Paper 2020

Memory Based IBPS SO (AFO) 2021 Examination

1. The combination of Tree + Crop + Pasture/Animal of agroforestry?

  1. Horti-Silvi
  2. Agri-Silvi Pasture
  3. Agri-Horti
  4. Agri-Silvi
  5. Agri-Silvi Pasture system
Answer 2. Agri-Silvi Pasture system
Explanation: Agri-Silvi Pasture system integrates trees, crops, and pasture/animals effectively. πŸŒ²πŸŒΎπŸ„

2. Oryza Sativa is the scientific name of crop?

  1. Maize
  2. Pearlmillet
  3. Sorghum
  4. Wheat
  5. Paddy
Answer 5. Paddy
Explanation: Oryza Sativa is known scientifically as Paddy. 🌾

3. Italian Honey is best for domestication, these bees are?

  1. Apis Florea
  2. Apis Dorsata
  3. Apis Mellifera
  4. Apis Cerena
  5. Melipona Irridepensis
Answer 3. Apis Mellifera
Explanation: Apis Mellifera is the species best suited for honey production and domestication. 🍯

4. Retting is the process of which crop?

  1. Maize
  2. Wheat
  3. Tomato
  4. Rice Toppers
  5. Jute
Answer 5. Jute
Explanation: Retting is a process primarily associated with the Jute crop. 🌱

5. Which of the following is known as silk protein?

  1. Oryzin
  2. Zein
  3. Keratin
  4. Albumin
  5. Sericin
Answer 5. Sericin
Explanation: Sericin is the protein found in silk. πŸ•ΈοΈ

6. Removal of off type plants in seed production?

  1. Weeding
  2. Plucking
  3. Eradication
  4. Rouging
  5. Offshooting
Answer 4. Rouging
Explanation: Rouging involves removing off-type plants to ensure seed purity. 🌿

7. Decreasing order of water holding capacity?

  1. Clay > Sand > Silt
  2. Clay > Silt > Sand
  3. Silt > Sand > Clay
  4. Sand > Silt > Clay
  5. Silt > Clay > Sand
Answer 2. Clay > Silt > Sand
Explanation: Clay has the highest water holding capacity, followed by Silt and then Sand. πŸ’§

8. Alkaline Soil can be reclaimed by using?

  1. Lime
  2. Methan
  3. Ammonium Phosphate
  4. Gypsum
  5. Sodium Carbonate
Answer 4. Gypsum
Explanation: Gypsum helps in reclaiming alkaline soils effectively. 🏜️

9. Act of parturition in sow is known as?

  1. Kidding
  2. Lambing
  3. Pupping
  4. Sowing
  5. Farrowing
Answer 5. Farrowing
Explanation: Farrowing is the term for the act of giving birth in sows. πŸ–

10. Pungency in onion is due to compound?

  1. Melanin
  2. Ethephon
  3. Allyl disulphide
  4. Ally Propyl Disulphide
  5. None of these
Answer 4. Ally Propyl Disulphide
Explanation: The compound responsible for onion’s pungency is Ally Propyl Disulphide. 🌰

11. Bordeaux Mixture is?

  1. Zinc Fungicide
  2. Cobalt Fungicide
  3. Copper Fungicide
  4. Sodium Fungicide
  5. Iron Fungicide
Answer 3. Copper Fungicide
Explanation: Bordeaux Mixture is a fungicide containing copper. πŸ§ͺ

12. Which of the following chemical is used in polyploidy breeding?

  1. Cytokinin
  2. IAA
  3. NAA
  4. Gibberellins
  5. Colchicine
Answer 5. Colchicine
Explanation: Colchicine is commonly used in polyploidy breeding. 🌱

13. What is the fruit type of pineapple?

  1. Berry
  2. Pome
  3. Balusta
  4. Drupe
  5. Sorosis
Answer 5. Sorosis
Explanation: The fruit type of pineapple is Sorosis. 🍍

14. Late blight is the disease of?

  1. Maize
  2. Soybean
  3. Tobacco
  4. Paddy
  5. Potato
Answer 5. Potato
Explanation: Late blight affects the potato crop severely. πŸ₯”

15. Zoonosis diseases are infectious diseases that transmit from?

  1. Animal to Animal
  2. Human to Human
  3. None of these
  4. Human to Animal
  5. Animal to Human
Answer 5. Animal to Human
Explanation: Zoonosis refers to diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans. πŸΎβž‘οΈπŸ§β€β™‚οΈ

16. Superiority of F1 hybrid over both the parents in terms of yield or some other characters is known as?

  1. Dominance
  2. Hybrid Vigour
  3. Inbreeding
  4. Heterosis
  5. Crossbreeding
Answer 4. Heterosis
Explanation: Heterosis is the phenomenon where the F1 hybrid shows superior traits. 🌾

17. The act of dropping the seeds in furrow lines in a continuous stream and covering them with soil.

  1. Dibbling
  2. Broadcasting
  3. Transplanting
  4. Drilling
  5. Furrow
Answer 4. Drilling
Explanation: Drilling is the process of sowing seeds in furrow lines continuously. 🌱

18. The family of Mustard?

  1. Gramineae
  2. Cruciferae
  3. Cucurbitaceae
  4. Astraceae
  5. Leguminosae
Answer 2. Cruciferae
Explanation: Mustard belongs to the Cruciferae family. 🌿

19. Mould board instrument is used for?

  1. Hoeing
  2. Weeding
  3. Intercultural Operations
  4. Harvesting
  5. Ploughing
Answer 5. Ploughing
Explanation: Mould board plough is used for primary tillage in farming. 🚜

20. Moisture content in the soil is measured by which of the following instrument?

  1. Lactometer
  2. Tensiometer
  3. Hygrometer
  4. Anemometer
  5. Lux meter
Answer 2. Tensiometer
Explanation: Tensiometer measures soil moisture content accurately. πŸ’§

21. Blossom end rot is a disorder of ___ crop due to the ___ deficiency of?

  1. Onion, Ca
  2. Tomato, Mg
  3. Potato, N
  4. Onion, Mg
  5. Tomato, Calcium
Answer 5. Tomato, Calcium
Explanation: Blossom end rot in tomatoes is caused by calcium deficiency. πŸ…

22. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is used as a hormone and it is also used


  1. Fungicide
  2. Nematicide
  3. Insecticide
  4. Herbicide
  5. Acaricide
Answer 4. Herbicide
Explanation: 2,4-D is used as a herbicide in agriculture. 🌿

23. Two well-developed breeds are crossed alternatively?

  1. Back Cross
  2. Test Cross
  3. Triple Cross
  4. Double Cross
  5. Criss Cross
Answer 5. Criss Cross
Explanation: Criss Cross breeding involves crossing two breeds alternately. πŸ”„

24. Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock?

  1. Limestone
  2. Granite
  3. Shale
  4. Sandstone
  5. Conglomerate
Answer 2. Granite
Explanation: Granite is an igneous rock, not sedimentary. πŸͺ¨

25. As per FSSAI Standards, what is the SNF of COW milk?

  1. 9.0
  2. 8.5
  3. 8
  4. 8.5
  5. 8.6
Answer 2. 8.5
Explanation: The SNF (Solids-not-fat) content in cow milk as per FSSAI is 8.5%. πŸ₯›
  1. Paneer
  2. Butter
  3. Whole Milk Powder
  4. Curd
  5. Ghee
Answer 5. Ghee
Explanation: R.M. test is specifically used for testing Ghee. 🧈

27. Buffalo milk is more white than cow milk due to?

  1. High Fat content than cow
  2. High Calcium content than cow
  3. More Riboflavin in buffalo milk
  4. Buffalo milk has more fat
  5. Due to conversion of beta-carotene into colourless Vit. A
Answer 5. Due to conversion of beta-carotene into colourless Vit. A
Explanation: Buffalo milk appears whiter because beta-carotene is converted into colorless Vitamin A. πŸƒ

28. Progeny of Breeder seed which should maintain certain germination standards and should be approved by certification agency?

  1. Certified Seed
  2. Truthfully Labelled
  3. Foundation Seed
  4. Nucleus Seed
  5. Registered seed
Answer 3. Foundation Seed
Explanation: Foundation seed is the progeny of breeder seed and must meet certification standards. 🌱

29. Amplifier host for Japanese encephalitis?

  1. Horse
  2. Dog
  3. Mosquito
  4. Pig
  5. Cattle
Answer 4. Pig
Explanation: Pigs are amplifier hosts for Japanese encephalitis. πŸ–

30. The credit for the success of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) goes toβ€”

  1. Dr. Mangla Rai
  2. Dr. Mohan Singh Mehta
  3. Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
  4. Dr. Chandrika Prasad
  5. Dr. R. S. Paroda
Answer 4. Dr. Chandrika Prasad
Explanation: Dr. Chandrika Prasad is credited for the success of KVKs. πŸ…

31. Pendimethalin is used against?

  1. Virus
  2. Rats
  3. Fungus
  4. Nematode
  5. Weed
Answer 5. Weed
Explanation: Pendimethalin is a herbicide used to control weeds. 🌿

32. What is the premium rate payable by PMFBY beneficiaries for Rabi crops (% of SI or Actuarial rate)?

  1. 5.0%
  2. 3.0%
  3. 2.0%
  4. 1.5%
  5. 0.5%
Answer 4. 1.5%
Explanation: The premium rate for PMFBY beneficiaries for Rabi crops is 1.5%. πŸ’°

33. A Central Sector scheme with 100% funding from GoI under which an income support of 6,000/- per year will be provided to all institutional land holders?

  1. KCC
  2. PMFBY
  3. PM-Kisan
  4. PMAY
  5. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
Answer 3. PM-Kisan
Explanation: PM-Kisan provides income support of β‚Ή6,000 annually to farmers. πŸ’΅

34. Which of the following is known as Antheraea mylitta?

  1. Mulberry silkworm
  2. Temperate Muga
  3. Eri Silk
  4. Tropical Tasar Silkworm
  5. Tropical Muga
Answer 4. Tropical Tasar Silkworm
Explanation: Antheraea mylitta is the scientific name for the Tropical Tasar Silkworm. πŸ›

35. Deficiency of which nutrient causes Rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults, milk fever in animals & reduction in milk yield?

  1. Potassium
  2. Calcium
  3. Zinc
  4. Magnesium
  5. Phosphorus
Answer 2. Calcium
Explanation: Calcium deficiency leads to various health issues like Rickets and Osteomalacia. 🦴

36. Breed of Buffalo which has sickle shaped horns, turned downward in backward direction, skin color either brown or black & found in Gujarat is?

  1. Bhadawari
  2. Toda
  3. Murrah
  4. Mehsana
  5. Surti
Answer 5. Surti
Explanation: Surti buffaloes are identified by their distinctive horn shape and are found in Gujarat. πŸƒ

37. Symptoms of Powdery Mildew of Pea are first appear on plant parts?

  1. Flower
  2. Roots
  3. Pods
  4. Stem
  5. Leaves
Answer 5. Leaves
Explanation: Powdery Mildew symptoms first appear on the leaves of pea plants. πŸƒ

38. Fruit type of rose is?

  1. Balusta
  2. Drupe
  3. Berry
  4. Synconus
  5. Hip
Answer 5. Hip
Explanation: The fruit type of rose is known as Hip. 🌹
  1. Sulphur Cycle
  2. Carbon Cycle
  3. Nitrogen Cycle
  4. Phosphorus Cycle
  5. Hydrogen Cycle
Answer 3. Nitrogen Cycle
Explanation: Annammox refers to a process in the Nitrogen Cycle. πŸ”„

40. Smother crops can be defined as?

  1. Crops which prevent the soil from erosion
  2. Crops grown to maintain soil moisture by their dense foliage
  3. Crop which conserves the soil moisture
  4. None
  5. Crops grown to suppress weed infestation by their dense ground covering
Answer 5. Crops grown to suppress weed infestation by their dense ground covering
Explanation: Smother crops are used to control weeds through dense ground coverage. 🌿

41. A negative factor in adoption of an innovation is?

  1. Compatibility
  2. Observability
  3. Trialability
  4. Predictability
  5. Complexity
Answer 5. Complexity
Explanation: Complexity can hinder the adoption of new innovations. πŸ€”

42. The process of unwinding silk filaments from the

cocoons is known as?

  1. Ginning
  2. Retting
  3. Linting
  4. Weaving
  5. Reeling
Answer 5. Reeling
Explanation: Reeling is the process of unwinding silk filaments from cocoons. πŸ›

43. ICMR recommendation for vegetables (g/day) is?

  1. 400
  2. 100
  3. 500
  4. 200
  5. 300
Answer 5. 300
Explanation: The ICMR recommends consuming 300g of vegetables per day. πŸ₯—

44. The principle of this technique is the generation of nitrogen cycle by maintaining higher C: N ratio through stimulating heterotrophic microbial growth, which assimilates the nitrogenous waste that can be exploited by the cultured spices as a feed?

  1. Composite Fish Farming
  2. Aeroponics
  3. None of these
  4. Integrated Fish Farming
  5. Biofloc fish farming
Answer 5. Biofloc fish farming
Explanation: Biofloc fish farming uses microbial activity to enhance nitrogen utilization. 🐟

45. Beetle having horn like projection on head, black body and attacks on open terminal portion?

  1. Black headed caterpillar
  2. Red palm weevil
  3. Cockcater beetle
  4. None of these
  5. Rhinoceros Beetle
Answer 5. Rhinoceros Beetle
Explanation: Rhinoceros Beetles are identified by their horn-like projections on the head. πŸͺ²

46. Bond formed with connects parallel and non-parallel strands in DNA helix?

  1. Hydrogen Bond
  2. Covalent Bond
  3. Phosphate Bond
  4. Phosphodiester Bond
  5. Disulfide Bond
Answer 1. Hydrogen Bond
Explanation: Hydrogen bonds connect the strands in the DNA helix. 🧬

47. Ratoon sugarcane is different as compared to pure crop because of?

  1. More N required
  2. Ratooning is costly
  3. It matures late
  4. It requires Zero Nitrogen.
  5. None of the above
Answer 1. More N required
Explanation: Ratoon sugarcane requires more nitrogen compared to the pure crop. 🌾

48. Discovery of mosaic in 1886 by Mayer?

  1. Cucumber
  2. Tobacco
  3. Brinjal
  4. Tomato
  5. Chilli
Answer 2. Tobacco
Explanation: Mayer discovered the mosaic disease in tobacco plants in 1886. πŸ‚

49. Disintegration of arils in matured pomegranates where disorder cannot be identified externally, whereas the arils become soft, light creamy-brown to dark blackish-brown and unfit for consumption?

  1. Granulation
  2. Uneven ripening
  3. Gummosis
  4. Fruit crack
  5. Internal Breakdown
Answer 5. Internal Breakdown
Explanation: Internal breakdown in pomegranates affects the arils without external symptoms. 🍎

50. Piercing and Sucking type mouth part is found in which order?

  1. Orthoptera
  2. Lepidoptera
  3. Isoptera
  4. Hemiptera
  5. Thysanoptera
Answer 4. Hemiptera
Explanation: Hemiptera insects have piercing and sucking mouthparts. πŸͺ²

51. Mandis are which type of market?

  1. Terminal Market
  2. Ternary Market
  3. Secondary Market
  4. Local market
  5. Primary Market
Answer 5. Primary Market
Explanation: Mandis function as primary markets in agricultural trading. 🌾

52. Scratching, rubbing and softening seed coat to make it permeable to water?

  1. Stratification
  2. Scarification
  3. Satisfaction
  4. Dilution
  5. Scarification
Answer 2. Scarification
Explanation: Scarification involves treating seeds to make them permeable to water. 🌱

53. Which of the following housing system is used in commercial layer farming cage system in poultry having dimensions of 14x16 inches or height 17 inches?

  1. Battery cage
  2. Deep litter
  3. Free range
  4. Semi Intensive system
  5. Folding cage Loppers
Answer 1. Battery cage
Explanation: Battery cages are commonly used in commercial layer farming. πŸ”

54. Agency helps in the price policy of major agricultural crops for Government?

  1. FCI
  2. CACP
  3. APEDA
  4. Agmark
  5. NAFED
Answer 2. CACP
Explanation: CACP aids in formulating price policies for major agricultural crops. πŸ“ˆ

55. The Secretion of Milk from glandular secretory tissue is known as?

  1. Galactosidase
  2. Glycolysis
  3. Lactation
  4. Gluconeogenesis
  5. Galactopoietic
Answer 3. Lactation
Explanation: The secretion of milk is termed lactation. πŸ₯›

56. Protoplasmic fusion between plants of different species?

  1. Intrageneric hybridization
  2. Interspecific hybridization
  3. Intergeneric Hybridization
  4. Somatic hybridization
  5. Intraspecific hybridization
Answer 4. Somatic hybridization
Explanation: Somatic hybridization is the fusion of protoplasts from different species. 🌿

57. A process in which large fat globules are broken in smaller particles is known as?

  1. Homogenization
  2. Breaking
  3. Emulsification
  4. Centrifugation
  5. Pasteurization
Answer 1. Homogenization
Explanation: Homogenization reduces large fat globules to smaller ones in milk. πŸ₯›

58. In Maharashtra, Pre Seasonal planting of Sugarcane having growth period of 15-16 months is done in?

  1. October-November
  2. March-April
  3. August-September
  4. June-July
  5. May-June
Answer 4. June-July
Explanation: Pre-seasonal planting of sugarcane in Maharashtra is done in June-July. 🌾

59. Effluent treatment in fish pond is done for?

  1. Increasing fish growth
  2. Improving water quality
  3. Reducing algae growth
  4. Minimizing disease risk
  5. Enhancing oxygen levels
Answer 2. Improving water quality
Explanation: Effluent treatment improves water quality in fish ponds. 🐟

60. Pruning in grape vine in the month of in North India?

  1. June
  2. December
  3. February
  4. September
  5. January
Answer 5. January
Explanation: Pruning of grapevines in North India is typically done in January. πŸ‡

1. The combination of Tree + Crop + Pasture/Animal of agroforestry?

  1. Horti-Silvi
  2. Agri-Silvi Pasture
  3. Agri-Horti
  4. Agri-Silvi
  5. Agri-Silvi Pasture system
Answer 2. Agri-Silvi Pasture system
Explanation: Agri-Silvi Pasture system integrates trees, crops, and pasture/animals effectively. πŸŒ²πŸŒΎπŸ„

2. Oryza Sativa is the scientific name of crop?

  1. Maize
  2. Pearlmillet
  3. Sorghum
  4. Wheat
  5. Paddy
Answer 5. Paddy
Explanation: Oryza Sativa is known scientifically as Paddy. 🌾

3. Italian Honey is best for domestication, these bees are?

  1. Apis Florea
  2. Apis Dorsata
  3. Apis Mellifera
  4. Apis Cerena
  5. Melipona Irridepensis
Answer 3. Apis Mellifera
Explanation: Apis Mellifera is the species best suited for honey production and domestication. 🍯

4. Retting is the process of which crop?

  1. Maize
  2. Wheat
  3. Tomato
  4. Rice Toppers
  5. Jute …
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