🍪 Classification

Fruit morphology, Classification of fruits

Types of fruits

Fruit Morphology

  • A fruit consists of pericarp and seeds. Seeds are fertilized and ripened ovules.
  • The pericarp develops from the ovary wall and may be dry or fleshy.
  • When fleshy, the pericarp is differentiated into outer epicarp, middle mesocarp and inner endocarp.
  • So, most of the flowers are developed in the following way:

👉🏻 On the basis of the above-mentioned features, fruits are usually classified into 3 main groups:

Simple fruits

  • When a single fruit develops from a single ovary of a single flower, it is called a simple fruit.
  • Examples: Banana, ⭐️ Grapes, Papaya, Avacado etc.
  • Simple fruits are of two types:
    • Dry Fruits
    • Succulent fruits (fleshy fruits)

Dry fruits

  • These fruits are not fleshy, and their pericarp (fruit wall) is not distinguished into three layers.
  • Dry fruits classification:
    • Dehiscent fruits (capsular fruits)
      • Characteristic of these fruits is that their pericarp rupture after ripening and the seeds are disseminated.
    • Indehiscent fruits (Achenial fruits)
      • As their name indicates, pericarp of such fruits does not rupture on ripening and the seeds remain inside.
    • Schizocarpic fruits (Splitting fruits)
      • These fruits fall in between the above-mentioned two categories. Here, the fruit on ripening divides into one-seeded segments or mericarp; but the mericarps remain un-ruptured.

Succulent fruits (fleshy fruits)

  • In these fruits pericarp is distinguished into pericarp, mesocarp and endocarp.
  • Mesocarp is fleshy or fibrous.
  • These fruits are indehiscent, and seeds are liberated after the decay of the flesh.
  • Succulent fruits can be classified into Drupe, Pome and Berrie.


  • The pericarp or fruit wall is differentiated into thin epicarp (skin), fleshy mesocarp and stony endocarp.
  • Hence it is also called as stone fruit, e.g. Mango, Jamun, Coffee, Coconut, Almond, Plum, Peach etc.
  • In mango, mesocarp is juicy and edible.
  • In coconut mesocarp is fibrous and edible part is the endosperm. The nuclear endosperm which is suspended within the water of the coconut, develops and forms the edible coconut flesh.
  • In almond, epicarp and mesocarp get peeled off and only hard endocarp can be seen in marketed fruits. The edible part is cotyledons.


  • It is a simple, fleshy but false fruit as it is surrounded by a fleshy thalamus which is edible while actual fruit lies within.
  • E.g. Apple, Pear, Loquat etc.


  • Berry is a fleshy fruit in which there is no hard part except the seeds.
  • Pericarp may be differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp.
  • One or other of these layers may form pulp in which seeds are embedded which generally gets detached from the placenta.
  • Examples: Banana, Papaya, Grape, Date Palm, Arecanut and Guava.
  • The following are some fruits which show variations from the normal Berry:
    • Pepo: Watermelon (Cucurbits)
    • Hesperidium: Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons
    • Amphisarca: Bael
    • Balusta: Pomegranate

Aggregate fruits

  • They develop from the apocarpous ovaries of a single flower. Thus, from one flower, many fruits develop.
  • Example: Eteario of berries, Custard Apple, Raspberry

Multiple or Composite Fruits

  • A fruit developing from a complete inflorescence is called a multiple or a composite fruit. i.e. many flowers — single fruit.
  • Examples: Pineapple (Sorosis) AFO-2021, Fig (Synconus), Jackfruit, Mulberry etc.


  • Nuts: Litchi & Cashew
  • Capsule: Okra and Aonla

Ediable Part of Fruits

Commonly Known as

Important families of fruit crops

Fruiting Pattern

  • Lateral bearing cultivars develop fruits on side small branches after three or four years of planting and bear heavily.
    • Ex. Mango
  • In comparison to lateral bearing, tip bearing plants develop fruit on tips of one year old shoots after six or more years and produces yield smaller than lateral bearing cultivars.
    • Ex. Plum, Pear, Ber, Guava etc.

Types of fruits

Fruit Morphology

  • A fruit consists of pericarp and seeds. Seeds are fertilized and ripened ovules.
  • The pericarp develops from the ovary wall and may be dry or fleshy.
  • When fleshy, the pericarp is differentiated into outer epicarp, middle mesocarp and inner endocarp.
  • So, most of the flowers are developed in the following way:

👉🏻 On the basis of the above-mentioned features, fruits are usually classified into 3 main groups:

Simple fruits

  • When a single fruit develops from a single ovary of a single flower, it is called a simple fruit.
  • Examples: Banana, ⭐️ Grapes, Papaya, Avacado etc.
  • Simple fruits are of two types:
    • Dry Fruits
    • Succulent fruits (fleshy fruits)

Dry fruits

  • These fruits are not fleshy, and their pericarp (fruit wall) is not distinguished into …

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