🧅 Onion

Cultivation, Important Points

  • Allium cepa
  • Family: Alliaceae
  • Origin: Central Asia
  • Rich source of Vitamin B Complex.
  • India’s rank 2nd in area and production after China.
  • India’s rank 3rd in export in the world (12% of total world’s export).
  • Netherland is the leading exporter of onion (21%), 2nd → Spain.
  • Onion accounts for 77% of total foreign exchange earning among fresh vegitables.
  • Maharashtra leading state with 23.4% area and 27.5% production under onion.
  • Lassalgoan in Maharashtra is the biggest onion market in India.
  • Potato-Onion/ underground onion/ Multiplier onion – Allium cepa var. aggregatum.
  • Tree onion – Allium cepa var. viviparum.
  • Highly cross pollinated due to protandry. Pollination of onion chiefly by Honey bees.
  • Anthesis at 5 to 9 am.
  • Onion is a cool season crop. Optimum temperature for bulb development is 20-25 °C.
  • Bolting in onion/stem elongation due to low temperature
  • Temperature is more important than day length in seed production.
  • Day length is more important than temperature for bulb production.
  • Zn application (1-3 ppm) increases yield as well as improve quality.
  • Umbellate inflorescence.
  • Flower colour: White or bluish.
  • Pungency in onion due to Allyl propyl di sulphide.
  • Cate chol is a phenolic factor present in onion has antifungal property.
  • Colour of outer skin of onion is due to Quecertin.
  • Quecertin compound presence in onion and garlic protection against cancer and heart disease.
  • Onion is very useful in sun stroke.
  • In onion to check sprouting or germination during storage is spraying Malic Hydrazide @ 2500 ppm 15-20 days after storage.

Seed rate

  • 8-10 kg Seeds/ha for nursery sown to raise seedlings.
  • Or planting by bulbs: 750 kg medium sized bulb/ha.


  • Largest cultivated onion varieties: Orange and Yellow.
  • Introduction:
    • Brown Spanich
    • Early Grano
    • Bermuda Yellow
  • Selection:
    • Pusa Ratnar
    • Pusa Red
    • Pusa White Round
    • N-53
    • Arka Niketan
    • Arka Kalyan
    • Arka Pragati
    • Arka Bindu
    • Nasik Red
    • Agrifound Dark Red
    • Patna Red
    • Bangalore Rose
    • Pusa White Flat: Suitable for dehydration
  • Selfing Variety:
    • Pusa Madhvi
  • Hybrid:
    • Arka Pitambar: White X Red
    • Arka Kirtiman
    • Arka Lalima
  • Kharif season:
    • Arka kalyan
    • Agrifound AFO 2017
    • N-53 & N-241
    • Arka pragati (for both season)
  • Purple blotch resistant varieties:
    • Arka Kalyan
    • Nasik Red
  • Long day variety:
    • Brown Spanish
    • Early Grano: Good for Salad (Both Yellow Coloured variety)
  • Male sterile lines have been isolated in Pusa Red.
  • Arka Bindu and Agrifound Rose are suitable for export.
  • Three variety of onion are recommended for growing as Green Onion:
    • Early Grano
    • Pusa White Flat
    • Pusa White Round
  • Grown as white colour bulb: Bhima shubra
  • Small Onion Varieties:
    • Banglore Rose
    • Arka Bindu
    • Agrifound Red: Pickling type variety.
  • Multiper Onion varieties:
    • Argifound Red
    • CO-3
    • CO-4


  • Thrips
    • Important pest of onion is thrips. It can be controlled by spraying Acephate 1 ml/liter of water.
  • In onion & garlic: Purple blotch due to: Alternaria porii.


  • The garlic flavor is due to sulphur compound: Di allyl di sulphide
  • Allicin is the antibacterial substance of Garlic.
  • Allin water soluble amino acid present in Garlic.
  • Allium cepa
  • Family: Alliaceae
  • Origin: Central Asia
  • Rich source of Vitamin B Complex.
  • India’s rank 2nd in area and production after China.
  • India’s rank 3rd in export in the world (12% of total world’s export).
  • Netherland is the leading exporter of onion (21%), 2nd → Spain.
  • Onion accounts for 77% of total foreign exchange earning among fresh vegitables.
  • Maharashtra leading state with 23.4% area and 27.5% production under onion.
  • Lassalgoan in Maharashtra is the biggest onion market in India.
  • Potato-Onion/ underground onion/ Multiplier onion – Allium cepa var. aggregatum.
  • Tree onion – Allium cepa var. viviparum.
  • Highly cross pollinated due to protandry. Pollination of onion chiefly by Honey bees.
  • Anthesis at 5 to 9 am.
  • Onion is a cool season crop. Optimum temperature for bulb development …

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