🍅 Pomegranate

Important points, varities, pests

  • Botanical Name: Punica grananun
  • Family: Punicaceae
  • Origin: Iran
  • It is highly drought tolerant among fruit crops.
  • Pigment responsible for the red colour in pomegranate fruits is Anthocyanin.
  • India has first position in the world with respect to pomegranate area and production.
  • In India Maharashtra is the leading state in area and production followed by KR, AP, GJ, TN and RAJ.
  • Juice of pomegranate is useful for patient suffering from leprosy.
  • July-August is ideal time of planting in tropics.
  • Wild type Anar is known is Daru.
  • Presently Bhagawa is the leading variety of pomegranate cultivation in India especially in Maharashtra.
  • Propagated by stem cutting (Hardwood Cutting) and air layering (Gootee).
  • Wood younger than 6 months and older than 18 months is unsuitable for cutting.
  • Multi stem training system is followed in India.
  • Anti-transpirants such as 10% kaolin, 10-5 m phenyl mercuric acetate, 1.5% power oil, 1% liquid paraffin is beneficial for increasing its productivity.
  • Summer crop maximum demand.
  • Root treatment with 3000 ppm IBA gives maximum survival.
  • Bahar treatment is followed in pomegranate.
  • Ambe bahar is most commonly preferred by the growers because of high yield as compared to other flowering season.
  • More incidence of fruit cracking (Internal break down) takes place in mrig bahar season.


  • Solapur Lal
  • Muskati red
  • Paper shelled
  • Alandi
  • Karadi
  • Madhugiri
  • Bassein seedless
  • Chawla
  • Country large red
  • Spanish Ruby
  • Muskat
  • Nabha
  • G-137: Clonal selection from Ganesh.
  • P-26: Seedling selection from muscat.
  • Jyoli: Bassein seedless x Dholka


  • Ruby: Ganesh x Kabul x Yercaud
  • Soft seeded var: 1. Jyothi 2. Ganesh 3. Bassein seedless 4. Paper shell
  • Hard seeded var: 1. Khandhari 2. Alandi


  • Anar butterfly: Virachola isocrates
  • Serious pest of pomegranate
  • Pencil size bored holes can be seen on fruits from which larval excreta comes out continuously.
  • It is managed by Covering of fruits with butter paper.
  • Spray Carbaryl 50 WP @ 2-4 g/liter or Methomyl 40 SP @ 1.0 ml/l or Monocrotophos 36 SL @ 1 ml/liter spray on plants.
  • Fruit fly:
    • Bactrocera zonata
    • Minor pest of pomegranate
  • Fruit sucking moth:
    • Othreis spp.


  • Bacterial blight:
    • Caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae
  • Also known as nodal blight or black spot
  • In Maharashtra commonly known as oily spot or Telya.

Physiological disorder

  • Fruit cracking:
    • Due to B deficiency.
  • More in Rajasthan (dry areas).
  • Managed by spray of Borax @ 0.5 %.

Internal breakdown

  • Disintegration of arils in matured pomegranate.
  • Arils become brown and blackening.
  • The incidence is more in ambe bahar (Jan - June)
  • Botanical Name: Punica grananun
  • Family: Punicaceae
  • Origin: Iran
  • It is highly drought tolerant among fruit crops.
  • Pigment responsible for the red colour in pomegranate fruits is Anthocyanin.
  • India has first position in the world with respect to pomegranate area and production.
  • In India Maharashtra is the leading state in area and production followed by KR, AP, GJ, TN and RAJ.
  • Juice of pomegranate is useful for patient suffering from leprosy.
  • July-August is ideal time of planting in tropics.
  • Wild type Anar is known is Daru.
  • Presently Bhagawa is the leading variety of pomegranate cultivation in India especially in Maharashtra.
  • Propagated by stem cutting (Hardwood Cutting) and air layering (Gootee).
  • Wood younger than 6 months and older than 18 months is unsuitable for cutting.
  • Multi stem …

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