🥑 Bael
Important points, varities, pests

- Botanical Name:
Aegle marmelos
- Family:
- Origin: India
- Other names: Bengal quince, Indian quince, Golden apple, Wood Apple.
- It is a sacred tree for Hindus. Leaves are used to offer ‘Lord Shiva’.
- Unripe or half ripe fruit contains 31.3% - 31.8% carbohydrates, 1.8% proteins and 2.9% fibre.
- Richest source of Vitamin-B1 (Riboflavin).
- Marmelosin - Active ingredient present in Bael, extracted from bark.
- It can withstand sodicity upto 30 ESP and salinity upto 9 EC.
- Varieties: Kagzi Gonda, Kagzi Etawah, Kagzi Banarasi, Mitzapuri.
- Mature green fruits are ideal for harvesting.
- Ripe fruits are used for beverage making, hence they should be harvested at ripe stage.
- Mature green or raw fruits are most suitable for making preserve.
- Storage temperature: 9 °C + 85-90% RH.