Agriculture Experts 🦈

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The mission of is simple…

Create practical content and resources that increase happiness 😁 and productivity 🚀.

📜 Manifesto

1. 🤗 Student Happiness and Productivity

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We cover each and every topic which can be asked in the exam in a concise way. You don’t have to make any notes, we have crfted our content in such a way that you just have to read the matterial provided by us. Don’t waste your time in bulky books and photocopy notes.

2. 🤝🏼 Harmanize the concepts

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing - Socrates

We designed our courses in such a way that it start with basics and goes to advance in a logical and smooth way.

3. 🍞 Embrace Simplicity, Ignore Hype

I have great expectations for the future, because the past was highly overrated - Sylvester Stallone

Many people create unnecessary hype about there courses through various platforms even they don’t understand concepts themself. Our top notch faculty have crafted each and every line with most authenticity. So that you don’t have to worry in exams.

4. 🧰 Course are just a way not the end.

However tight things are, you still need to have the big picture at the forefront of your mind. - Richard Branson

Our courses are designed according to the latest IBPS AFO and NABARD exams. You will get all the content but now its your responsibility to complete your course in time and schedule as dicussed in the courses. Buying a course is just 1% rest 99% is your efforts. We have reduced your efforts already but in the end you have to watch video and study all notes.

5. 🚀 Excell in Exams

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. - Confucius

Daily cover 2 - 3 lessons. No matter how slow you go, your routine will ultimately place you in a good position.

Become Part of Our Team 🧑‍🔬

Educators at AgriDots have:

📼 Story Telling Skills

⌨️ 2+ years of experience

🛠️ Demystify Hard Topics

🔥 JRF or NET qualified

🥑 Passion for Agriculture

☕ Content contributor to Reaserch papers, magazines

⚡ Loves things fast & efficient

👉🏻 Send your detailed CV on ✉️
