Paper 2023

Memory Based IBPS SO (AFO) 2023 Examination.

  1. Tightly Spaced Planting
  2. Intensive Planting
  3. High-Density Planting
  4. Clustered Planting
  5. Concentrated Planting
Answer 3. High-Density Planting
Explanation: High-Density Planting (HDP) refers to planting fruit trees closer together to maximize productivity per unit area while maintaining quality. 🌳

2. Which element is the fourth critical major nutrient for crops like pulses and oilseeds?

  1. Molybdenum
  2. Calcium
  3. Sulfur
  4. Magnesium
  5. Zinc
Answer 3. Sulphur
Explanation: Sulphur is important for amino acid synthesis in pulses and oil in oil seed crops. 🌾

3. Which organization oversees the comprehensive development of fisheries, focusing on marketing, capture, culture, and infrastructure?

  1. National Fisheries Development Board
  2. Marine Products Export Development Authority
  3. National Aquaculture Development Program
  4. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
  5. National Agricultural Cooperative Federation
Answer 2. Marine Products Export Development Authority
Explanation: MPEDA is responsible for the holistic development of fisheries, including marketing and infrastructure. 🐟

4. Which tree is commonly recognized for its role as a fertilizer tree?

  1. Banana
  2. Guava
  3. Gliricidia
  4. Coconut
  5. Mango
Answer 3. Gliricidia
Explanation: Gliricidia is known as a fertilizer tree due to its ability to improve soil fertility through its nitrogen-fixing properties. 🌳

5. Which seed type requires light for germination and is known as photoblastic?

  1. Carrot
  2. Lettuce
  3. Cucumber
  4. Rice
  5. Maize
Answer 2. Lettuce
Explanation: Lettuce seeds are photoblastic, meaning they require light to initiate the germination process. 🌱

6. Which state has the Chitala chitala as its state fish?

  1. Arunachal Pradesh
  2. Bihar
  3. Andhra Pradesh
  4. Uttar Pradesh
  5. Odisha
Answer 4. Uttar Pradesh
Explanation: The Chitala chitala is recognized as the state fish of Uttar Pradesh. 🐠

7. Where is the ICAR - National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources headquartered?

  1. Chennai
  2. Mumbai
  3. Kanpur
  4. Lucknow
  5. Kochi
Answer 4. Lucknow
Explanation: The ICAR - National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources is located in Lucknow, where it focuses on fish genetic research. 🐟

8. Which scheme supports the development of cold chain infrastructure including facilities for pre-cooling, grading, and cold storage?

  1. Mega Food Park
  2. Food Processing Infrastructure Scheme
  3. Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure Scheme
  4. Agro Processing Clusters
  5. Farm-Level Cold Chain Development
Answer 3. Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure Scheme
Explanation: This scheme focuses on creating comprehensive cold chain infrastructure for various agricultural products. ❄️

9. What percentage of a fowl egg’s weight is accounted for by albumin?

  1. 48%
  2. 58%
  3. 73%
  4. 68%
  5. 43%
Answer 2. 58%
Explanation: Albumin constitutes about 58% of the total weight of a fowl egg, providing essential proteins. πŸ₯š

10. Mitochondria and chloroplasts use which mechanism to produce energy?

  1. Chemiosmotic Coupling
  2. Conformational Coupling
  3. Electrochemical Gradient
  4. High Energy Interference
  5. Sliding Filament Mechanism
Answer 1. Chemiosmotic Coupling
Explanation: Both mitochondria and chloroplasts use chemiosmotic coupling to produce ATP, utilizing electrochemical gradients. ⚑

11. What is the unit of measurement for specific leaf area?

  1. Square meters per kilogram
  2. Centimeters
  3. Square centimeters
  4. Meters
  5. Square centimeters per gram
Answer 1. Square meters per kilogram
Explanation: Specific leaf area is measured in square meters per kilogram, indicating leaf area relative to weight. πŸƒ

12. According to CRIDA, what depth is considered deep ploughing?

  1. 15-20 cm
  2. 4-6 cm
  3. 2-3 cm
  4. 25-30 cm
  5. 8-10 cm
Answer 4. 25-30 cm
Explanation: Deep ploughing is defined as ploughing to a depth of 25-30 cm, which enhances soil structure and root development. 🌱

13. What practice involves growing plants and fish together where the plants filter the water and fish provide manure?

  1. Aquaponics Fish Farming
  2. Integrated Fish Farming
  3. Composite Fish Farming
  4. Intensive Fish Farming
  5. Polyculture Fish Farming
Answer 1. Aquaponics Fish Farming
Explanation: Aquaponics combines aquaculture with hydroponics, allowing plants and fish to mutually benefit each other. 🌿🐟

14. Paecilomyces lilacinus is utilized to manage which pest?

  1. Root Knot Nematode
  2. Downy Mildew
  3. Termite
  4. Rust
  5. Powdery Mildew
Answer 1. Root Knot Nematode
Explanation: Paecilomyces lilacinus is an effective biological control agent for managing root knot nematodes in soil. 🌱

15. What is the gestation period for sheep?

  1. 137Β±3 days
  2. 180Β±3 days
  3. 147Β±3 days
  4. 285Β±3 days
  5. 310Β±3 days
Answer 3. 147Β±3 days
Explanation: The average gestation period for sheep is approximately 147 days. πŸ‘

16. Where is the National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management situated?

  1. New Delhi
  2. Faridabad
  3. Mumbai
  4. Lucknow
  5. Kolkata
Answer 1. New Delhi
Explanation: The National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management is based in New Delhi, focusing on pest management research. πŸ•·οΈ

17. In teleost fish, where are chloride cells primarily found?

  1. Gill
  2. Skin
  3. Kidney
  4. Brain
  5. Bladder
Answer 1. Gill
Explanation: Chloride cells are located in the gills of teleost fish, helping to maintain salt balance in their bodies. 🐟

18. Which compound contributes to the aroma and flavor of rice?

  1. 2-Acetyl 2-Pyrroline
  2. 2-Butyl 1-Propylene
  3. 5-Acetyl 1-Pyroline
  4. 3-Butyl 2-Pyrroline
  5. 2-Acetyl 1-Pyrroline
Answer 5. 2-Acetyl 1-Pyrroline
Explanation: 2-Acetyl 1-Pyrroline is responsible for the characteristic aroma and

flavor in many rice varieties. 🍚

19. Which pathogen causes damping off disease in tomatoes?

  1. Virus
  2. Bacteria
  3. Fungi
  4. Nematodes
  5. Nutrient Deficiency
Answer 3. Fungi
Explanation: Damping off in tomatoes is primarily caused by fungal pathogens that affect seedling health. 🌿

20. What is the minimum isolation distance for certified seed of pearl millet hybrid seed parent pollinator?

  1. 1000 meters
  2. 200 meters
  3. 400 meters
  4. 500 meters
  5. 100 meters
Answer 2. 200 meters
Explanation: To prevent cross-pollination and ensure seed purity, a minimum isolation distance of 200 meters is required. 🌾

21. Which crop is used as an ex situ green manure crop?

  1. Daincha
  2. Subabul
  3. Cowpea
  4. Rice Bean
  5. Green Gram
Answer 2. Subabul
Explanation: Subabul is used as an ex situ green manure crop, enhancing soil fertility and structure. 🌱

22. What does the term ‘Dog Ridge’ refer to in agriculture?

  1. Salt and drought resistant rootstock of Lemon
  2. Salt and drought resistant rootstock of Rose
  3. Salt and drought resistant rootstock of Grape
  4. Salt and drought resistant rootstock of Papaya
  5. Salt and drought resistant rootstock of Apple
Answer 3. Salt and drought resistant rootstock of Grape
Explanation: 'Dog Ridge' is a type of rootstock known for its resistance to salt and drought, commonly used for grapevines. πŸ‡

23. What is the term for a castrated male pig?

  1. Castrated Male of Cattle
  2. Castrated Male of Sheep
  3. Castrated Male of Horse
  4. Castrated Male of Goat
  5. Castrated Male of Pig
Answer 5. Castrated Male of Pig
Explanation: A castrated male pig is known as a boar, and this term refers to its castrated form. πŸ–
  1. Greek Yogurt
  2. Coconut Water
  3. Whey Protein Concentrates
  4. Chocolate Milk
  5. Gatorade
Answer 3. Whey Protein Concentrates
Explanation: Whey protein concentrates are beneficial after exercise for muscle recovery due to their high protein content. πŸ’ͺ

25. Which chemical element is used as a detector in a neutron moisture meter for estimating soil moisture?

  1. Ra and Be
  2. BF3
  3. Am and Be
  4. Be and BF3
  5. Am and BF3
Answer 2. BF3
Explanation: Boron trifluoride (BF3) is commonly used in neutron moisture meters for soil moisture measurement. 🌾

26. Kew, Queen, and Mauritius are varieties of which fruit?

  1. Guava
  2. Pineapple
  3. Banana
  4. Mango
  5. Litchi
Answer 2. Pineapple
Explanation: Kew, Queen, and Mauritius are varieties of pineapple, known for their distinct flavors and characteristics. 🍍

27. Which Rhizobium species is used for lentil crops?

  1. R. japonicum
  2. R. leguminosarum
  3. R. meliloti
  4. R. trifolii
  5. R. phaseoli
Answer 2. R. leguminosarum
Explanation: R. leguminosarum is specifically used for inoculating lentil crops to enhance their growth. 🌱

28. What branch of soil science studies the origin, classification, and description of soil?

  1. Soil Chemistry
  2. Edaphology
  3. Soil Taxonomy
  4. Pedology
  5. Ecology
Answer 4. Pedology
Explanation: Pedology is the branch of soil science concerned with the formation, classification, and mapping of soils. 🌍

29. Which crop seed exhibits epigeal germination?

  1. Soyabean
  2. Rice
  3. Mango
  4. Bajra
  5. Maize
Answer 1. Soyabean
Explanation: Soyabean seeds are known for epigeal germination, where the cotyledons are pushed above the soil surface. 🌱

30. What is the Pf value of the hygroscopic coefficient?

  1. 0.33
  2. 2.54
  3. 3
  4. 4.5
  5. 4.2
Answer 4. 4.5
Explanation: The Pf value of the hygroscopic coefficient is 4.5, indicating the water content held by soil under specific conditions. 🌧️

31. What is the term for a genetic mutation that changes the amino acid sequence without altering the protein’s function?

  1. Silent Mutation
  2. Point Mutation
  3. Frame Shift Mutation
  4. Reverse Mutation
  5. Frame Shift Transcription
Answer 1. Silent Mutation
Explanation: Silent mutations alter the DNA sequence but do not affect the protein's function, thus having no impact on phenotype. 🧬

32. What term describes the time required to kill a population of microorganisms?

  1. Z value
  2. F value
  3. C value
  4. D value
  5. A value
Answer 2. F value
Explanation: The F value represents the time needed to destroy a specific population of microorganisms through a given process. ⏱️

33. What is the term for breeding animals of a wider relationship compared to close breeding?

  1. Out Cross Breeding
  2. Line Breeding
  3. Cross Breeding
  4. Test Crossing
  5. Back Crossing
Answer 5. Back Crossing
Explanation: Back crossing involves mating animals with a wider genetic relationship to introduce or retain certain traits. πŸ„

34. The term ‘Mamri’ or ‘Crush, Tear, Curl’ is associated with which crop?

  1. Coffee
  2. Ginger
  3. Arecanut
  4. Tea
  5. Rubber
Answer 4. Tea
Explanation: Mamri or Crush, Tear, Curl refers to defects in tea leaves that affect quality during processing. 🍡

35. Which rice variety is known as the ‘Miracle Rice’?

  1. IR 64
  2. Shubhangi
  3. Basmati
  4. IR 8
  5. LET 723
Answer 4. IR 8
Explanation: IR 8 is known as 'Miracle Rice' for its significant impact on rice production due to its high yield. 🌾

36. What is the budding technique where a rectangular bark section from the stock is replaced with a patch of bark of the same size?

  1. Shield or T Budding
  2. Inverted T Budding
  3. Patch Budding
  4. Chip Budding
  5. Ring or Amular Budding
Answer 3. Patch Budding
Explanation: Patch budding involves using a rectangular patch of bark to graft a new plant section, enhancing grafting success. 🌳

37. What is the causative agent of Mad Cow Disease?

  1. Protozoa

  2. Prion

  3. Bacteria

  4. Viruses

  5. Fungi

Answer 2. Prion
Explanation: Mad Cow Disease is caused by prions, misfolded proteins that induce abnormal folding in normal proteins. 🧬

38. What trap crop is effective against the red hairy caterpillar in groundnut cultivation?

  1. Cowpea
  2. Maize
  3. Paddy
  4. Gram
  5. Sesame
Answer 1. Cowpea
Explanation: Cowpea serves as a trap crop to manage red hairy caterpillar infestations in groundnut crops. 🌿

39. What is the purpose of the ooze test?

  1. Detects nematodes
  2. Identifies viroids
  3. Finds viruses
  4. Detects bacteria
  5. Detects fungi
Answer 4. Detects bacteria
Explanation: The ooze test is used to identify bacterial infections in plants by detecting bacterial ooze. 🌾

40. What is the term for the process of adding selected microorganisms to polluted soil to enhance degradation?

  1. Phytovolatization
  2. Biostimulation
  3. Hyperaccumulation
  4. Bioaugmentation
  5. Enhanced Rhizosphere
Answer 4. Bioaugmentation
Explanation: Bioaugmentation involves introducing beneficial microorganisms to improve soil decontamination processes. 🌱

41. Which of the following mango varieties is not polyembryonic?

  1. Carabao
  2. Chandrakaran
  3. Olour
  4. Goa
  5. Chausa
Answer 5. Chausa
Explanation: Chausa is not a polyembryonic mango variety, unlike varieties like Carabao and Goa. πŸ₯­

42. What does the quantum yield measure?

  1. Quantum Requirement
  2. Fluorescence
  3. Quantum Quenching
  4. Quantum Yield
  5. Phosphorescence
Answer 4. Quantum Yield
Explanation: Quantum yield is the ratio of photochemical products formed to the total number of quanta absorbed. 🌟

43. Which is NOT a role of lubrication oil in an engine?

  1. Serves as a seal between piston rings and cylinder
  2. Reduces wear and prevents seizure of rubbing surfaces
  3. Removes heat from the piston and other parts
  4. Reduces the power needed to overcome frictional resistance
  5. Maintains the correct working temperature inside the engine
Answer 5. Maintains the correct working temperature inside the engine
Explanation: Lubrication oil does not maintain the engine temperature but serves other functions such as reducing wear and friction. πŸ”§

44. Under PM KUSUM, what is the subsidy provided for solar-based pumps for farmers?

  1. 60%
  2. 70%
  3. 30%
  4. 40%
  5. 50%
Answer 1. 60%
Explanation: PM KUSUM provides a 60% subsidy on solar-based pumps to enhance irrigation and reduce diesel use in agriculture. β˜€οΈ

45. The smallest set of indicators used to determine soil quality and soil function is

  1. Soil conditioning index
  2. Soil quality index
  3. Threshold data set
  4. Soil health index
  5. Minimum data set
Answer 1. Minimum Data Set

46. Which soil characteristic allows moist soil to deform under applied force and maintain that shape after the force is removed?

  1. Plasticity
  2. Soil Air
  3. Soil Density
  4. Porosity
  5. Hygroscopic Coefficient
Answer 1. Plasticity
Explanation: Plasticity is the soil property that enables moist soil to change shape under pressure and retain that shape when the pressure is removed. 🏞️

47. Which downy mildew pathogen is known to affect graminicolous hosts?

  1. Plasmopora
  2. Sclerospora
  3. Peronospora (correct)
  4. Pseudoperenospora
  5. Bermia
Answer 3. Peronospora
Explanation: Peronospora is the genus responsible for downy mildew in graminicolous hosts, which are plants in the grass family. 🌾

48. Losses which are not covered under the scheme “Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana”.

  1. Due to war and act of animosity
  2. Pest infestation
  3. Natural calamities like flooding, hailstorms and landslides occurs in localities
  4. Prevented sowing
  5. After Post harvest losses
Answer 1. Due to was and act of animosity

49. According to PM Man Dhan Yojana, what is the guaranteed monthly pension amount given to beneficiaries in their old age?

  1. 2000
  2. 3000
  3. 6000
  4. 5000
  5. 4000
Answer 2. 3000
Explanation: Under the PM Man Dhan Yojana, beneficiaries are assured a monthly pension of β‚Ή3000 during their old age, which aims to provide financial security. πŸ’Έ

50. What term describes the situation where the damage caused by a pest surpasses the cost of implementing control measures?

  1. Economic Injury Level
  2. Economic threshold level
  3. Integrated Pest Management
  4. Economic damage level
  5. Economic disease level
Answer 2. Economic threshold level
Explanation: The economic threshold level is the point at which the cost of pest damage equals the cost of control measures. It helps in deciding when to take action to prevent further damage and economic loss. πŸ’ΈπŸŒΎ

51. What term describes the situation where the damage caused by a pest surpasses the expense of implementing economic control measures?

  1. Brandis hypsometer
  2. Haga altimeter
  3. Topographical Abney’s level
  4. Ravi multimeter
  5. Abney’s level
Answer 2. Haga altimeter
Explanation: The Haga altimeter is a portable device used to measure tree height from a distance, without requiring trigonometric calculations. πŸŒ²πŸ“

52. What term describes the decline or loss of biological or economic productivity and complexity in arid, semi-arid, and dry subhumid areas, affecting various land uses due to certain processes or combinations of processes?

  1. Land augmentation
  2. Land rejuvenation
  3. Land degradation
  4. Land revitalization
  5. Land amelioration
Answer 3. Land degradation
Explanation: Land degradation refers to the reduction or loss of productivity and complexity in land due to various processes, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. 🌡

53. What term describes medium to deep-rooted plants in a shallow water table region that function similarly to small capacity tube wells by continually pumping groundwater to sustain their transpiration rates?

  1. Phyto drainage
  2. Bio drainage
  3. Auto drainage
  4. Vertical drainage
  5. Eco drainage
Answer 2. Bio drainage
Explanation: Bio drainage refers to the use of plants with deep or extensive root systems to manage groundwater levels by continually drawing water from the soil, akin to small capacity tube wells. 🌱

54. Which ideal characteristic is essential for a tree species used in alley cropping?

  1. Non-legume
  2. Tree should have allelochemicals
  3. Palm tree
  4. Shallow rooted
  5. Must be N-fixing legume
Answer 5. Must be N-fixing legume
Explanation: For alley cropping, tree species that are nitrogen-fixing legumes are preferred because they improve soil fertility by adding nitrogen to the soil. 🌱

55. What is the lint index, which represents the weight of lint obtained per seed of cotton, expressed as a ratio between lint and seed?

  1. 50
  2. 100
  3. 200
  4. 400
  5. 800
Answer 2. 100
Explanation: The lint index is a measure of the amount of lint produced per seed in cotton, and it is expressed as 100, indicating the weight of lint relative to the seed. 🌱

56. What term describes the branches that emerge from the basal nodes of the stem or crown in cereals and grasses?

  1. Rhizomes
  2. Suckers
  3. Axillary buds
  4. Runners
  5. Tiller
Answer 5. Tiller
Explanation: In cereals and grasses, branches that grow from the basal nodes of the stem or crown are called tillers. 🌾 These are essential for increasing the density and yield of these plants.

57. What condition in broccoli is associated with molybdenum deficiency?

  1. Khaira
  2. Vigorous growth
  3. Akiochi
  4. Whip tail
  5. White bud
Answer 4. Whip tail
Explanation: Molybdenum deficiency in broccoli leads to a disorder known as whip tail, characterized by malformed and distorted leaves. 🌱

58. Which crucial derivative produced during the fermentation of tea contributes to the coloration of black tea?

  1. Trigonellin
  2. Theaflavin
  3. Polyphenols
  4. Catechin
  5. Tannin
Answer 2. Theaflavin
Explanation: Theaflavins are important pigments formed during the fermentation process of tea that give black tea its distinctive color. πŸ‚

59. What is the technique called where small flower buds are removed to promote the growth of larger flowers?

  1. Blossoming
  2. Pinching
  3. Disbudding
  4. Topping
  5. Desuckering
Answer 3. Disbudding
Explanation: Disbudding is the practice of removing small or unwanted flower buds to enhance the size and quality of the remaining flowers. 🌸

60. What is the required floor space in square feet for cows in covered areas?

  1. 5-10
  2. 20-30
  3. 15-20
  4. 45-50
  5. 35-40
Answer 5. 35-40
Explanation: The recommended floor space for cows in covered areas is typically 35-40 square feet per cow to ensure proper movement and comfort. πŸ„
  1. Tightly Spaced Planting
  2. Intensive Planting
  3. High-Density Planting
  4. Clustered Planting
  5. Concentrated Planting
Answer 3. High-Density Planting
Explanation: High-Density Planting (HDP) refers to planting fruit trees closer together to maximize productivity per unit area while maintaining quality. 🌳

2. Which element is the fourth critical major nutrient for crops like pulses and oilseeds?

  1. Molybdenum
  2. Calcium
  3. Sulfur
  4. Magnesium
  5. Zinc
Answer 3. Sulphur
Explanation: Sulphur is important for amino acid synthesis in pulses and oil in oil seed crops. 🌾

3. Which organization oversees the comprehensive development of fisheries, focusing on marketing, capture, …

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