ðŸŦ‘ Gourds

Cultivation, Important Points

Bottle Gourd

  • Botanical Name: Lagenaria siceraria
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: South Africa
  • Known as “lauki”
  • Seed rate: 3-6 kg/ha
  • Kofta and Petha are most popular preparations from Bottle gourd.
  • It is highly sensitive to photoperiod.
  • Dry shell is used for preparation of musical instrument.
  • Processed product - tooty-fruity.
  • Fruit pulp is very good source of fibre free carbohydrates. (Diabetes)
  • Germination: 25-30°C, Brownish or whitish brown seeds germinate well.
  • High temperature and High N2 induce maleness in Bottle gourd.
  • Heterosis is present through its life cycle in all stages.


  • Selection
    • Pusa Summer Prolific long
    • Pusa Summer Prolific round
    • Arka Bahar
    • Pusa Naveen
    • Punjab Round
    • Punjab long
    • Samrat: Highest Yield
  • Hybrid
    • Punjab Komal
    • Pusa Mangan
    • Pusa Meghdoot: 1st F1 hybrid by public sector.
    • Gutka
    • Harit
    • Varad
    • NDBG-1: Diara
    • PBO G-1: for Northern Plains
    • Pusa sandesh - New variety

Bitter Gourd

  • Botanical Name: Momordica charantia
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: Indo-Burma
  • Bitter principle: Momordicin
  • Immature, tender fruits are harvested.
  • Bitter gourd fruits are rich in iron.
  • If temperature goes above 40°C, induces maleness.
  • Sowing Time: Jan-Feb: in North East India.
  • Fruits ready in 60-70 DAS.


  • Selection
    • Pusa-Do-Mausami
    • Coimbatore long
    • Priyanka
    • Harkani
    • Pusa Vishesh
    • Arka Harit
    • Preethi
    • Konkan Tara — Suitable for export
  • Hybrid
    • Phule Green Gold: Green long x Delhi local
    • Pusa hybrid-I

Summer Squash

  • Botanical Name: Cucurbita pepo
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: Mexico
  • Harvesting stage: At 1/3rd maturity
  • It is also known as bushy cucurbit, ornamental cucurbits.
  • Introduced variety:
    • Patty Pan
    • Australian Green
  • Selection:
    • Early yellow Prolific
  • F1 Hybrid: Pusa Alankar: Chappan x Early yellow prolific

Snake Gourd

  • Botanical Name: Trichosanthes anguina
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: India
  • Bower system of training is best for it.
  • Variety:
    • Konkan Shweta
    • Winter Squash - Vilayati Kaddu
    • Arka Suryamukhi, Pink Banana

Pointed Gourd

  • Botanical Name: Trichosandhus dioca
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: India
  • Propagation by vine cutting @ 2000-2500 cuttings/hac.
  • Fruits are particularly recommended during convalescence (Regains health after illness).
  • 10% male plant is necessary to get high yield.
  • Varieties
    • Bihar Sherif
    • Kalyani
    • Shankolia
    • Swarna Rekha
    • Dandli
    • Damodar
    • Swarna Alaukik
    • Chhota Hilli

Ash Gourd

  • Botanical Name: Benincasa hispida
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: Japan
  • Fruits at maturity have white waxy surface.
  • Annual hipsid (Rough with bristle like hairs).
  • It is also known as Chinese preserving melon.
  • Longest storage life, among cucurbits.
  • Variety
    • Mudlier
    • Pusa Ujjwal


  • Botanical Name: Sechium edule
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: Mexico
  • Single seeded fruit in cucurbits.
  • Most nutritious among cucurbits.
  • Herbaceous, perennial, monoecious, climbing vine.
  • Common name: Chayote, Choco, Askas
  • High Calcium content.
  • Propagation: By fruits (Vivipary)
  • Spine Gourd (Kakrol)
  • Dioecious
  • Propagation by tuberous roots

Ridge Gourd

  • Botanical Name: Luffa acutangula
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: Asia
  • Commercially trained on kniffin system.
  • Used in Bathing Sponge.


  • Pusa Nasdar: Hermaphrodite variety
  • Satputia: Hermaphrodite variety
  • Konkan Harita
  • Punjab Sadabahar
  • Hybrid
    • Surekha
    • Arka Sujat

Sponge Gourd

  • Botanical Name: Luffa cylindrica
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: Asia
  • Sponge Gourd contains higher protein and carotene than ridge gourd.
  • Both Luffa spp. contain, a gelatinous compound called – luffien
  • Fruits are harvested at tender stage.
  • Anthesis: 4-8 am (morning).


  • Pusa Chikni: Selection and early variety
  • Pusa Supriya
  • Phule prajakta
  • Harita: F1 hybrid

Disease in Cucurbits

  • Powdery mildew in cucurbits due to Erysiphe cichoracearum
  • Downey mildew in cucurbits due to Pseudoperanospora cubensis
  • Yellow vine of cucurbits is due to Serratia marcescens
  • Bud necrosis: mostly in water melon, viral, transmitted by Aphids.

Insect-pests of cucurbits

  • Red pumpkin beetle: Raphidopalpa foeicollis
    • Both grub and adult beetle cause damage, the grub damage the plants by boring in to roots and underground stem.
    • But beetle are very destructive to vegetable particularly March-April when creepers are very young.
    • Management:
      • Apply Carbofuran 3 g @ 7.0 kg/ha or Methyl parathion 2% dust @ 20 kg/ha.
      • Spray Malathion 50 EC @ 0.05 %.
  • Cucurbits fruit flies: Bactrocera cucurbitae
    • Maggots feed pulp and seeds infested fruits may fall prematurely & fruit become soft and rotten.
    • It can be controlled by bait spray containing 50 ml of Malathion 35 EC and 0.5 kg Gur/molasses in 50 liters of water for one ha.
  • Cucurbit mite: Tetranychus cucurbitae
    • Known as red spider mite
    • Suck cell sap by making webbing on underside of leaves
    • Damage confined to under surface of leaves
    • It controlled by Dicofol/ Ethion 50 EC @ 1.5 ml/liter

Bottle Gourd

  • Botanical Name: Lagenaria siceraria
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Origin: South Africa
  • Known as “lauki”
  • Seed rate: 3-6 kg/ha
  • Kofta and Petha are most popular preparations from Bottle gourd.
  • It is highly sensitive to photoperiod.
  • Dry shell is used for preparation of musical instrument.
  • Processed product - tooty-fruity.
  • Fruit pulp is very good source of fibre free carbohydrates. (Diabetes)
  • Germination: 25-30°C, Brownish or whitish brown seeds germinate well.
  • High temperature and High N2 induce maleness in Bottle gourd.
  • Heterosis is present through its life cycle in all stages.


  • Selection
    • Pusa Summer Prolific long
    • Pusa Summer Prolific round
    • Arka Bahar
    • Pusa Naveen
    • Punjab Round
    • Punjab long
    • Samrat: Highest Yield
  • Hybrid
    • Punjab Komal
    • Pusa Mangan
    • Pusa Meghdoot: 1st â€Ķ

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