🔥 Basics
Defination, Types of Respiration
- Respiration is the breaking down of organic substances viz. carbohydrates, fats and proteins into carbon dioxide, water & energy.
- Energy output is the chief product of respiration.
- Energy outut through
- Slow oxidation of organic food
- Exothermic
- Release of energy = conserved in chemical energy.
- Respiration = oxidation of foods in living cells.
- Nature of respiration:
means both catabolic and anabolic.

👉🏻 Conclusion: Respiration is a special type of combustion.
Respiration Means
- Oxidation of food
- Complex compound to simple compound
- Exothermic (Release of heat)
- Release of hydrogen
- Output of H in phases
- Energy conserved
- Enzymatically controlled
- At low temp
- In living cells
👉🏻 Respiratory subtract may be carbohydrates, fats and in certain condition proteins.

- Proteins are utilized only when carbohydrates or fats are not available.
- The first phase of respiration during which carbohydrates were used up had been termed by Blackman as the Floating respiration.
- The second phase of respiration in which protoplasmic proteins were used up had been termed by Blackman as the Protoplasmic respiration.
- Most common respiratory substrate is glucose:
C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O → 6CO2 + 12H2O + Energy 🔥
Types of Respiration
- Aerobic
- Anaerobic = Fermentation
- Animal respiration is essentially aerobic process and ceases altogether if oxygen is absent.
- Fermentation is the form of anaerobic respiration carried on by some fungi and bacteria. Substrate of fermentation is present outside the cell and is in the liquid medium.
- According to pfeffer, ordinary aerobic respiration occurs in two stages:
- Splitting of sugar by a no. of steps into alcohol and CO2
Sugar → → → → Alcohol + CO2
- Oxidation of alcohol or some intermediate product by atmospheric oxygen into CO2 and H2O oxidation.
- Here, first stage is independent of O2 and in fact it is anaerobic respiration. It means anaerobic respiration is the first part of aerobic respiration.

- Anaerobic Respiration is also called
intra-cellular respiration
. UPPSC 2021