πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Extension Programme

Learn about Extension Programme.

Extension Programme

  • According to Kelsey and Hearne (1967), an extension programme is a statement of situation, objectives, problems and solutions (SOPS). It is relatively permanent but requires constant revision.


A statement of affairs that include the cultural, social, economic & physical conditions in which a particular group of people find themselves at a given period of time.


  • Problem is a condition that the people after study, with or without outside help, have decided needs changing.
  • Simple problem: If number of causes are few & easy to identify.
  • Complex problem: If the problems are interrelated, causes are many & difficult to identify.


  • Concept of need given by Leagan (1961)
  • Need implies a gap between what is, the existing situation; and what ought to be, the desired situation.
  • The gap between the situation and objective is need.
  • Sociometric method is most effective method in identifying real rural needs.
  • From a psychological standpoint, need may classified into two categories:

1. Felt Need:

  • The need of which people are aware of.
  • Also called consciously recognised need.

2. Unfelt Need:

  • The need of which the people are not aware of at present.
  • Also called unrecognized need.


  • Solution is a course of proposed action to change an unsatisfactory condition to one that is more satisfying.


  • Articulation of desired end results.


  • Aim is generalised and broad statement of directions with respect to given activities.
  • Ex. Improvement of farmers’ economic condition, increasing the average wheat yield etc.
  • Aim includes several objectives & goal is a part of objective.


  • Objectives are expression of the ends towards which our efforts are directed.
  • Ex. To increase the average yield of wheat by from 40 quintal to 50 quintal per hectare.
  • Three levels of objective:

1. Fundamental or all-inclusive objectives of society

  • People’s participation in planning at the grass roots level.

2. General but more definite social objective

  • Mandatory creation of Panchayat Raj bodies in the States

3. Working or specific objectives:

  • Enactment of suitable laws relating to Panchayats, holding Panchayat elections in time, providing funds and facilities to the Panchayat Raj bodies etc.
  • This operates at field extension work.


  • Goal is distance in any direction one expects to go during a given period of time.
  • Ex. To raise the yield of wheat by 5 quintals per hectare in the current year.

Principles of Extension Programme Planning

  1. Extension programme should be based on an analysis of the facts in a situation.
  2. Extension programme planning selects problems based on people’s interests and needs.
  3. Extension programme planning determines definite objectives and solution, which offers satisfaction.
  4. Extension programme planning has permanence with flexibility.
  5. Extension programme planning has balance with emphasis.
  6. Extension programme planning has a definite plan of work.
  7. Extension programme planning is an educational process.
  8. Extension programme planning is a continuous process.
  9. Extension programme planning is a co-ordinating process.
  10. Extension programme planning involves local people and their institutions.
  11. Extension programme planning provides for evaluation of results.

Steps in Extension Programme Planning

Programme Determination/ Programme Planning

1. Collection of facts

  • Local situation acts a bench mark for starting programme planning.

2. Analysis of situation

  • The extension work grow out of situation.

3. Identification of problems

4. Determination of objectives and goal

Programme Implementation/Programme action

5. Developing plan of work and calendar of operations

Plan of Work
  • An outline of activities so arranged as to enable efficient execution of the programme.
  • The plan of work indicates: 5Ws & 1H i.e. what is to be done, who is to do it, how it is to be done, when & where it is to be done, who are to be served or reached and how the results will be evaluated.
Calendar of work
  • It is a plan of activities to be undertaken in a particular time sequence.
  • When plan of work arranged chronologically is called calendar of work.

6. Follow through plan of work and calendar of work

  • Execution of plan should be carried out without change.

7. Evaluation of progress

8. Reconsideration and revision of the programme


  • Latin word: β€˜valerie’ which means to be strong or valiant.
  • It is measuring performance against predetermined goals.
  • Evaluation of any programme should be based on objectives of the programme.
  • Purpose of evaluation is to identify strong and weak points and to identify gaps and errors.
  • The main objective of evaluation in extension is to facilitate effective decision making without jumping to conclusion.
  • Evaluation carried during project is known as process evaluation.

Evaluation of Extension Programmes

  • Evaluation is the process by which the effectiveness of extension is assessed. It is more than simply finding out what happened; it involves passing judgement on what happened. Was the outcome of the programme good enough? Was it better or worse than expected? Could more have been achieved?
  • The evaluation of agricultural extension programs implies the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics, and outcomes of a program to make judgments about the program, improve its effectiveness, and/or inform decisions about future programming.

Objectives of Evaluation

  1. To know the causes for success or failure of the programme, along with identifying the obstacles for success in the programme
  2. To inspire the workers for the evaluation of their objectives
  3. To know the merits and demerits of the programme
  4. To increase the self-confidence in both the rural people and extension worker
  5. To unearth the expenses and achievements of a programme
  6. To find out the usefulness of new experimental teaching methods

Extension Programme

  • According to Kelsey and Hearne (1967), an extension programme is a statement of situation, objectives, problems and solutions (SOPS). It is relatively permanent but requires constant revision.


A statement of affairs that include the cultural, social, economic & physical conditions in which a particular group of people find themselves at a given period of time.


  • Problem is a condition that the people after study, with or without outside help, have decided needs changing.
  • Simple problem: If number of causes are few & easy to identify.
  • Complex problem: If the problems are interrelated, causes are many & difficult to identify.


  • Concept of need given by Leagan (1961)
  • Need implies a gap between what is, the existing situation; and what …

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