ðŸĨ— Other Vegetables

Okra, Pea, Cowpea, Cluster Bean, Palak


  • Botanical Name: Abelmoschus esculantus
  • Family: Malvaceae
  • Origin: Africa
  • Also known as queen of vegetables.
  • Major producing state is West Bengal followed by Bihar.
  • Higher Iodine content helps in controlling goitre.
  • After onion it accounts 70% of the 30% exchange earnings from export of vegetables.
  • Dr. Harbhajan Singh started systematic research work on Bhindi.
  • Resistance to YVMV have been the major breeding objective in Okra.
  • Pusa Sawani is adopted to larger pH range and has tolerance to salinity.
  • Arka Abhay and Pusa-A-4 give quick branching after pruning.
  • Spacing - 45cm x 30 cm
  • Seed rate:
    • For kharif season: 8-10 kg/ha is optimum
    • Hybrid - 2.5 kg/ha
    • For spring - summer the seed rate is 20 kg/ha


  • Selection
    • Pusa Mokhmali
    • Gujrat Behdi No. I
  • Introduction
    • Clemon’s spineless - Introduction
    • Perkins Long Green
  • Hybrid
    • Pusa Sawani: Pusa Mokhmali x IC-1542 : day neutral variety, spinless
    • Punjab Padmani: A. esculentus x A. manihot spp. manihot
    • Parbhani kranti: A. esculentus x A. manihot spp. manihot
    • Arka Anamica: A. esculentus x A. manihot spp. tetraphyllus
    • Arka Abhay: A. esculentus x A. manihot spp. manihot
  • Private sector hybrid: Panchali, Adhunik, Supriya, Varsha
  • Mutant: EMS-8
  • YVMV resistant varieties
    • Arka Anamika
    • Arka Abhay
    • Parbhani kranti
    • Punjab Padmani
    • Pusa Sawani
    • Varsha Upkar
    • Hissar Barsati
  • Pusa: Susceptible to YVMV
  • Pusa-A-4: Resistant to YVMV and tolerant to jassids and fruits and shoot borer
  • Varsha Upkar: Suitable in disease prone areas (YVMV)
  • It is a tropical crop.
  • The roots and sterns are used for clearing cane juice in preparation of Gur.
  • Arka Abhay is a sister line of Arka Anamika.
  • Perkins long green: Suitable for hilly region of North India.
  • Punjab Padmani: Possesses field resistance to YVMV and tolerance to jassids and cotton boll worm.
  • Export standard: 6-8 cm long fruits.
  • At temperature above 42°C, flower bud drops.
  • For normal growth and development of Okra a temperature between 24°C and 28°C is preferred.
  • Okra give 300-500% crop land use efficiency as an intercrop in cassava and cucurbits.
  • Longer fruits are used for fresh market.


  • Yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV)
    • Yellow vein mosaic is due to Virus, transmitted by white fly.
  • Spray systemic insecticides like Methyl demeton or Dimethoate @ 2 ml / l to kill the insect vector, whitefly.


  • Jassid is most serious pest of Okra.
  • Major pest of okra is Fruit borer (Earias vilella)
  • Blister beetle: Mylabris pustulata


  • Pisum sativam
  • Family: Leguminacae
  • Garden pea is Pisum sativam var. hortense
  • Pea is rich source of protein, about 25 %.
  • State which is first in area and production of pea is UP
  • In India pea is the most popular canned vegetable
  • Maturity of pea is measured by Tendrometer
  • Stem borer of pea: Erizophera particella.
  • Powdery mildew of pea: Erysiphe polygon
  • Seed rate: 75-80 kg/ha


  • Azad P-1
  • Jawahar mator-1 (susceptible to powdery mildew)
  • Bonneville (suitable for dehydration)
  • Arkel (sickle shaped pods)
  • Sylvia (whole pod is edible)
  • Arka Ajit (resistant to powdery mildew)
  • Harbhajan (extra early variety)
  • Hissar harit-1
  • Aparna/HFP-4: First dwarf variety
  • Rachna (powdery mildew resistant)


  • Family: Legumenosaea
  • Native place: Africa
  • Seed rate for rainy season is 12-15 kg/ha
  • For summer vegetable: 20-25 kg/ha
  • For fodder purpose: 20-30 kg/ha
  • Pest of cow pea is pod fly: Opkitnnyia phaseoil


  • Pusa barsati
  • Pusa dofasali
  • Pusa rituraj
  • Pusa komal
  • Kansi gouri
  • Pusa phalguni (dwarf variety)

Cluster bean

  • Cyamopsis tetragonalaba
  • Rajasthan is first in production and area of cluster bean
  • It is used as cattle feeds and fodder, making gum, resins and explosive.
  • But immature pods are also used as green vegetable.

Varieties of cluter bean as green consumption:

  • Pusa sadabahar
  • Pusa mosami
  • Durgapura safed
  • Pusa navbahar

Palak (Spinach)

  • Beta vulgaris var heagaleasis
  • Seed rate: 20-25 kg/ha


  • Punjab green
  • All green
  • Pusa harit
  • Pusa jyoti
  • Jobner green (mutant variety)
  • Pusa bharti: (Polyploid)


  • Botanical Name: Abelmoschus esculantus
  • Family: Malvaceae
  • Origin: Africa
  • Also known as queen of vegetables.
  • Major producing state is West Bengal followed by Bihar.
  • Higher Iodine content helps in controlling goitre.
  • After onion it accounts 70% of the 30% exchange earnings from export of vegetables.
  • Dr. Harbhajan Singh started systematic research work on Bhindi.
  • Resistance to YVMV have been the major breeding objective in Okra.
  • Pusa Sawani is adopted to larger pH range and has tolerance to salinity.
  • Arka Abhay and Pusa-A-4 give quick branching after pruning.
  • Spacing - 45cm x 30 cm
  • Seed rate:
    • For kharif season: 8-10 kg/ha is optimum
    • Hybrid - 2.5 kg/ha
    • For spring - summer the seed rate is 20 kg/ha


  • Selection
    • Pusa Mokhmali
    • Gujrat Behdi No. I
  • Introduction â€Ķ

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