๐Ÿ“” Seed Classes

Classes, Improved Seed, Seed Moisture

Seed Classes

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป There are four generally recognized classes of seeds. They are

  • Breeder seed
  • Foundation seed
  • Registered seed
  • Certified seed
  • The basis of seed multiplication of all notified varieties/hybrids is the Nucleus seed.
  • In India, normally 3 generation system seed are produced.

Definition of seed classes

Nuclear seed

  • This is the hundred percent genetically & physical pure seed and produced by the original breeder/Institute/State Agriculture University (SAU) from basic nucleus seed stock.
  • Obtained by process of mass selection.
  • A pedigree certificate is issued by the producing breeder.

Breeder seed

  • The progeny of nucleus seed multiplied in large area as per indent of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DoAC), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, under supervision of plant breeder / institute / SAUs and monitored by a committee consisting of the representatives of state seed certification agency, national / state seed corporations, ICAR nominee and concerned breeder.
  • This is also hundred percent physical and genetic pure seed for production of foundation seed.
  • A Golden Yellow Colour certificate is issued for this category of seed by the producing breeder. UPPSC 2021
  • Breeder seed is exempted from certification. FCI AGM 2021
  • 12 cm x 6 cm

Foundation seed

  • Produced from breeder seed and is the source of all other certified seed classes either directly or through registered seed. It is also known as Mother Seed.
  • It is always produced by certain organizations viz. National Seeds Corporation (mainly), Tarai Development Corporation (TDC) and State Seed Corporation (SSC).
  • lt is produced on Government Farms, at experiment stations, Agriculture Universities or on cultivatorโ€™s field under strict supervision of research scientists and experts from NSC or SSC. lt has specific genetic identity and purity.
  • A White Colour certificate is issued for foundation seed by seed certification agencies. UPPSC 2021
  • 15 cm x 7.5 cm

Registered seed

  • Produced from FS or Registered seed itself. lt is the parent of certified seed or RS.
  • It has satisfactory genetic identity and purity and is usually produced by progressive farmers under technical guidance and supervision from SSC.
  • In India, it is often omitted and certified seed is produced directly from FS.
  • A Purple Colour certificate is issued for this category of seed.

Certified seed

  • Progeny of RS, FS or CS itself. lt has satisfactory genetic identity and purity.
  • lt is approved and certified by the state seed certifying agency (SSCA), annually produced by progressive farmers according to standard seed production practices.
  • lt is available for general distribution to farmers for commercial crop production.
  • lt is generally produced by SSC but NSC also undertakes its production, if required.
  • This is the commercial seed which is available to the farmers and its genetic purity should be 99 per cent.
  • 15 cm x 7.5 cm
  • Two classes of CS are produced i.e. F1 and F2.
  • Recertification is not permitted form F2 generation (Second) of seeds.
  • Azure Blue Colour certificate is issued by seed certification agency for this category of seed. UPPSC 2021

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Other types of seeds in Agronomic use are:

Truthfully Labeled Seed (TFL)

  • It is the seed offered for sale after testing germination percentage and physical purity etc.
  • It is not a certified seed, as there is no inspection carried out by the certified person.
  • There is no colour tag for TFL seed.

Improved seed

  • It is a better seed substitute for pure seed but is not so good with respect to genetic and physical factors. It has at least 10-15% more genetic potential than the local seed and are resistant to pest and diseases, well adapted to agro-climatic conditions of the locality, high in response to better condition of growth.
    • Hybrid seed
    • Composite seeds
    • Mutant seeds

Attributes of International Seed Analysis Certification

Seed Moisture

  • Germination occurs when seed moisture is above 40-60%.
  • The moisture determination in seeds by:
    • Traditional bite test
    • Electrical moisture meters
    • Infra-red moisture meters
    • Oil distillation method
    • The lab. Oven method
    • Karl Fisher reagent method

Seed Classes

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป There are four generally recognized classes of seeds. They are

  • Breeder seed
  • Foundation seed
  • Registered seed
  • Certified seed
  • The basis of seed multiplication of all notified varieties/hybrids is the Nucleus seed.
  • In India, normally 3 generation system seed are produced.

Definition of seed classes

Nuclear seed

  • This is the hundred percent genetically & physical pure seed and produced by the original breeder/Institute/State Agriculture University (SAU) from basic nucleus seed stock.
  • Obtained by process of mass selection.
  • A pedigree certificate is issued by the producing breeder.

Breeder seed

  • The progeny of nucleus seed multiplied in large area as per indent of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DoAC), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, under โ€ฆ

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