πŸ––πŸ» Extension Concept

Learn about concept of Education, Extension Process, Pricipale and Philosophy.

Which of the following statement is wrong about extension education? πŸ“š

Concept of Extension Education

I. The Basic Concept

The basic concept of extension is education.


  • Education is essential considered as production of desirable change in behaviour.
  • Education causes change in Knowledge (things known), Skill (things done) and Attitude (things felt).
  • β€œEducation is the manifestation of perfection already in man” is a said by Swami Vivekananda.
  • Education is shaped by society.
  • Institutionalised, chronologically graded and hierarchically structured education system.
  • It’s characteristic feature are Subject and target group specificity.
  • Deductive approach.
  • Vertical Teaching.
  • It is organised, systematic, educational activity carried on outside framework of the formal system to provide selected type of learning to particular sub-group in the population, adult as well as children according to their needs.
  • Inductive approach. (teacher will explain many examples showing how concept is used)
  • In non-formal education 6 key elements were identified by Etling, Radhakrishna & Bowen are:
    1. Its significant aspect is flexible curriculum.
    2. Teaching is horizontal.
    3. Learners are heterogeneous.
    4. Learner centred.
    5. Less bureaucratic control &
    6. More decentralization
  • Ex. Agricultural Extension.
  • Life long process of learning happening through daily experience and exposure.

II. The Extension Education Process

  • Concept given by Leagans (1967).
  • It involves 5 steps: SOTER.

Meaning of Extension Education

It is an applied science consisting of content derived from research, accumulated field experiences and relevant principles drawn from the behavioural sciences synthesised with useful technology into a body of philosophy, principles, content and methods focused on the problems of out-of-school education for adults and youths.

Agricultural Extension

  • Deals with farmer.
  • It is a special branch of Extension Education.
  • Book entitled β€œAgricultural Extension” written by Van den Ban.
  • Book entitled β€œExtension Education” written by Dr. A. Adivi Reddy.

Scope of Extension Education

  1. Extension Education/Discipline:
  • Educational Organisation/ Agency
  • Educational Process/ Means
  • Educational Job/Work
  1. Extension Service:
  • An organisation or programme for agricultural development & rural welfare, which employs the extension process as a mean of programme implementation.
  • Main responsibility of Extension Service is with Sate Government.
  1. Extension Process
  • Working with the rural people through out of school education along with current interest & needs for getting overall development of rural families.
  1. Extension Job/Profession
  • The job of extension in agriculture & home economics is to assist people engaged in farming & home making to utilize full resources, solving problem and meeting socio-economics condition.

Scope of Agricultural Extension

A/Q Kelsey & Hearne, the scope of agricultural extension identified in 9 areas of programme emphasis.

  • Efficiency in agricultural production
  • Efficiency in marketing, distribution & utilisation
  • Conservation, development and use of natural resources.
  • Management on the farm & in the home
  • Family living
  • Youth development
  • Leadership development
  • Community development & rural area development
  • Public affairs.

Need of Extension

To interpret the findings of research to the farmers and to carry the problems of the farmers to research for solution. This gap is filled by the extension.

Objective of Extension

  • Expression of ends towards which our efforts are directed or Direction of movement towards a particular activity is known as Objective.
  • There are 3 levels of objectives:

1. Fundamental Objective

  • All-inclusive objectives of a society are fundamental objective.
  • Good life, better citizenship, democracy, better prosperity are included in fundamental objective.
  • Example: People’s Participation in planning at grass root level.

2. General Objective:

  • Objective which is general but more definite social objective are general objective.
  • Example: Mandatory creation of Panchayat Raj bodies in the states

3. Working Objective:

  • Also known as specific objective.

  • Working objectives operates at field extension work.

  • Example: Enactment of suitable laws relating to Panchayats, holding election in time, providing funds & facilities

  • Fundamental objective of extension is the overall development of the individual or Destination Man.

  • Major objective categories as:

    1. Material - Increase production, income.
    2. Educational – change the outlook of people or develop the individual.
    3. Social & cultural – development of the community.
  • The ultimate obj. of ext. is realizing ones fullest potential/change in behaviour.

  • The ultimate obj. of ext. work is the full development of an individual.

  • The basic element at the core of extension education is man himself.

  • The basic objective of ext. ed. is to create opportunities for effective learning.

  • The most important motive for extension work is influence motivation.

Function of Extension Education:

πŸ‘‰πŸ» To bring about desirable changes in human behaviour (KAS) by means of education.

  • Change in Knowledge πŸ‘‰πŸ» Change in what people know
  • Change in skill πŸ‘‰πŸ» Change in the technique of doing things
  • Change in attitude πŸ‘‰πŸ» Change in the feelings or reaction towards certain things

Principal of Motivation in Extension

  • A motive is some inner drive, impulse, intention etc. that causes or moves a person to do something or act in a certain way.
  • A process of initiating a conscious and purposeful action is called as motivation.
  • It is goal seeking or goal directed behaviour or activity.
  • Motivation has intrinsic and extrinsic value.
  • Intrinsic values are what a learner does for sake of engaging in the activity itself.
  • Intrinsic motivation is desirable, especially in learning because it contributes in active participation.
  • Extrinsic motivation is an incentive or goal is artificially introduced in the situation to cause or accelerate activity.
  • Eg. All prize schemes are largely extrinsic in value.

Philosophy of Extension Education

  • Philosophy is a body of general principles or laws of a field of knowledge.
  • Term philosophy is derived from Greek language.
  • The basic philosophy of extension is to teach people How to do not β€œWhat to do”.
  • To teach people how to think not β€œwhat to think”
Which of the following statement is wrong about extension education? πŸ“š

Concept of Extension Education

I. The Basic Concept

The basic concept of extension is education.


  • Education is essential considered as production of desirable change in behaviour.
  • Education causes change in Knowledge (things known), Skill (things done) and Attitude (things felt).
  • β€œEducation is the manifestation of perfection already in man” is a said by Swami Vivekananda.
  • Education is shaped by society.
  • Institutionalised, chronologically graded and hierarchically structured education system.
  • It’s characteristic feature are Subject and target group specificity.
  • Deductive approach.
  • Vertical Teaching.
  • It is organised, systematic, educational activity carried on outside …

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