Paper 2021

Memory Based IBPS SO (AFO) 2021 Examination.

1. What term is used to describe a conical evergreen tree with spirally arranged leaves, and grows in cool temperatures?

  1. Khair
  2. Haldu
  3. Sheesham
  4. Deodar
  5. None of these
Answer 4. Deodar
Explanation: Deodar is known for its distinct conical shape and evergreen foliage, thriving in cooler climates. 🌲

2. In the diameter class color chart for trees, which class lacks a specific color?

  1. 50-60 cm
  2. 40-50 cm
  3. 30-40 cm
  4. 0-20 cm
  5. 20-30 cm
Answer 4. 0-20 cm
Explanation: Trees in the 0-20 cm diameter class are not assigned a specific color in the chart. 🌳

3. Which tree produces silk cotton and kapok?

  1. Bombax ceiba
  2. Ceiba pentandra
  3. Calotropis
  4. Calortropis gigantea
  5. None of these
Answer 2. Ceiba pentandra
Explanation: Ceiba pentandra is known for its production of silk cotton and kapok. 🌺

4. What is the practice of growing plants in areas previously not forested, aimed at increasing forest cover?

  1. Farm forestry
  2. Mixed forestry
  3. Extension forestry
  4. Agro forestry
  5. Recreational forestry
Answer 3. Extension forestry
Explanation: Extension forestry focuses on increasing forested areas by planting in new locations. 🌱

5. Which instrument measures water content in milk?

  1. Hydrometer
  2. Thermometer
  3. Lactometer
  4. Lyphobic Indicator
  5. Lacanometer
Answer 3. Lactometer
Explanation: A lactometer is specifically designed to measure the water content in milk. πŸ₯›

6. What is the purpose of pasteurization in milk?

  1. To reduce the size of fat globule
  2. To check the adulteration in milk
  3. To destroy disease-causing pathogenic bacteria
  4. To destroy protein content in the milk
  5. To check the growth of bacteria
Answer 3. To destroy disease-causing pathogenic bacteria
Explanation: Pasteurization aims to eliminate harmful bacteria in milk. 🦠

7. Pusa Nanha is a papaya variety developed through which process?

  1. Selection
  2. Criss Cross inheritance
  3. Both A and B
  4. Mutation
  5. Somatic Hybridization
Answer 4. Mutation
Explanation: The Pusa Nanha variety of papaya was developed using mutation breeding techniques. 🍈

8. What term describes the propagation of plants using small tissue parts?

  1. Micropropagation
  2. Asexual Reproduction
  3. Vegetative propagation
  4. Hybridization
  5. None of these
Answer 1. Micropropagation
Explanation: Micropropagation involves growing plants from small tissue sections. 🌿

9. Coorg is a well-known commercial variety of which crop?

  1. Avocado
  2. Tea
  3. Rubber
  4. Coffee
  5. Cocoa
Answer 4. Coffee
Explanation: Coorg is famous for its commercial coffee plantations. β˜•

10. The Amrapali mango variety is a hybrid produced by crossing which cultivars?

  1. Banganapalli X Alphonso
  2. Dasehari X Neelam
  3. Alphonso X Banganapalli
  4. Neelum X Dashehari
  5. Dasheri X Baneshan
Answer 2. Dasehari X Neelam
Explanation: Amrapali is a hybrid of Dasehari and Neelam mango varieties. πŸ₯­

11. Which test identifies incomplete pasteurization in milk?

  1. Alkaline test
  2. MBR
  3. Alcohol
  4. COB test
  5. None of these
Answer 1. Alkaline test
Explanation: The alkaline test is used to detect incomplete pasteurization. πŸ₯›

12. Which drought-resistant cattle breed is known for its strong cart and field capabilities?

  1. Red sindhi
  2. Sahiwal
  3. Gir
  4. Tharparkar
  5. Krishna valley
Answer 5. Krishna valley
Explanation: Krishna valley cattle are robust and suitable for draught purposes. πŸ‚

13. What advanced minimum tillage method involves no primary tillage and reduced secondary tillage?

  1. Row zone tillage
  2. Ridge tillage
  3. Zero tillage
  4. Modern tillage
  5. Minimum tillage
Answer 3. Zero tillage
Explanation: Zero tillage eliminates primary tillage, focusing only on the seed bed. 🚜

14. Cricket ball and Kalipatti are varieties of which fruit crop?

  1. Ber
  2. Guava
  3. Plum
  4. Pear
  5. Sapota
Answer 5. Sapota
Explanation: Cricket ball and Kalipatti are popular varieties of sapota. 🍐

15. Which soil ameliorant is cheap and commonly used for reclaiming sodic soils?

  1. Lime
  2. Ammonium sulphate
  3. Iron pyrite
  4. Gypsum
  5. Sulphur Dust
Answer 4. Gypsum
Explanation: Gypsum is cost-effective and widely used for sodic soil reclamation. 🏞️

16. On which type of soil is rock phosphate applied?

  1. Neutral
  2. Alkaline
  3. Saline
  4. Acidic soil
  5. None of these
Answer 4. Acidic soil
Explanation: Rock phosphate is most effective on acidic soils. 🌾

17. Muga silk is cultivated on which plants?

  1. Arjun
  2. Shorea robusta
  3. Terminalia tomeutosa
  4. Som & Soalu
  5. Castor
Answer 4. Som & Soalu
Explanation: Muga silk is produced by silkworms feeding on Som and Soalu plants. πŸ›

18. Leaf curl in chilli is spread by which insect?

  1. Mites
  2. Thrips
  3. Termites
  4. Hopper
  5. Aphid
Answer 2. Thrips
Explanation: Thrips are the primary vector for leaf curl disease in chilli. 🌢️

19. Which technique does not directly transfer genes?

  1. Explant culture
  2. Chemical transfection
  3. Micro injection
  4. Electroporation
  5. Particle bombardment
Answer 1. Explant culture
Explanation: Explant culture involves growing cells without direct gene transfer. 🧬

20. Which guava variety with pink flesh is also known as ‘Sardar’?

  1. Alhabad safeda
  2. L-49
  3. Allahabad surkha
  4. Safeda
  5. None of these
Answer 2. L-49
Explanation: The L-49 variety is commonly referred to as 'Sardar' due to its pink flesh. 🍈

21. Which goat breed from Switzerland is known as the “milk queen”?

  1. Barbari

Anglo neubiun 3. Toggenburg 4. Sanen 5. Jamnapari

Answer 4. Sanen
Explanation: Sanen goats are renowned worldwide for their high milk production. 🐐

22. What is the FRP for sugarcane based on recovery percentage?

  1. Rs. 260
  2. Rs. 290
  3. Rs. 270
  4. Rs. 285
  5. Rs. 240
Answer 2. Rs. 290
Explanation: The Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) for sugarcane is Rs. 290 per quintal based on recovery percentage. πŸ’°

23. What is the sodium absorption ratio (SAR) of water with Na+, Ca++, and Mg++ concentrations of 20, 10, and 8 meq/L, respectively?

  1. 4 %
  2. 6 %
  3. 4.8 %
  4. None of these
  5. 6.67 %
Answer 5. 6.67 %
Explanation: The SAR is calculated based on the concentrations of sodium, calcium, and magnesium ions in the water. 🌊

24. Which soil and water conservation method is widely used in hilly and mountainous areas?

  1. Zing terracing
  2. Contour bunding
  3. Bench terracing
  4. None of these
  5. Graded bunding
Answer 2. Contour bunding
Explanation: Contour bunding is effective in reducing soil erosion in hilly terrains. πŸ”οΈ

25. Golden rice was developed to address the deficiency of which nutrient?

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Iron
  3. Phosphorus
  4. Calcium
  5. Vitamin E
Answer 1. Vitamin A
Explanation: Golden rice is genetically modified to contain beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. 🌾

26. Curled toe paralysis in chickens is due to a deficiency of which vitamin?

  1. Vit. A
  2. Vit. B2
  3. Vit. E
  4. None of these
  5. Vit. B1
Answer 2. Vit. B2
Explanation: Vitamin B2 deficiency in chickens can lead to curled toe paralysis. πŸ”

27. Which dual-purpose goat breed is raised for both meat and milk?

  1. Marwadi
  2. None of these
  3. Sanen
  4. Black Bengal
  5. Beetal
Answer 5. Beetal
Explanation: Beetal goats are known for their utility in both meat and milk production. 🐐

28. What is an advanced pregnancy symptom in cattle when the embryo is expelled?

  1. Silent oestrous
  2. Sexual imparity
  3. Lapsing of uterus and vagina
  4. Anoestrous
  5. Anoestrus
Answer 3. Lapsing of uterus and vagina
Explanation: This condition occurs when the embryo is prematurely expelled, causing the uterus and vagina to lapse. πŸ„

29. What is the isolation distance for certified seed production in okra?

  1. 50
  2. 100
  3. 800
  4. 200
  5. 1000
Answer 4. 200
Explanation: A 200-meter isolation distance is required for certified seed production in okra to maintain genetic purity. 🌿

30. From which institute does ACABC receive training?

  1. ICAR
  3. KVIC
  4. ATMA
Answer 5. MANAGE
Explanation: The National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) provides training to ACABC. πŸŽ“

31. What is Norin-10 a source of?

  1. Disease Resistance in maize
  2. Dwarf gene in sorghum
  3. None of these
  4. Dwarf gene in wheat
  5. Dwarf gene in paddy
Answer 4. Dwarf gene in wheat
Explanation: Norin-10 is known for its dwarf gene, which is used in wheat breeding. 🌾

32. Which nutrient is a basic component of proteins and chlorophyll, aiding in amino acid and protein synthesis?

  1. Magnesium
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Potassium
  4. Phosphorus
Answer 2. Nitrogen
Explanation: Nitrogen is essential for the synthesis of amino acids and proteins, and it is a component of chlorophyll. πŸƒ

33. Which plant is an indicator of boron deficiency?

  1. Potato
  2. Rice
  3. Sunflower
  4. Pearl Millet
  5. Atropa
Answer 3. Sunflower
Explanation: Sunflowers often exhibit symptoms of boron deficiency, making them indicator plants. 🌻

34. What process turns immature green fruits into desirable, edible ones using ethylene?

  1. Curing
  2. Degreening
  3. Ripening
  4. Precooling
  5. Cleaning
Answer 3. Ripening
Explanation: Ripening involves ethylene treatment to improve fruit quality and palatability. 🍏

35. The weight of a urea bag has been reduced from 50 kg to what new weight?

  1. 25 kg
  2. 40 kg
  3. 27 Kg
  4. 30 kg
  5. 45 kg
Answer 5. 45 kg
Explanation: Urea bags now weigh 45 kg, reduced from the previous 50 kg. βš–οΈ

36. Which fish has lungs functioning as labyrinth organs?

  1. Catla
  2. Mrigal
  3. Rohu
  4. Gourami
  5. None of these
Answer 4. Gourami
Explanation: Gourami fish possess labyrinth organs that function like lungs. 🐟

37. What is the percentage of oil content in groundnut?

  1. 18-20
  2. 44 to 58
  3. 23-25
  4. None of these
  5. 30 to 33
Answer 2. 44 to 58
Explanation: Groundnuts have a high oil content ranging from 44 to 58%. πŸ₯œ

38. What term describes plant growth towards sunlight?

  1. Phototropism
  2. Photo periodism
  3. Photo phosphoralation
  4. Photorespiration
  5. Photo synthesis
Answer 1. Phototropism
Explanation: Phototropism is the directional growth of plants towards light. 🌞

39. What are imperfectly developed female bees unable to reproduce, yet they work for the colony’s welfare?

  1. Queen bee
  2. Drone
  3. Worker bee
  4. Solitary bee
  5. None of these
Answer 3. Worker bee
Explanation: Worker bees are non-reproductive females that perform various tasks for the colony. 🐝

40. What is the TSS for ripening sugarcane measured in brix?

  1. 25
  2. 10
  3. 32
  4. 20
  5. 30
Answer 4. 20
Explanation: The Total Soluble Solids (TSS) for ripening sugarcane is typically around 20 brix. 🌾

41. What is the limit for loans against pledged agriculture produce under NWR’s/ENWRs for a period not exceeding

one year?

  1. 100 Lakh
  2. 50 Lakh
  3. 75 Lakh
  4. 50 Lakh
  5. None of these
Answer 3. 75 Lakh
Explanation: The limit for such loans is up to 75 Lakh. πŸ’Έ

42. What causes Akiochi disease in rice?

  1. CH4
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Carbon Dioxide
  4. H2S
  5. Sulphur
Answer 4. H2S
Explanation: Akiochi disease in rice is caused by hydrogen sulfide toxicity. 🌾

43. What is the main reason for seed dormancy?

  1. Fungal growth
  2. Immature embryo
  3. Physical cracking
  4. Imbalance in environment
  5. Distorted seed coat
Answer 2. Immature embryo
Explanation: Seed dormancy often occurs due to the presence of an immature embryo. 🌱

44. What part of a tractor is used to attach machinery like combine harvesters and threshers?

  1. Link road
  2. Hitch
  3. PTO
  4. Tractor pully
  5. Transmission system
Answer 3. PTO
Explanation: The Power Take-Off (PTO) is used to attach various machinery to a tractor. 🚜

45. At what temperature should potato tubers be cured for 2 days, followed by storage at 7 to 10Β° Celsius for 10-12 days at 90% relative humidity?

  1. 18Β°C
  2. 24Β°C
  3. 4Β°C
  4. 37.5Β°C
Answer 1. 18Β°C
Explanation: Potato tubers should be cured at 18Β°C before long-term storage. πŸ₯”

46. What is the term for a structural enclosure allowing only necessary sunlight, moisture, and air through woven material?

  1. Green house
  2. Shade net
  3. Hydroponics
  4. Polyhouse
  5. Sun house
Answer 2. Shade net
Explanation: Shade nets are used to control the environment for plant growth. 🌱

47. For exotic, crossbreed cows and buffaloes in the 5th month of pregnancy, how much concentrate (beyond maintenance) should be provided?

  1. 1 Kg
  2. 1.5 Kg
  3. 2 Kg
  4. 3 Kg
  5. 2.5 Kg
Answer 2. 1.5 Kg
Explanation: 1.5 Kg of concentrate is recommended for cows and buffaloes in the 5th month of pregnancy. πŸ„

48. What term describes organisms that can tolerate a wide range of salinity?

  1. Oligohaline
  2. Estuarine
  3. Euryhaline
  4. Stenohaline
  5. None of these
Answer 3. Euryhaline
Explanation: Euryhaline organisms can withstand various salinity levels. 🌊

49. Which brackish water fish has high growth rates and can tolerate temperature fluctuations?

  1. Lobster
  2. Shrimp
  3. White prawn
  4. Tiger prawn
  5. Milk Fish
Answer 4. Tiger prawn
Explanation: Tiger prawns are preferred for their rapid growth and adaptability. 🦐

50. What is a type of catamaran made of 3-5 logs, famous in Tamil Nadu, with a specialized 7-log version called β€œkolamaram” used for catching flying fish?

  1. Telngana type
  2. Catamaran
  3. None of these
  4. Classical Dhingi
  5. Coromandel
Answer 5. Coromandel
Explanation: The Coromandel catamaran is a traditional fishing craft used in Tamil Nadu. 🌊

51. Which bacterial infectious disease in fisheries disintegrates fins and leads to fin and tail rot?

  1. Red pest
  2. Velvet
  3. Mouth fungus
  4. Dropsy
  5. Tail and fin rot
Answer 5. Tail and fin rot
Explanation: Tail and fin rot is a common bacterial disease affecting fish. 🐟

52. Which drainage method is used in high water table areas and hilly regions?

  1. Tile drainage
  2. Gravity outlet
  3. Mole drainage
  4. None of these
  5. Open channel
Answer 1. Tile drainage
Explanation: Tile drainage is effective in high water table and hilly areas. 🌾

53. Zero tillage has succeeded primarily due to which agricultural input?

  1. Insecticides
  2. Fungicides
  3. Pesticides
  4. Herbicides
  5. Soil amendments
Answer 4. Herbicides
Explanation: Herbicides play a crucial role in the success of zero tillage by controlling weeds. 🚜

54. What are the diagnostic symptoms of maize stem borer infestation?

  1. Caterpillar feed on the leaves and cause leaf curl and damage to crop.
  2. Adults and nymphs feed on the crop and damage to leave
  3. A caterpillar feed on the leaves and bore into stem and cob
  4. None of these
  5. Caterpillar feed on leaves and spots on leaves
Answer 3. A caterpillar feed on the leaves and bore into stem and cob
Explanation: The caterpillar of the stem borer feeds on maize leaves and bores into the stem and cob. 🌽

55. What measures can prevent brucellosis disease in goats?

  1. Dipping in CuSO4 tank
  2. Avoid Green fodder feeding
  3. Clean hygiene
  4. Proper medication and antibiotics
  5. Vaccination, isolation, blood testing, culling of affected animals
Answer 5. Vaccination, isolation, blood testing, culling of affected animals
Explanation: These measures are essential for controlling the spread of brucellosis in goats. 🐐

56. What was the livestock sector’s contribution to overall GVA as per the First Advance Estimates released on January 29, 2021?

  1. 4.80%
  2. 4.50%
  3. 5.10%
  4. 4.30%
  5. 5.20%
Answer 5. 5.20%
Explanation: The livestock sector contributed 5.20% to the overall GVA in the specified estimates. πŸ„

57. What happens to the humidity and temperature of humid air in adiabatic dehumidification?

  1. Increase - Increase
  2. None of These
  3. Decrease - Increase
  4. Decrease – Decrease
  5. Increase - Decrease
Answer 4. Decrease – Decrease
Explanation: In adiabatic dehumidification, both the humidity and temperature of the air decrease. 🌑️

58. What is the field capacity of a 3-bottom 25 cm moldboard plough working at 3 km/hr?

  1. 1.2450
  2. 2.3340
  3. None of these
  4. 0.4480
  5. 0.2250
Answer 5. 0.2250
Explanation: The field capacity is calculated based on the plough's working width and speed. 🚜

59. Which implement can be used for both primary and secondary tillage?

  1. Desi plough
  2. Disc harrow
  3. Cultivator
  4. Rotavator
  5. Land leveller
  1. Rotavator
    Explanation: A rotavator is versatile, suitable for both primary and secondary tillage. 🚜

60. Which of the following requires the least amount of irrigation water per hectare per annum?

  1. Bajra
  2. Wheat
  3. Maize
  4. Barley
  5. Groundnut
Answer 4. Barley
Explanation: Barley has lower water requirements compared to the other listed crops. 🌾

1. What term is used to describe a conical evergreen tree with spirally arranged leaves, and grows in cool temperatures?

  1. Khair
  2. Haldu
  3. Sheesham
  4. Deodar
  5. None of these
Answer 4. Deodar
Explanation: Deodar is known for its distinct conical shape and evergreen foliage, thriving in cooler climates. 🌲

2. In the diameter class color chart for trees, which class lacks a specific color?

  1. 50-60 cm
  2. 40-50 cm
  3. 30-40 cm
  4. 0-20 cm
  5. 20-30 cm
Answer 4. 0-20 cm
Explanation: Trees in the 0-20 cm diameter class are not assigned a specific color in the chart. 🌳

3. Which tree produces silk cotton and kapok?

  1. Bombax ceiba
  2. Ceiba pentandra
  3. Calotropis
  4. Calortropis gigantea
  5. None of these
Answer 2. Ceiba pentandra
Explanation: Ceiba pentandra is known for its production of silk cotton and kapok. 🌺

4. What is the …

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