Paper 2022

Memory Based IBPS SO (AFO) 2022 Examination.

1. What is the maximum financial support available under the ACABC scheme for a group of five participants?

  1. 75 Lakh
  2. 150 Lakh
  3. 40 Lakh
  4. 100 Lakh
  5. 50 Lakh
Answer 4. 100 Lakh
Explanation: The ACABC scheme offers up to 100 Lakh in assistance for a group of five members. πŸ’°

2. Under the RBI’s priority sector lending guidelines, what is the top limit of assistance available for Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)?

  1. 45 Crore
  2. 0.5 Lakh
  3. 15 Crore
  4. 5 Crore
  5. 500 Crore
Answer 4. 5 Crore
Explanation: The maximum assistance for FPOs under priority sector norms is 5 Crore. πŸ’΅

3. Identify the viral disease where the infected larvae’s skin turns shiny white before moulting, and the larvae’s body ruptures, leaking turbid white fluid?

  1. Flacherie
  2. Soto disease
  3. Muscardine
  4. Grasserrie
  5. Pebrine
Answer 4. Grasserrie
Explanation: Grasserrie causes the larvae to exhibit the described symptoms, including shiny white skin and ruptured bodies. πŸ›

4. What is the term used to describe a cross involving two pairs of different traits?

  1. Two-way crossing
  2. Double Hybridization
  3. Dihybrid cross
  4. Dicross hybridization
  5. Monohybrid cross
Answer 3. Dihybrid cross
Explanation: A dihybrid cross involves the crossing of two pairs of different traits. 🌱

5. Which insect larva can survive under 15-20 cm of soil and cause severe defoliation?

  1. Desert Grasshopper
  2. Monarch Butterfly
  3. Red hairy caterpillar
  4. Tobacco caterpillar
  5. Hairy caterpillar
Answer 3. Red hairy caterpillar
Explanation: The Red hairy caterpillar is known for its ability to diapause and cause significant defoliation. πŸ›

6. Which of the following is not typically associated with acid soils?

  1. Low cation exchange capacity
  2. Presence of Kaolinite and illite clay
  3. High concentration of Al, Fe, and deficiency of Ca and Mg
  4. Low base saturation
  5. More than 0.1% salts
Answer 5. More than 0.1% salts
Explanation: Acid soils are characterized by other factors, not typically by a high salt concentration. 🌿

7. What term refers to the power produced in an engine cylinder and transmitted to the piston, excluding frictional losses?

  1. PTOHP
  2. IHP
  3. FHP
  4. BHP
  5. RBHP
Answer 2. IHP
Explanation: IHP (Indicated Horse Power) represents the power in the engine cylinder before accounting for friction losses. βš™οΈ

8. In an engine, which part is responsible for the ignition of the fuel-air mixture and for generating power?

  1. Crankshaft
  2. Connecting rod
  3. Cylinder
  4. Flywheel
  5. Carburettor
Answer 3. Cylinder
Explanation: The cylinder is where the ignition and mixture of fuel and air take place, leading to power production. πŸš—

9. What is the correct scientific name for the Sal tree?

  1. Acacia catchu
  2. Spathodea campanulata
  3. Dalbergia sissoo
  4. Saraca asoca
  5. Shorea robusta
Answer 5. Shorea robusta
Explanation: The scientific name for the Sal tree is Shorea robusta. 🌳

10. What causes Urfa disease in rice?

  1. Deficiency of Phosphorus
  2. Attack of Bacteria
  3. Attack of Nematode
  4. Attack of Fungus
  5. Deficiency of Zinc
Answer 3. Attack of Nematode
Explanation: Urfa disease in rice is caused by nematodes. 🌾

11. What is the scientific name of the grass carp?

  1. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
  2. Oreochromis niloticus
  3. Cyprinus carpio
  4. Ctenopharyngodon idella
  5. Hypophthalmichthys nobilis
Answer 4. Ctenopharyngodon idella
Explanation: The grass carp's scientific name is Ctenopharyngodon idella. 🐟

12. Which scheme ensures 100 days of guaranteed employment in rural areas?

  1. Deendayal Antyoday Yojana - National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY - NRLM)
  2. Swarjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
  3. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
  4. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
  5. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)
Answer 4. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
Explanation: MGNREGA provides 100 days of wage employment in rural areas. πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ

13. What is the term for the birthing process in rabbits?

  1. Farrowing
  2. Calving
  3. Kidding
  4. Kindling
  5. Lambing
Answer 4. Kindling
Explanation: The birthing process in rabbits is known as kindling. 🐰

14. Which fruit is associated with the Red Delicious variety?

  1. Cherry
  2. Apple
  3. Apricot
  4. Strawberry
  5. Plum
Answer 2. Apple
Explanation: Red Delicious is a type of apple. 🍎

15. What is the term for unwinding silk cocoon to create uniform threads?

  1. Reeling
  2. Stripping
  3. Stifling
  4. Riddling
  5. Deblossming
Answer 1. Reeling
Explanation: The process of making uniform threads from a silk cocoon is called reeling. 🧡

16. At which stage is baby corn typically harvested to ensure its sweetness?

  1. 2-3 days after silking
  2. Flowering stage
  3. 2-3 days after tasseling
  4. Milking stage
  5. At half maturity
Answer 1. 2-3 days after silking
Explanation: Baby corn is best harvested 2-3 days after silking to maintain its sweetness. 🌽

17. Which board is not one of the five statutory boards under the Ministry of Commerce?

  1. Tea Board
  2. Cardamom Board
  3. Tobacco Board
  4. Spice Board
  5. Rubber Board
Answer 2. Cardamom Board
Explanation: The Cardamom Board is not one of the five statutory boards under the Ministry of Commerce. πŸ›οΈ

18. What is the vector for Little leaf disease in brinjal?

  1. White fly
  2. Leaf hopper
  3. Thrips
  4. Nematode
  5. Aphid
Answer 2. Leaf hopper
Explanation: The Leaf hopper is known to transmit Little leaf disease in brinjal. πŸ¦—

19. What is the duration of the oestrous

cycle in sheep?

  1. 24 days
  2. 28 days
  3. 15-18 days
  4. 19-21 days
  5. 22-25 days
Answer 3. 15-18 days
Explanation: The oestrous cycle in sheep lasts 15-18 days. πŸ‘

20. What is the term for making fruit skin attractive by degrading chlorophyll using ethylene gas?

  1. Ripening
  2. Colouration
  3. Yellowing
  4. Degreening
  5. Precooling
Answer 4. Degreening
Explanation: Degreening involves using ethylene gas to make the fruit skin more appealing by removing chlorophyll. 🍊

21. Which Citrus species can only be propagated by seeds?

  1. Sour lime
  2. Sweet Lime
  3. Rough Lime
  4. Acid lime
  5. Rangpur Lime
Answer 4. Acid lime
Explanation: Acid lime is the Citrus species that can only be propagated by seeds. πŸ‹

22. Which type of vegetation is found at the confluence of rivers and seas?

  1. Social Forestry
  2. Aqua Forestry
  3. Mangrove
  4. Protective Forestry
  5. Shelter Belts
Answer 3. Mangrove
Explanation: Mangrove vegetation is commonly found where rivers meet the sea. 🌿

23. What is the name of the process where cattle re-chew previously consumed food?

  1. Rumination
  2. Absorption
  3. Salivation
  4. Digestion
  5. Curving
Answer 1. Rumination
Explanation: Rumination is the process by which bovines re-chew their food after initially consuming it. πŸ„

24. Which Himalayan breed, found in Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, has long, curved horns and produces fine wool?

  1. Barbari
  2. Marwari
  3. Osmanabadi
  4. Sirohi
  5. Gaddi
Answer 5. Gaddi
Explanation: The Gaddi breed is known for its long horns and fine wool production. πŸ‘

25. By what factor does the Quincunx planting system increase plant accommodation compared to the square planting system?

  1. 1.5
  2. 0.5
  3. 4
  4. 2
  5. 3
Answer 1. 1.5
Explanation: The Quincunx system allows for 1.5 times more plant accommodation compared to the square system. 🌳

26. What process is employed to enhance cereal grains and reduce breakage during milling?

  1. Hydroboiling
  2. Dehusking
  3. Warm Milling
  4. Drying
  5. Parboiling
Answer 5. Parboiling
Explanation: Parboiling is a process used to enhance cereal grains by pre-cooking them to improve nutrient retention and reduce breakage during milling. 🌾

27. What does the term “pulsing” refer to in agricultural practices?

  1. Increasing the shelf life of vegetables
  2. Extending the lifespan of flowers in a vase
  3. Storing pulses
  4. Prolonging mango freshness
  5. None of the above
Answer 2. Extending the lifespan of flowers in a vase
Explanation: In agricultural terms, "pulsing" refers to the treatment that increases the vase life of flowers. 🌸

28. Which specialized stem grows horizontally from the leaf axil at the plant’s crown?

  1. Tuber
  2. Sucker
  3. Bulb
  4. Rhizome
  5. Runner
Answer 5. Runner
Explanation: A runner is a specialized stem that grows horizontally from the leaf axil and helps in vegetative propagation. 🌱

29. GnRH hormone is secreted by which part of the body?

  1. Pineal
  2. Ovary
  3. Gonads
  4. Pituitary
  5. Hypothalamus
Answer 5. Hypothalamus
Explanation: GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone) is secreted by the hypothalamus in the brain. 🧠

30. In a soil type where clay is less than 15%, what is the minimum sand percentage?

  1. 60
  2. 40
  3. 70
  4. 50
  5. 85
Answer 5. 85
Explanation: For a soil type with less than 15% clay, the sand content must be at least 85%. 🌍

31. What is the primary excretory organ in silkworm larvae?

  1. Book lungs
  2. Cutaneous
  3. Trachea
  4. Malpighian tubules
  5. Green glands
Answer 4. Malpighian tubules
Explanation: Malpighian tubules are the main excretory organs in silkworm larvae, aiding in waste removal. πŸ›

32. Which planting method is preferred for maize in either the monsoon or rabi season?

  1. On Flat bed
  2. Zero till planting
  3. Transplanting
  4. Ridge planting
  5. Furrow planting
Answer 4. Ridge planting
Explanation: Ridge planting is the recommended method for sowing maize during both the monsoon and rabi seasons. 🌽

33. Long-day plants typically require what range of photoperiodic length for optimal flowering?

  1. Less than 14 hours
  2. 18-24 hours
  3. 14-18 hours
  4. 10-12 hours
  5. More than 24 hours
Answer 3. 14-18 hours
Explanation: Long-day plants need a photoperiod of 14-18 hours to flower effectively. 🌼

34. The genetic variation seen in plants regenerated through somatic hybridization by tissue culture is known as?

  1. Somatic mutation
  2. Somatic embryogenesis
  3. Somatic hybridization
  4. Callus culture
  5. Soma clonal variation
Answer 5. Soma clonal variation
Explanation: Soma clonal variation refers to genetic differences in plants produced by somatic hybridization through tissue culture. 🌱

35. What term describes the removal of the male part of a plant without affecting the female reproductive part?

  1. Denavelling
  2. Emasculation
  3. Pollination
  4. Desilking
  5. Tasselling
Answer 2. Emasculation
Explanation: Emasculation is the process of removing the male parts of a plant to prevent self-pollination. 🌸

36. Which of the following is categorized as an Amide Fertilizer?

  1. Ammonium nitrate
  2. Urea
  3. Sodium nitrate
  4. Ammonium sulphate
  5. Sulphide of Potash
Answer 2. Urea
Explanation: Urea is classified as an amide fertilizer due to its chemical composition. 🌿

37. Which secondary tillage operation is crucial for soil pulverization and better seedbed preparation?

  1. Ploughing
  2. Tilling
  3. Harrowing
  4. Drilling
  5. Dibbling
Answer 3. Harrowing
Explanation: Harrowing is used to pulverize soil, making it suitable for seed planting. 🌾

38. What is the term for the dark brown-black substance found in soil, resulting from decomposition and beneficial for plant life?

  1. Organic Matter
  2. Soil colloids
  3. Gray Matter
  4. Humus
  5. Organic matter
Answer 4. Humus
Explanation: Humus is a decomposed organic matter that improves soil fertility and structure. 🌍

39. Which UN organization provides data on food production, consumption, and hunger but does not export products?

  1. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)
  2. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
  3. Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
  4. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
  5. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Answer 4. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Explanation: FAO provides comprehensive data on food production and hunger issues without being involved in export activities. 🌾

40. What term describes a farming system that integrates tree crops with livestock, poultry, and/or fish culture for meeting daily needs?

  1. Agroforestry
  2. Agri horticulture
  3. Agri silviculture
  4. Homestead agroforestry
  5. Aqua forestry
Answer 4. Homestead agroforestry
Explanation: Homestead agroforestry integrates various agricultural practices to meet daily needs within a farm setting. 🌳

41. Which of the following is a disadvantage of sexual reproduction in plants?

  1. Seeds have long viability
  2. Plants are not true to type and are inferior
  3. Better production in harsh environments
  4. Seed propagation is used only when vegetative methods fail
  5. Plants are deep and tap-rooted
Answer 2. Plants are not true to type and are inferior
Explanation: Sexual reproduction can result in plants that vary from the parent type and may be less desirable. 🌱

42. Forest that is established through natural or artificial seeding is known as?

  1. Simple coppicing
  2. High forest
  3. Woody coppicing
  4. Pollarding
  5. None of these
Answer 2. High forest
Explanation: High forest is grown from seeds and involves more mature tree stands. 🌲

43. In cage culture, what is the role of empty plastic drums?

  1. Cage Cover
  2. Covering Material
  3. Floating
  4. Sinking the Cage
  5. Feed
Answer 3. Floating
Explanation: In cage culture, empty plastic drums are used for floating cages on water bodies. 🚀

44. What is the minimum germination percentage required for certified onion seeds?

  1. 60
  2. 75
  3. 70
  4. 65
  5. 80
Answer 3. 70
Explanation: Certified onion seeds must have a minimum germination percentage of 70% to be considered viable. 🌰

45. Which fungus causes soft rot and fruit juice leakage in fruits such as peaches and tomatoes?

  1. Rhizopus sp
  2. Erwinia crotovora
  3. Erwinia crysanthemi
  4. Erwinia amylovora
  5. Erwinia uredovora
Answer 1. Rhizopus sp
Explanation: Rhizopus species are responsible for causing soft rot in various fruits, leading to leakage of juices. πŸ‘

46. In extension terminology, what does KCS stand for?

  1. Extension Workers
  2. Campaign
  3. Farmers
  4. Research Centres
  5. Govt agencies
Answer 3. Farmers
Explanation: In extension services, KCS refers to "Farmers," who are the primary beneficiaries of extension programs. 🚜

47. Which cactus species, native to Mexico, is known for its distinctive white hair-like fibers and is commonly called old man cactus?

  1. Echinochloa
  2. Echinocactus
  3. Echinocactus grusonii
  4. Cephalocereus senilis
  5. Oerocem trails
Answer 4. Cephalocereus senilis
Explanation: Cephalocereus senilis is recognized for its white, hair-like fibers and is commonly known as the old man cactus. 🌡

48. What dairy product is made from curd, using rennet enzyme, starter culture, and moisture removal, followed by pressing and cutting?

  1. Yoghurt
  2. Ghee
  3. Cheese
  4. Butter
  5. Flavoured Curd
Answer 3. Cheese
Explanation: Cheese is produced from curd through the addition of rennet and starter cultures, then removing moisture. πŸ§€

49. In the Ramsar watershed equation (Q = CIA), where Q is peak discharge, I is intensity of rainfall and A is drainage area. What does C represent?

  1. Erodibility coefficient
  2. Watershed coefficient
  3. Drainage coefficient
  4. Runoff coefficient
  5. Dispersal coefficient
Answer 4. Runoff coefficient
Explanation: In the Ramsar watershed equation, C stands for the runoff coefficient, which helps calculate peak discharge. 🌧️

50. Which hormone plays a role in converting glycogen to glucose?

  1. Glycogenesis
  2. Carbohydratiase
  3. Glucagen
  4. Insulin
  5. Protease
Answer 3. Glucagen
Explanation: Glucagen is involved in the conversion of glycogen to glucose, aiding in energy release. 🧬

51. According to the Day NRLM, MoRD, the Revolving Fund corpus for SHGs ranges from a minimum of _____ to a maximum of ______ per SHG.

  1. 10,000- 15,000
  2. 15,000- 20,000
  3. 25,000- 30,000
  4. 30,000- 50,000
  5. None of these
Answer 1. 10,000- 15,000
Explanation: The Revolving Fund corpus provided to SHGs ranges between 10,000 and 15,000 as per NRLM guidelines. πŸ’°

52. Which type of fish has the highest contribution to global aquaculture production?

  1. Anchoveta
  2. Silver carp
  3. Alaska pollock
  4. Anaebus testudeus
  5. American eel
Answer 1. Anchoveta
Explanation: Anchoveta fish significantly contributes to global aquaculture production due to its high production volumes. 🐟

53. What is the process called that involves using laboratory technologies to modify an organism’s DNA?

  1. RNA Modification
  2. Genetic engineering
  3. DNA Transcription
  4. Transformation of Genome
  5. Phenocopy
Answer 2. Genetic engineering
Explanation: Genetic engineering involves altering the DNA of organisms using laboratory techniques. 🧬

54. Which viral disease causes leaves to turn pale yellow, tips to whirl, and dark green streaks to develop on petioles and stems?

  1. Ring spot
  2. Blight
  3. Wilt
  4. Necrosis
  5. None of the above
Answer 1. Ring spot
Explanation: The Ring spot disease is characterized by pale yellow leaves, whirling tips, and dark green streaks on stems. 🌿

55. In a combine harvester, what is the normal range for the reel peripheral speed to forward speed ratio (reel speed index)?

  1. 1.75 to 2.00
  2. 1.25 to 1.50
  3. 2.00 to 2.50
  4. 3.00 to 3.25
  5. 3.25 to 3.50
Answer 2. 1.25 to 1.50
Explanation: The reel speed index for combine harvesters typically ranges from 1.25 to 1.50. 🚜

56. What is the term for the contraction of the uterus in cows after calving?

  1. Lactogenesis
  2. Oestrus Cycle
  3. Galactogenesis
  4. Involution
  5. Galactopiosis
Answer 4. Involution
Explanation: Involution refers to the process of the uterus contracting and returning to its pre-pregnancy state after calving. πŸ„

57. Which type of thresher features a threshing unit with hammers or beaters, a closed cylinder casing, concave, and oscillating sieves?

  1. Drum type thresher
  2. Hammer mill type
  3. Syndicator type
  4. Rasp bar cylinder
  5. Tooth spike
Answer 2. Hammer mill type
Explanation: The hammer mill type thresher uses hammers or beaters for threshing, along with a closed casing and sieves for grain separation. 🌾

58. What is the substance called that consists of lignin and polysaccharides not digested by the digestive tract?

  1. Starch
  2. Crude fibre
  3. Monosaccharide
  4. Disaccharide
  5. Lipoproteins
Answer 2. Crude fibre
Explanation: Crude fibre includes lignin and polysaccharides that resist digestion in the digestive tract, aiding in plant digestion. 🌾

59. Which finfish species has the greatest contribution to global aquaculture production?

  1. Anchoveta
  2. Alaska pollock
  3. American eel
  4. Silver carp
  5. Anaebus testudeus
Answer 1. Anchoveta
Explanation: Anchoveta fish plays a significant role in global aquaculture due to its high production levels. 🌊

60. What term is used for the scientific process of altering an organism’s DNA in the laboratory?

  1. Phenocopy
  2. DNA Transcription
  3. Genetic engineering
  4. RNA Modification
  5. Transformation of Genome
Answer 3. Genetic engineering
Explanation: Genetic engineering is the technique used to modify an organism's DNA in a laboratory setting. 🧬

1. What is the maximum financial support available under the ACABC scheme for a group of five participants?

  1. 75 Lakh
  2. 150 Lakh
  3. 40 Lakh
  4. 100 Lakh
  5. 50 Lakh
Answer 4. 100 Lakh
Explanation: The ACABC scheme offers up to 100 Lakh in assistance for a group of five members. πŸ’°

2. Under the RBI’s priority sector lending guidelines, what is the top limit of assistance available for Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)?

  1. 45 Crore
  2. 0.5 Lakh
  3. 15 Crore
  4. 5 Crore
  5. 500 Crore
Answer 4. 5 Crore
Explanation: The maximum assistance for FPOs under priority sector norms is 5 Crore. πŸ’΅

3. Identify the viral disease where the infected larvae’s skin turns shiny white before moulting, and the larvae’s body ruptures, leaking turbid white fluid?

  1. Flacherie
  2. Soto disease
  3. Muscardine
  4. Grasserrie
  5. Pebrine
Answer …
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