coefficient refers to the moisture content held tightly by soil particles. 💧

36. What is the botanical name for the pomegranate?

  1. Pyrus communis
  2. Malus domestica
  3. Psidium guava
  4. Prunus Persica
  5. Punicum granatum
Answer 5. Punicum granatum
Explanation: The pomegranate's botanical name is Punicum granatum. 🍎

37. Which color tag is used for Certified seeds?

  1. Foundation
  2. Registered
  3. Breeder
  4. Nucleus seed
  5. Certified
Answer 5. Certified
Explanation: Certified seeds are marked with a blue color tag. 🌱

38. Which mango variety is known for irregular bearing?

  1. Neelum
  2. Kesar
  3. Himsagar
  4. Totapuri
  5. Pairi
Answer 2. Kesar
Explanation: The Kesar variety of mango is known for its irregular bearing pattern. 🥭

39. Which sheep breed from northwest India is recognized for high-quality white wool?

  1. Chanthangi
  2. Surti
  3. Gurez
  4. Gaddi
  5. Magra
Answer 5. Magra
Explanation: The Magra breed is known for its fine white wool. 🐑

40. What term describes a zone within the Earth that restricts groundwater flow between aquifers?

  1. Perch aquifer
  2. Aquitard
  3. Aquifuse
  4. Aquiflude
  5. Aquifer
Answer 2. Aquitard
Explanation: An aquitard restricts the flow of groundwater between aquifers. 🌊

41. Which entomopathogenic fungus is used as a biological control for cotton bollworm?

  1. Helicoverpa armigera
  2. Spodoptera lutens
  3. Beauveria bassiana
  4. Verticillium
  5. None of these
Answer 3. Beauveria bassiana
Explanation: Beauveria bassiana is a fungus used to control bollworm in cotton. 🍂

42. Which practice helps reduce soil erosion and the impact of rain drops?

  1. Crop Rotation
  2. Strip cropping
  3. Intercropping
  4. Mixed cropping
  5. Mulching
Answer 5. Mulching
Explanation: Mulching reduces soil erosion and the impact of rain on soil. 🌾

43. Which medicinal plant is known

for its laxative properties?

  1. Ashwagandha
  2. Cuscutta
  3. Guggal
  4. Henbane
  5. Isabgol
Answer 5. Isabgol
Explanation: Isabgol is recognized for its use as a natural laxative. 🌿

44. What is the average gestation period for a buffalo?

  1. 218 +/- 5
  2. 316 +/- 5
  3. 365 +/- 5
  4. 385 +/- 5
  5. 418 +/- 5
Answer 2. 316 +/- 5
Explanation: The average gestation period for buffaloes is around 316 days. 🐄

45. What causes milk to appear yellow?

  1. Magnesium
  2. Casein
  3. Carotenoid
  4. Calcium
  5. Mineral
Answer 3. Carotenoid
Explanation: Carotenoids are pigments that cause milk to have a yellowish tint. 🥛

46. What nutrient deficiency causes young leaves to turn yellow while veins remain green?

  1. Sulphur
  2. Iron
  3. Magnesium
  4. Zinc
  5. Manganese
Answer 2. Iron
Explanation: Iron deficiency causes young leaves to yellow with green veins. 🍃

47. What term describes a young female pig that has not yet given birth?

  1. Spayed
  2. Doe
  3. Sow
  4. Lamb
  5. Swine
Answer 3. Sow
Explanation: A young female pig that has not yet given birth is called a sow. 🐷

48. What does Ley farming involve?

  1. Layering in horticulture
  2. Rearing more layer birds in a confined space
  3. Layer birds kept in closed spaces
  4. Leguminous pastures alongside grain crops
  5. Rearing poultry animals
Answer 4. Leguminous pastures alongside grain crops
Explanation: Ley farming involves using leguminous pastures with grain crops. 🌾

49. What type of silkworm breeds only once per year?

  1. Bivoltine species
  2. Multivoltine Species
  3. Wild univoltine silkworm
  4. Univoltine species
  5. None of these
Answer 4. Univoltine species
Explanation: Univoltine silkworms breed only once a year. 🐛

50. What does NRLM stand for now?

  1. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana
  2. Swanajayanti Swarojgar Yojna
  3. Adarsh Gram Yojna
  4. Gram Sadak Yojna
  5. Swamajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna
Answer 5. Swamajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna
Explanation: NRLM is now known as the Swamajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna. 🏠

51. What type of plantation is used for aesthetic and decoration purposes?

  1. Silviculture
  2. Moriculture
  3. Landscape horticulture
  4. Viticulture
  5. Arboriculture
Answer 5. Arboriculture
Explanation: Arboriculture involves the planting and management of trees for aesthetics and decoration. 🌳

52. How often should FMD vaccines be administered to sheep?

  1. 12 months
  2. 6 months
  3. 3 months
  4. 15 months
  5. 9 months
Answer 2. 6 months
Explanation: FMD vaccines for sheep should be administered every 6 months. 🐑

53. What are the symptoms and causes of sodium deficiency in cows?

  1. Appetite loss
  2. Milk fever
  3. Dehydration and fluid reduction
  4. Patient parenesis
  5. Milk reduction
Answer 3. Dehydration and fluid reduction
Explanation: Sodium deficiency in cows causes dehydration and a reduction in fluid levels. 💧

54. Which instrument is used to measure soil strength?

  1. Penetrometer
  2. Pycnometer
  3. Hydrometer
  4. Tensiometer
  5. Dynamometer
Answer 1. Penetrometer
Explanation: A penetrometer measures soil strength and resistance. 🌾

55. What is the feed conversion ratio for broiler chickens?

  1. 1.9 to 2.1
  2. 2.8 to 3.2
  3. 2.2 to 2.7
  4. 3.2 to 3.9
  5. 1.5 to 1.9
Answer 5. 1.5 to 1.9
Explanation: Broiler chickens have a feed conversion ratio of 1.5 to 1.9. 🐔

56. What type of grafting involves making a tongue-shaped cut in the scion inserted into a wedge cut in the rootstock?

  1. Inside grafting
  2. Veneer grafting
  3. Wedge grafting
  4. Chip budding
  5. Inarching
Answer 3. Wedge grafting
Explanation: Wedge grafting involves inserting a tongue-shaped scion into a wedge-shaped cut in the rootstock. 🌳

57. What term describes mating between individuals of a wider degree of relationship to achieve uniformity?

  1. Out crossing
  2. Cross breeding
  3. Line breeding
  4. Back crossing
  5. In breeding
Answer 3. Line breeding
Explanation: Line breeding involves mating individuals with a wider degree of relatedness to maintain uniformity. 🐄

58. Which institution provides vocational training to farmers and field workers?

  1. SHG
  2. FPO
  3. KVK
  4. Tribal area development agency
  5. Small farmer organization
Answer 3. KVK
Explanation: Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) are established to provide vocational training to farmers. 🚜

59. What type of emulsion is found in milk?

  1. Water in water
  2. Oil in oil
  3. Fat in oil
  4. Oil in water
  5. Water in oil
Answer 4. Oil in water
Explanation: Milk is an emulsion of oil in water. 🥛

60. Which type of bacteria is known for symbiotic nitrogen fixation?

  1. Rhizobium
  2. Azotobacter
  3. Cyanobacteria
  4. Clostridium
  5. None of these
Answer 1. Rhizobium
Explanation: Rhizobium bacteria are known for their role in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. 🌱

1. What term describes the mating process in sheep?

  1. Pairing
  2. Breeding
  3. Serving
  4. Tupping
  5. Covering
Answer 4. Tupping
Explanation: "Tupping" is the specific term for sheep mating. 🐑

2. In which state is the largest area of forest located?

  1. Maharashtra
  2. Chhattisgarh
  3. Arunachal Pradesh
  4. Madhya Pradesh
  5. Himachal Pradesh
Answer 4. Madhya Pradesh
Explanation: Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest area in India. 🌲

3. What is the minimum acceptable germination rate for wheat seeds?

  1. 80%
  2. 90%
  3. 85%
  4. 70%
  5. 65%
Answer 3. 85%
Explanation: Wheat seeds should have at least an 85% germination rate to be viable. 🌾

4. What is the name for a special feeding area for young animals like lambs and piglets?

  1. Dairy barn
  2. Creep
  3. Cow shed
  4. Cattle shed
  5. Loose housing
Answer 2. Creep
Explanation: "Creep" is the term used …
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